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Protein: Immunoglobulin heavy chain variable domain, VH from Mouse (Mus musculus), cluster 4 [TaxId: 10090]

SQ P06327 20-117 # HV52_MOUSE (P06327) Ig heavy chain V region VH558 A1/A4 precursor; 57% sequence identity ! SQ P01631 # KV2G_MOUSE (P01631) Ig kappa chain V-II region 26-10


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: All beta proteins [48724]
  3. Fold: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725]
    sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key
    some members of the fold have additional strands
  4. Superfamily: Immunoglobulin [48726]
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily
  5. Family: V set domains (antibody variable domain-like) [48727]
  6. Protein: Immunoglobulin heavy chain variable domain, VH [88543]
    VH domains of human and mouse antibodies are clustered by the sequence similarity within the germline encoded segment and then by the size of the complementarity determining regions CDR1 and CDR2, so the clusters may correspond to putative germline families in the species genomes; VH domains with artificial or grafted exogenous CDRs are listed as engineered species
  7. Species: Mouse (Mus musculus), cluster 4 [TaxId: 10090] [88554]
    SQ P06327 20-117 # HV52_MOUSE (P06327) Ig heavy chain V region VH558 A1/A4 precursor; 57% sequence identity ! SQ P01631 # KV2G_MOUSE (P01631) Ig kappa chain V-II region 26-10

PDB Entry Domains:

  1. 1nlb picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of anti-HCV Fab 19D9D6
    1. region h:1-113 [80621] picpiclink
  2. 1n4x picpicxref
    part of scFv 1695
    complexed with cl
    1. chain h [85324] picpiclink
    2. chain i [85325] picpiclink
  3. 1mhh picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of anti-HCV Fab 19D9D6
    complexed with aea, edo; mutant
    1. region b:1-113 [79121] picpiclink
    2. region d:1-113 [79125] picpiclink
  4. 1jgl picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of anti-estradiol Fab 57-2
    complexed with est
    1. region h:1-113 [66679] picpiclink
  5. 1tet picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab TE33
    complexed with cit
    1. region h:1-112 [19903] picpiclink
  6. 1jhk picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of anti-estradiol Fab 57-2
    1. region h:2-113 [66715] picpiclink
  7. 1n64 picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of anti-HCV Fab 19D9D6; complex with peptide, chain P (related to 1cwx)
    1. region h:1-113 [80114] picpiclink
  8. 1i7z picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab GNC92H2
    complexed with coc
    1. region b:1-113 [61921] picpiclink
    2. region d:1-113 [61925] picpiclink
  9. 1c1e picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of Diels-Alder catalytic Fab 1E9
    complexed with dmr, enh
    1. region h:1-119 [20239] picpiclink
  10. 1bj1 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab-12 neutralizing VEGF
    complexed with so4
    1. region h:1-123 [20323] picpiclink
    2. region k:1-123 [20325] picpiclink
  11. 1cz8 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Fab-12 neutralizing VEGF; affinity matured
    complexed with so4; mutant
    1. region h:1-123 [20327] picpiclink
    2. region y:1-123 [20329] picpiclink
  12. 1ncb picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab NC41
    complexed with ca, man, nag; mutant
    1. region h:1-113 [19981] picpiclink
  13. 1a4j picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Diels-Alder catalytic Fab
    1. region h:1-119 [20231] picpiclink
    2. region b:1-119 [20233] picpiclink
  14. 1nca picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab NC41
    complexed with ca, man, nag
    1. region h:1-113 [19983] picpiclink
  15. 1jp5 picpicxref
    part of scFv 1695; complexed with the epitope peptide from HIV-1 protease
    1. region a:128-247 [67002] picpiclink
    2. region b:128-247 [67004] picpiclink
  16. 1a4k picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of humanized Diels-Alder catalytic Fab
    complexed with cd, fra
    1. region h:1-119 [20235] picpiclink
    2. region b:1-119 [20237] picpiclink
  17. 1fj1 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab LA-2 against OspA
    1. region b:1-114 [20119] picpiclink
    2. region d:1-114 [20121] picpiclink
  18. 1ncd picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab NC41
    complexed with ca, man, nag
    1. region h:1-113 [19985] picpiclink
  19. 1ncc picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab NC41
    complexed with ca, man, nag; mutant
    1. region h:1-113 [19987] picpiclink
  20. 1dbj picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab DB3
    complexed with ae2
    1. region h:1-112 [19801] picpiclink
  21. 1ghf picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab GH1002
    1. region h:1-115 [20109] picpiclink
  22. 1cl7 picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab 1696 against HIV-1 protease
    1. region h:1-113 [20419] picpiclink
  23. 1dba picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab DB3
    complexed with eoh
    1. region h:1-112 [19803] picpiclink
  24. 1dbb picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab DB3
    complexed with str
    1. region h:1-112 [19799] picpiclink
  25. 1dbm picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab DB3
    complexed with sih
    1. region h:1-112 [19805] picpiclink
  26. 1iai picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab 730.1.4
    1. region h:1-121 [20073] picpiclink
  27. 1dbk picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab DB3
    complexed with ano
    1. region h:1-112 [19807] picpiclink
  28. 2dbl picpicxrefxrefxref
    part of Fab DB3
    complexed with s5h
    1. region h:1-112 [19809] picpiclink
  29. 1ob1 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
    part of anti-Pf MSP1 Fab
    complexed with cac
    1. region b:1-113 [86750] picpiclink
    2. region e:1-113 [86756] picpiclink
  30. 1tqb picpicxrefxrefxref
    MQ P01631 P01837 # ! natural chimera
    1. region c:1-107 [107215] picpiclink
  31. 1tqb picpicxrefxrefxref
    MQ P06327 P01864 # ! natural chimera
    1. region b:1-113 [107213] picpiclink
  32. 1tpx picpicxrefxrefxref
    MQ P06327 P01864 # ! natural chimera
    1. region b:1-113 [107190] picpiclink
  33. 1tpx picpicxrefxrefxref
    MQ P01631 P01837 # ! natural chimera
    1. region c:1-107 [107192] picpiclink
  34. 1tqc picpicxrefxrefxref
    MQ P06327 P01864 # ! natural chimera
    1. region b:1-113 [107218] picpiclink
  35. 1tqc picpicxrefxrefxref
    MQ P01631 P01837 # ! natural chimera
    1. region c:1-107 [107220] picpiclink

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