Structural Classification of Proteins
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Protein: Immunoglobulin light chain kappa variable domain, VL-kappa from Human (Homo sapiens), cluster 3.2 [TaxId: 9606]


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: All beta proteins [48724]
  3. Fold: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725]
    sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key
    some members of the fold have additional strands
  4. Superfamily: Immunoglobulin [48726]
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily
  5. Family: V set domains (antibody variable domain-like) [48727]
  6. Protein: Immunoglobulin light chain kappa variable domain, VL-kappa [88519]
    VL-kappa domains of human and mouse antibodies are clustered by the sequence similarity within the germline encoded segment and then by the size of the complementarity determining regions CDR1 and CDR2, so the clusters may correspond to putative germline families in the species genomes; VL-kappa domains with artificial or grafted exogenous CDRs are listed as engineered species
  7. Species: Human (Homo sapiens), cluster 3.2 [TaxId: 9606] [88523]

PDB Entry Domains:

  1. 2fx7 picpicxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha1
    complexed with gol; mutant
    1. region l:1-107 [134278] picpiclink
  2. 2nxy picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with hez, nag, trs; mutant
    1. region c:2001-2109 [138747] picpiclink
  3. 2ny2 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with edo, hez, nag, suc; mutant
    1. region c:2001-2109 [138772] picpiclink
  4. 2ny3 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with nag, suc; mutant
    1. region c:2001-2109 [138778] picpiclink
  5. 2ny4 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with hez, nag, suc; mutant
    1. region c:2001-2109 [138784] picpiclink
  6. 1rhh picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of HIV-1 neutralizing Fab x5
    1. region a:1-106a [97473] picpiclink
    2. region c:1-106a [97477] picpiclink
  7. 2ny1 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with nag, suc; mutant
    1. region c:2001-2109 [138766] picpiclink
  8. 2nxz picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with edo, hez, ipa, nag, suc; mutant
    1. region c:2001-2109 [138753] picpiclink
  9. 2fx9 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha1
    complexed with orq
    1. region l:1-107 [134300] picpiclink
  10. 2fx9 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha1
    complexed with orq
    1. region m:1-107 [134302] picpiclink
  11. 1tzg picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha1
    complexed with gol
    1. region l:1-107 [119400] picpiclink
  12. 1tzg picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha1
    complexed with gol
    1. region m:1-107 [119402] picpiclink
  13. 2ny0 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with hez, nag; mutant
    1. region c:2001-2109 [138760] picpiclink
  14. 2fx8 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha1
    1. region l:1-107 [134288] picpiclink
  15. 2fx8 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha1
    1. region m:1-107 [134290] picpiclink
  16. 2fx8 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha1
    1. region n:1-107 [134292] picpiclink
  17. 2fx8 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha1
    1. region o:1-107 [134294] picpiclink
  18. 1yym picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with edo, ipa, mpt, nag, ndg, vlm; mutant
    1. region l:1-107 [124235] picpiclink
  19. 1yym picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with edo, ipa, mpt, nag, ndg, vlm; mutant
    1. region q:1001-1107 [124238] picpiclink
  20. 2i5y picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with bif, mpt, nag, ndg, vlm
    1. region l:1-107 [137074] picpiclink
  21. 2i5y picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with bif, mpt, nag, ndg, vlm
    1. region q:1-107 [137077] picpiclink
  22. 1y0l picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with cl, han
    1. region a:1-107 [122486] picpiclink
  23. 1y0l picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with cl, han
    1. region c:1-107 [122490] picpiclink
  24. 1y0l picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with cl, han
    1. region e:1-107 [122494] picpiclink
  25. 1y0l picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with cl, han
    1. region l:1-107 [122500] picpiclink
  26. 1rz8 picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of anti HIV-1 gp120 Fab 17B
    1. region a:1-109 [98137] picpiclink
    2. region c:1-109 [98141] picpiclink
  27. 3cfk picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with b3p, cd, gol; mutant
    1. region a:1-107 [156581] picpiclink
  28. 3cfk picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with b3p, cd, gol; mutant
    1. region c:1-107 [156585] picpiclink
  29. 3cfk picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with b3p, cd, gol; mutant
    1. region e:1-107 [156589] picpiclink
  30. 3cfk picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with b3p, cd, gol; mutant
