Structural Classification of Proteins
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Protein: Immunoglobulin light chain kappa constant domain, CL-kappa from Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]

SQ NA # humanized antibody ! SQ P01834 # KAC_HUMAN Ig kappa chain C region ! SQ P01834 # KAC_HUMAN Ig kappa chain C region. ! SQ NA # engineered antibody
including humanized antibodies (chimeric proteins with human constant domains)


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: All beta proteins [48724]
  3. Fold: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725]
    sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key
    some members of the fold have additional strands
  4. Superfamily: Immunoglobulin [48726]
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily
  5. Family: C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like) [48942]
  6. Protein: Immunoglobulin light chain kappa constant domain, CL-kappa [88566]
  7. Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [88569]
    SQ NA # humanized antibody ! SQ P01834 # KAC_HUMAN Ig kappa chain C region ! SQ P01834 # KAC_HUMAN Ig kappa chain C region. ! SQ NA # engineered antibody
    including humanized antibodies (chimeric proteins with human constant domains)

PDB Entry Domains:

  1. 1c5c picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized catalytic Fab 21D8 with a decarboxylase activity
    complexed with gol, tk4
    1. region l:108-214 [21438] picpiclink
  2. 1um5 picpicxrefxrefxref
    complexed with ss1
    1. region l:110-217 [113305] picpiclink
  3. 2fx7 picpicxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha2
    complexed with gol; mutant
    1. region l:108-213 [134279] picpiclink
  4. 1jpt picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab D3H44 against human tissue factor
    1. region l:108-213 [67054] picpiclink
  5. 1l7i picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized anti-ERBb2 Fab 2C4
    complexed with so4
    1. region l:108-214 [73659] picpiclink
  6. 1n7m picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of metal chelatase catalytic Fab 7G12; germline antibody; chain identifiers are probably mixed up
    complexed with mmp
    1. region h:108-213 [80253] picpiclink
  7. 1jps picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab D3H44 against human tissue factor
    1. region l:108-213 [67048] picpiclink
  8. 1um4 picpicxrefxrefxref
    complexed with sh4
    1. region l:110-217 [113301] picpiclink
  9. 1n0x picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of an anti HIV-1 Fab
    complexed with cxs, gol, k, orn, so4
    1. region l:108-214 [91533] picpiclink
    2. region m:108-214 [91535] picpiclink
  10. 1t3f picpicxrefxrefxref
    1. region a:109-214 [112229] picpiclink
  11. 1rz7 picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of anti HIV-1 gp120-reactive Fab 48D
    complexed with gol
    1. region l:108-213 [98136] picpiclink
  12. 2nxy picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with hez, nag, trs; mutant
    1. region c:2110-2214 [138748] picpiclink
  13. 2ny2 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with edo, hez, nag, suc; mutant
    1. region c:2110-2214 [138773] picpiclink
  14. 1op3 picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab 2G12
    complexed with box, man
    1. region k:108-212 [87211] picpiclink
    2. region l:108-212 [87213] picpiclink
  15. 1tjg picpicxrefxrefxref
    complexed with egl, ioh, ycm
    1. region l:108-214 [112449] picpiclink
  16. 1iqd picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab BO2C11 against the C2 domain of factor VIII
    1. region a:109-212 [62645] picpiclink
  17. 2brr picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1hzhl2
    complexed with acy, nh2, so4
    1. region l:108-214 [129012] picpiclink
  18. 2brr picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1hzhl2
    complexed with acy, nh2, so4
    1. region x:108-214 [129014] picpiclink
  19. 1rzg picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of anti HIV-1 gp120-reactive Fab 412D
    complexed with suc
    1. region b:108-213 [98157] picpiclink
    2. region d:108-214 [98161] picpiclink
  20. 1um6 picpicxrefxrefxref
    1. region l:110-217 [113309] picpiclink
  21. 2ny3 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with nag, suc; mutant
    1. region c:2110-2214 [138779] picpiclink
  22. 2ny4 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with hez, nag, suc; mutant
    1. region c:2110-2214 [138785] picpiclink
  23. 1c5b picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized catalytic Fab 21D8 with a decarboxylase activity
    1. region l:108-214 [21440] picpiclink
  24. 1tjh picpicxrefxrefxref
    complexed with ace, egl, ioh, nh2, ycm
    1. region l:108-214 [112453] picpiclink
  25. 1tji picpicxrefxrefxref
    complexed with egl, ioh, nh2, ycm
    1. region l:108-214 [112457] picpiclink
  26. 1rhh picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of HIV-1 neutralizing Fab x5
    1. region a:107-213 [97474] picpiclink
    2. region c:107-213 [97478] picpiclink
  27. 2f5b picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of HIV-1 neutralizing Fab 2F5