    1. region g:1-107 [156593] picpiclink
  31. 3cfk picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with b3p, cd, gol; mutant
    1. region j:1-107 [156599] picpiclink
  32. 3cfk picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with b3p, cd, gol; mutant
    1. region l:1-107 [156603] picpiclink
  33. 3cfk picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with b3p, cd, gol; mutant
    1. region m:1-107 [156605] picpiclink
  34. 3cfk picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with b3p, cd, gol; mutant
    1. region o:1-107 [156609] picpiclink
  35. 2i60 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with ipa, mpt, nag, ndg, vlm
    1. region l:1-107 [137084] picpiclink
  36. 2i60 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with ipa, mpt, nag, ndg, vlm
    1. region q:1-107 [137087] picpiclink
  37. 2ny5 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with nag, suc; mutant
    1. region l:2001-2109 [138792] picpiclink
  38. 3cfj picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    1. region a:1-107 [156565] picpiclink
  39. 3cfj picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    1. region c:1-107 [156569] picpiclink
  40. 3cfj picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    1. region e:1-107 [156573] picpiclink
  41. 3cfj picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    1. region l:1-107 [156579] picpiclink
  42. 1g9m picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of HIV-1 neutralizing Fab 17B; binds to the CD4-induced state of gp120
    complexed with fuc, ioh, nag; mutant
    1. region l:1-109 [20262] picpiclink
  43. 1rzj picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of anti HIV-1 gp120 Fab 17B
    complexed with fuc, ioh, nag; mutant
    1. region l:1-109 [98203] picpiclink
  44. 1yyl picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with bif, mpt, nag, ndg, vlm; mutant
    1. region l:1-107 [124225] picpiclink
  45. 1yyl picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with bif, mpt, nag, ndg, vlm; mutant
    1. region q:1001-1107 [124228] picpiclink
  46. 1u6a picpicxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha1
    1. region l:1-107 [119566] picpiclink
  47. 3dvg picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    1. region a:5-109 [157888] picpiclink
  48. 3dvn picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    1. region a:5-109 [157894] picpiclink
  49. 3dvn picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    1. region l:5-109 [157900] picpiclink
  50. 2qsc picpicxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha1
    complexed with bma, cl, nag, zn
    1. region l:3-107 [151316] picpiclink
  51. 1gc1 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of HIV-1 neutralizing Fab 17B; binds to the CD4-induced state of gp120
    complexed with fuc, nag; mutant
    1. region l:1-109 [20264] picpiclink
  52. 1y18 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with cl, han; mutant
    1. region a:1-107 [122521] picpiclink
  53. 1y18 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with cl, han; mutant
    1. region c:1-107 [122525] picpiclink
  54. 1y18 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with cl, han; mutant
    1. region e:1-107 [122529] picpiclink
  55. 1y18 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with cl, han; mutant
    1. region l:1-107 [122535] picpiclink
  56. 2agj picpicxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha1
    complexed with nag
    1. region l:1-108 [126727] picpiclink
  57. 2ny6 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    complexed with nag, suc; mutant
    1. region c:2001-2109 [138796] picpiclink
  58. 1rzk picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of anti HIV-1 gp120 Fab 17B
    complexed with nag; mutant
    1. region l:1-109 [98210] picpiclink
  59. 1g9n picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of HIV-1 neutralizing Fab 17B; binds to the CD4-induced state of gp120
    complexed with nag; mutant
    1. region l:1-109 [20266] picpiclink
  60. 2qr0 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    1. region a:1-107 [151234] picpiclink
  61. 2qr0 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    1. region e:1-107 [151240] picpiclink
  62. 2qr0 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    1. region g:1-107 [151244] picpiclink
  63. 2qr0 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    1. region k:1-107 [151250] picpiclink
  64. 2qr0 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    1. region m:1-107 [151254] picpiclink
  65. 2qr0 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    1. region q:1-107 [151260] picpiclink
  66. 2qr0 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    1. region s:1-107 [151264] picpiclink
  67. 2qr0 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1g9ml1
    1. region w:1-107 [151270] picpiclink
  68. 2b4c picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1rhha1
    complexed with fuc, nag, ndg, so4, xyl; mutant
    1. region l:1-107 [127824] picpiclink

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