    1. region l:108-214 [88509] picpiclink
  28. 2ny1 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with nag, suc; mutant
    1. region c:2110-2214 [138767] picpiclink
  29. 2nxz picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with edo, hez, ipa, nag, suc; mutant
    1. region c:2110-2214 [138754] picpiclink
  30. 1ce1 picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized therapeutic antibody CAMPATH-1H
    1. region l:108-211 [21310] picpiclink
  31. 1gaf picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab 48G7
    complexed with npe
    1. region l:110-214 [21114] picpiclink
  32. 1vge picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab TR1.9
    1. region l:108-214 [21126] picpiclink
  33. 1aj7 picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab 48G7
    complexed with npe
    1. region l:110-214 [21116] picpiclink
  34. 2fx9 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha2
    complexed with orq
    1. region l:108-213 [134301] picpiclink
  35. 2fx9 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha2
    complexed with orq
    1. region m:108-213 [134303] picpiclink
  36. 1d5i picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized oxy-cope catalytic Fab az-28
    1. region l:108-211 [21210] picpiclink
  37. 2f5a picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of HIV-1 neutralizing Fab 2F5
    1. region l:108-213 [88505] picpiclink
  38. 2rcs picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab 48G7
    1. region l:110-214 [21118] picpiclink
  39. 1u8i picpicxrefxrefxref
    1. region a:108-214 [113133] picpiclink
  40. 1tzg picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha2
    complexed with gol
    1. region l:108-213 [119401] picpiclink
  41. 1tzg picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha2
    complexed with gol
    1. region m:108-213 [119403] picpiclink
  42. 3dgg picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1h3pl2
    complexed with mg
    1. region a:111-217 [157715] picpiclink
  43. 3dgg picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1h3pl2
    complexed with mg
    1. region c:111-215 [157718] picpiclink
  44. 1d6v picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized oxy-cope catalytic Fab az-28
    1. region l:108-211 [21212] picpiclink
  45. 1fl5 picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized catalytic Fab 28b4 with a sulfide oxidase activity
    complexed with so4; mutant
    1. region l:108-212 [65022] picpiclink
    2. region a:108-212 [65016] picpiclink
  46. 1u8h picpicxrefxrefxref
    1. region a:108-214 [113129] picpiclink
  47. 1u8k picpicxrefxrefxref
    1. region a:108-214 [113141] picpiclink
  48. 2ny0 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with hez, nag; mutant
    1. region c:2110-2214 [138761] picpiclink
  49. 2fx8 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha2
    1. region l:108-213 [134289] picpiclink
  50. 2fx8 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha2
    1. region m:108-213 [134291] picpiclink
  51. 2fx8 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha2
    1. region n:108-213 [134293] picpiclink
  52. 2fx8 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha2
    1. region o:108-213 [134295] picpiclink
  53. 1yym picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with edo, ipa, mpt, nag, ndg, vlm; mutant
    1. region l:108-212 [124236] picpiclink
  54. 1yym picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with edo, ipa, mpt, nag, ndg, vlm; mutant
    1. region q:1108-1212 [124239] picpiclink
  55. 2i5y picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with bif, mpt, nag, ndg, vlm
    1. region l:108-212 [137075] picpiclink
  56. 2i5y picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with bif, mpt, nag, ndg, vlm
    1. region q:108-212 [137078] picpiclink
  57. 1u95 picpicxrefxrefxref
    1. region a:108-214 [113229] picpiclink
  58. 2ny7 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1hzhl2
    complexed with nag; mutant
    1. region l:108-214 [138803] picpiclink
  59. 1u8j picpicxrefxrefxref
    1. region a:108-214 [113137] picpiclink
  60. 1dn0 picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab Kau cold agglutinin IgM
    1. region a:108-215 [20934] picpiclink
    2. region c:108-215 [20936] picpiclink
  61. 1om3 picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab 2G12
    1. region l:108-213 [87064] picpiclink
    2. region m:108-213 [87066] picpiclink
  62. 1i7z picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab GNC92H2
    complexed with coc
    1. region a:108-214 [61920] picpiclink
    2. region c:108-214 [61924] picpiclink
  63. 1ad0 picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab A5B7
    1. region a:108-213 [21154] picpiclink
    2. region c:108-213 [21156] picpiclink
  64. 3fct picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of metal chelatase catalytic Fab 7G12; mature antibody
    complexed with ca, cd, mg, mmp, na
    1. region a:108-213 [21366] picpiclink
    2. region c:108-213 [21368] picpiclink
  65. 1bj1 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab-12 neutralizing VEGF
    complexed with so4
    1. region l:108-213 [21314] picpiclink
    2. region j:108-213 [21316] picpiclink
  66. 1u8q picpicxrefxrefxref
    1. region a:108-214 [113165] picpiclink
  67. 1u91 picpicxrefxrefxref
    1. region a:108-214 [113217] picpiclink
  68. 1u92 picpicxrefxrefxref
    1. region a:108-214 [113221] picpiclink
  69. 1u8m picpicxrefxrefxref
    1. region a:108-214 [113149] picpiclink
  70. 1y0l picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with cl, han
    1. region a:108-212 [122487] picpiclink
  71. 1y0l picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with cl, han
    1. region c:108-212 [122491] picpiclink
  72. 1y0l picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with cl, han
    1. region e:108-212 [122495] picpiclink
  73. 1y0l picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with cl, han
    1. region l:108-212 [122501] picpiclink
  74. 1rz8 picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of anti HIV-1 gp120-reactive Fab 17B
    1. region a:110-212 [98138] picpiclink
    2. region c:110-212 [98142] picpiclink
  75. 1u8n picpicxrefxrefxref
    1. region a:108-214 [113153] picpiclink
  76. 3cfk picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with b3p, cd, gol; mutant
    1. region a:108-212 [156582] picpiclink
  77. 3cfk picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with b3p, cd, gol; mutant
    1. region c:108-212 [156586] picpiclink
  78. 3cfk picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with b3p, cd, gol; mutant
    1. region e:108-212 [156590] picpiclink
  79. 3cfk picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with b3p, cd, gol; mutant
    1. region g:108-212 [156594] picpiclink
  80. 3cfk picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with b3p, cd, gol; mutant
    1. region j:108-212 [156600] picpiclink
  81. 3cfk picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with b3p, cd, gol; mutant
    1. region l:108-212 [156604] picpiclink
  82. 3cfk picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with b3p, cd, gol; mutant
    1. region m:108-212 [156606] picpiclink
  83. 3cfk picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with b3p, cd, gol; mutant
    1. region o:108-212 [156610] picpiclink
  84. 2i60 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with ipa, mpt, nag, ndg, vlm
    1. region l:108-212 [137085] picpiclink
  85. 2i60 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with ipa, mpt, nag, ndg, vlm
    1. region q:108-212 [137088] picpiclink
  86. 2ny5 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with nag, suc; mutant
    1. region l:2110-2214 [138793] picpiclink
  87. 3cfj picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    1. region a:108-212 [156566] picpiclink
  88. 3cfj picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    1. region c:108-212 [156570] picpiclink
  89. 3cfj picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    1. region e:108-212 [156574] picpiclink
  90. 3cfj picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    1. region l:108-212 [156580] picpiclink
  91. 1ucb picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab CBR96
    complexed with so4
    1. region l:109-214 [21132] picpiclink
  92. 1pg7 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab D3H44 against human tissue factor
    1. region l:108-213 [94679] picpiclink
    2. region m:108-213 [94681] picpiclink
  93. 1fvd picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab 4D5, herceptin
    1. region a:108-214 [20962] picpiclink
    2. region c:108-214 [20964] picpiclink
  94. 1u93 picpicxrefxrefxref
    1. region a:108-214 [113225] picpiclink
  95. 1u8l picpicxrefxrefxref
    1. region a:108-214 [113145] picpiclink
  96. 1cz8 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab-12 neutralizing VEGF; affinity matured
    complexed with so4; mutant
    1. region l:108-213 [21318] picpiclink
    2. region x:108-213 [21320] picpiclink
  97. 1hkl picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab 48G7
    1. region l:110-214 [21120] picpiclink
  98. 1a4j picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Diels-Alder catalytic Fab
    1. region l:113-217 [21242] picpiclink
    2. region a:113-217 [21244] picpiclink
  99. 1g9m picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of HIV-1 neutralizing Fab 17B; binds to the CD4-induced state of gp120
    complexed with fuc, ioh, nag; mutant
    1. region l:110-214 [21262] picpiclink
  100. 1rzj picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of anti HIV-1 gp120-reactive Fab 17B
    complexed with fuc, ioh, nag; mutant
    1. region l:110-212 [98204] picpiclink
  101. 1yyl picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with bif, mpt, nag, ndg, vlm; mutant
    1. region l:108-212 [124226] picpiclink
  102. 1yyl picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with bif, mpt, nag, ndg, vlm; mutant
    1. region q:1108-1212 [124229] picpiclink
  103. 1bz7 picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab R24 from murine ascites
    1. region a:108-206 [21374] picpiclink
  104. 1dee picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of IgM RF 2A2
    1. region a:108-214 [21408] picpiclink
    2. region c:1108-1214 [21410] picpiclink
    3. region e:2108-2214 [21412] picpiclink
  105. 1u6a picpicxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha2
    1. region l:108-213 [119567] picpiclink
  106. 3dvg picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    1. region a:110-214 [157889] picpiclink
  107. 3dvn picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    1. region a:110-214 [157895] picpiclink
  108. 3dvn picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    1. region l:110-214 [157901] picpiclink
  109. 1a4k picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Diels-Alder catalytic Fab
    complexed with cd, fra
    1. region l:113-212 [21246] picpiclink
    2. region a:113-211 [21248] picpiclink
  110. 1mim picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of CD25-binding humanized Fab CHI621
    1. region l:106-210 [21158] picpiclink
  111. 1b6d picpicxref
    part of Bence-Jones protein DEL
    1. region a:108-212 [21510] picpiclink
    2. region b:108-212 [21511] picpiclink
  112. 1hez picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of IgM RF 2A2
    complexed with imd
    1. region a:108-214 [60984] picpiclink
    2. region c:108-214 [60988] picpiclink
  113. 1fl6 picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized catalytic Fab 28b4 with a sulfide oxidase activity
    complexed with aah; mutant
    1. region l:108-212 [65030] picpiclink
    2. region a:108-212 [65024] picpiclink
  114. 1ad9 picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab CTM01
    complexed with so4
    1. region l:108-213 [21224] picpiclink
    2. region a:108-213 [21226] picpiclink
  115. 2qsc picpicxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha2
    complexed with bma, cl, nag, zn
    1. region l:108-214 [151317] picpiclink
  116. 1fve picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab 4D5, herceptin
    1. region a:108-214 [20966] picpiclink
    2. region c:108-214 [20968] picpiclink
  117. 1tzh picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    1. region a:108-211 [107478] picpiclink
    2. region l:108-211 [107484] picpiclink
  118. 1dfb picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab 3D6
    1. region l:107-212 [20920] picpiclink
  119. 1gc1 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of HIV-1 neutralizing Fab 17B; binds to the CD4-induced state of gp120
    complexed with fuc, nag; mutant
    1. region l:110-213 [21264] picpiclink
  120. 1n8z picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab 4D5, herceptin
    complexed with nag, so4
    1. region a:108-214 [80319] picpiclink
  121. 1cly picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab CBR96
    complexed with fuc, gal, nag, non
    1. region l:109-214 [21134] picpiclink
  122. 1mhp picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized anti-alpha1 integrin I-domain Fab
    complexed with mn; mutant
    1. region l:107-213 [84970] picpiclink
  123. 1hzh picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of intact IgG B12 antibody
    complexed with fuc, gal, man, nag
    1. region l:108-214 [61446] picpiclink
    2. region m:108-214 [61448] picpiclink
  124. 1u8o picpicxrefxrefxref
    1. region a:108-214 [113157] picpiclink
  125. 1y18 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with cl, han; mutant
    1. region a:108-212 [122522] picpiclink
  126. 1y18 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with cl, han; mutant
    1. region c:108-212 [122526] picpiclink
  127. 1y18 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with cl, han; mutant
    1. region e:108-212 [122530] picpiclink
  128. 1y18 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with cl, han; mutant
    1. region l:108-212 [122536] picpiclink
  129. 2agj picpicxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha2
    complexed with nag
    1. region l:109-215 [126728] picpiclink
  130. 2ny6 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    complexed with nag, suc; mutant
    1. region c:2110-2214 [138797] picpiclink
  131. 1t04 picpicxrefxrefxref
    1. region a:109-214 [112183] picpiclink
    2. region c:109-214 [112187] picpiclink
  132. 1u8p picpicxrefxrefxref
    1. region a:108-214 [113161] picpiclink
  133. 1b2w picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of a humanized anti-gamma-interferon Fab
    1. region l:108-214 [21298] picpiclink
  134. 1uwe picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of catalytic Fab 14d9
    1. region l:108-212 [100106] picpiclink
    2. region u:108-212 [100108] picpiclink
    3. region x:108-212 [100112] picpiclink
  135. 1axs picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized oxy-cope catalytic Fab az-28
    complexed with cd, hop
    1. region l:108-211 [21214] picpiclink
    2. region a:108-211 [21216] picpiclink
  136. 2fgw picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab H52
    1. region l:109-214 [20956] picpiclink
  137. 1qlr picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab Kau cold agglutinin IgM
    complexed with fuc, nag
    1. region a:108-214 [20938] picpiclink
    2. region c:108-214 [20940] picpiclink
  138. 1uwg picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of catalytic Fab 14d9
    complexed with kha, po4
    1. region l:108-213 [100118] picpiclink
    2. region x:108-213 [100120] picpiclink
  139. 1bbj picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab B72.3
    1. region l:110-211 [20894] picpiclink
  140. 1bbj picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    duplicate of 1BBJ L:110-211
    1. region a:110-211 [118419] picpiclink
  141. 1it9 picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized anti-human Fas Fab HFE7A
    1. region l:112-214 [76786] picpiclink
  142. 1d5b picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized oxy-cope catalytic Fab az-28
    1. region l:108-211 [21218] picpiclink
    2. region a:108-211 [21220] picpiclink
  143. 1rzk picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of anti HIV-1 gp120-reactive Fab 17B
    complexed with nag; mutant
    1. region l:110-212 [98211] picpiclink
  144. 1g9n picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of HIV-1 neutralizing Fab 17B; binds to the CD4-induced state of gp120
    complexed with nag; mutant
    1. region l:110-214 [21266] picpiclink
  145. 1tzi picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    1. region a:108-211 [107488] picpiclink
  146. 1pkq picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab 8-18c5
    1. region a:108-213 [88149] picpiclink
    2. region f:108-210 [88154] picpiclink
  147. 1rzi picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of anti HIV-1 gp120-reactive Fab 47E
    1. region a:108-213 [98167] picpiclink
    2. region c:108-213 [98171] picpiclink
    3. region e:108-213 [98175] picpiclink
    4. region g:108-213 [98179] picpiclink
    5. region i:108-213 [98183] picpiclink
    6. region k:108-213 [98187] picpiclink
    7. region m:108-213 [98191] picpiclink
    8. region o:108-213 [98195] picpiclink
  148. 1i9r picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab 5C8 against C40 ligand
    complexed with zn
    1. region l:112-215 [71156] picpiclink
    2. region m:112-215 [71158] picpiclink
    3. region y:112-215 [71162] picpiclink
  149. 1bey picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of antibody to CAMPATH-1H humanized Fab
    1. region l:108-214 [21312] picpiclink
  150. 2qr0 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    1. region a:108-211 [151235] picpiclink
  151. 2qr0 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    1. region e:108-211 [151241] picpiclink
  152. 2qr0 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    1. region g:108-211 [151245] picpiclink
  153. 2qr0 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    1. region k:108-211 [151251] picpiclink
  154. 2qr0 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    1. region m:108-211 [151255] picpiclink
  155. 2qr0 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    1. region q:108-211 [151261] picpiclink
  156. 2qr0 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    1. region s:108-211 [151265] picpiclink
  157. 2qr0 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml2
    1. region w:108-211 [151271] picpiclink
  158. 2b4c picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha2
    complexed with fuc, nag, ndg, so4, xyl; mutant
    1. region l:108-214 [127825] picpiclink
  159. 1op5 picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab 2G12
    complexed with man, nag
    1. region k:108-213 [87219] picpiclink
    2. region l:108-213 [87221] picpiclink
  160. 1s78 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of anti-ERBb2 Fab Pertuzumab
    complexed with man, nag
    1. region c:108-214 [98625] picpiclink
    2. region e:108-214 [98629] picpiclink
  161. 1ngz picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of metal chelatase catalytic Fab 7G12; chimeric germline antibody
    1. region a:108-213 [80501] picpiclink
  162. 1ngx picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of metal chelatase catalytic Fab 7G12; chimeric germline antibody
    complexed with jef
    1. region a:108-213 [85703] picpiclink
    2. region l:108-213 [85709] picpiclink
  163. 1s3k picpicxrefxrefxref
    MQ NA # artificial chimera
    complexed with fuc, gal, gol, nag
    1. region l:113-216 [105240] picpiclink
  164. 1uj3 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    MQ NA P01834 # artificial chimera
    1. region a:108-214 [107889] picpiclink
  165. 1ngy picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of metal chelatase catalytic Fab 7G12; chimeric mature antibody
    1. region a:108-213 [80497] picpiclink
  166. 2hh0 picpicxrefxrefxref
    chimera with human V domain
    1. region l:153-271 [136465] picpiclink
  167. 1ngw picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of metal chelatase catalytic Fab 7G12; chimeric affinity matured antibody
    complexed with mmp
    1. region a:108-213 [80489] picpiclink
    2. region l:108-213 [80495] picpiclink
  168. 1b4j picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of a chimeric anti-gamma-interferon Fab
    1. region l:108-214 [21300] picpiclink

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