Structural Classification of Proteins
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Family: Class II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (aaRS)-like, catalytic domain


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931]
    Mainly antiparallel beta sheets (segregated alpha and beta regions)
  3. Fold: Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases [55680]
    contains large mixed beta-sheet
  4. Superfamily: Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases [55681]
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily
  5. Family: Class II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (aaRS)-like, catalytic domain [55682]

Protein Domains:

  1. Seryl-tRNA synthetase (SerRS) [55683]
    1. Thermus thermophilus, strain hb27 [TaxId: 274] [55684] (4)
      1. 1set picpicxref
        complexed with ssa
        1. region a:111-421 [40708] picpiclink
        2. region b:111-421 [40709] picpiclink
      2. 1sry picpicxref
        1. region a:111-421 [40706] picpiclink
        2. region b:111-421 [40707] picpiclink
      3. 1ses picpicxref
        complexed with ahx, amp
        1. region a:111-421 [40710] picpiclink
        2. region b:111-421 [40711] picpiclink
      4. 1ser picpicxref
        complexed with dhu
        1. region a:111-421 [40712] picpiclink
        2. region b:611-921 [40713] picpiclink
  2. Lysyl-tRNA synthetase (LysRS) [55685]
    contains an insertion of LEM/SAP-like HeH motif, residues 337-379
    1. Escherichia coli, gene lysU [TaxId: 562] [55686] (5)
      1. 1e1o picpicxref
        complexed with gol, lys
        1. region a:161-502 [40714] picpiclink
      2. 1e22 picpicxref
        complexed with acp, gol, lys, mg
        1. region a:161-502 [40715] picpiclink
      3. 1e24 picpicxref
        complexed with atp, gol, lys, mn
        1. region a:161-502 [40716] picpiclink
      4. 1e1t picpicxref
        complexed with gol, lad, mg, pop
        1. region a:161-502 [40720] picpiclink
      5. 1lyl picpicxref
        1. region a:161-502 [40717] picpiclink
        2. region b:154-502 [40718] picpiclink
        3. region c:161-502 [40719] picpiclink
    2. Escherichia coli, gene lysS [TaxId: 562] [55687] (2)
      1. 1bbu picpicxref
        complexed with lys
        1. region a:161-502 [40721] picpiclink
      2. 1bbw picpicxref
        1. region a:161-502 [40722] picpiclink
  3. Histidyl-tRNA synthetase (HisRS) [55688]
    1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [55689] (7)
      1. 1kmm picpicxref
        complexed with ham
        1. region a:4-325 [40723] picpiclink
        2. region b:2-325 [40724] picpiclink
        3. region c:4-325 [40725] picpiclink
        4. region d:4-325 [40726] picpiclink
      2. 2el9 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1kmmb2
        complexed with hss
        1. region a:3-325 [146888] picpiclink
      3. 2el9 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1kmmb2
        complexed with hss
        1. region b:4-325 [146890] picpiclink
      4. 2el9 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1kmmb2
        complexed with hss
        1. region c:3-325 [146892] picpiclink
      5. 2el9 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1kmmb2
        complexed with hss
        1. region d:4-325 [146894] picpiclink
      6. 1htt picpicxref
        complexed with amp
        1. region a:4-325 [40727] picpiclink
        2. region b:4-325 [40728] picpiclink
        3. region c:4-325 [40729] picpiclink
        4. region d:4-325 [40730] picpiclink
      7. 1kmn picpicxref
        complexed with atp, hso
        1. region a:4-325 [40731] picpiclink
        2. region b:3-325 [40732] picpiclink
        3. region c:4-325 [40733] picpiclink
        4. region d:2-325 [40734] picpiclink
    2. Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId: 1280] [55690] (1)
      1. 1qe0 picpicxref
        1. region a:1-325 [40735] picpiclink
        2. region b:1-325 [40736] picpiclink
    3. Thermus thermophilus [TaxId: 274] [55691] (3)
      1. 1h4v picpicxref
        complexed with so4
        1. region b:2-325 [60625] picpiclink
      2. 1adj picpicxref
        complexed with so4
        1. region a:2-325 [40737] picpiclink
        2. region b:2-325 [40738] picpiclink
        3. region c:2-325 [40739] picpiclink
        4. region d:2-325 [40740] picpiclink
      3. 1ady picpicxref
        complexed with ham, so4
        1. region a:2-325 [40741] picpiclink
        2. region b:2-325 [40742] picpiclink
        3. region c:2-325 [40743] picpiclink
        4. region d:2-325 [40744] picpiclink
    4. Archaeon Thermoplasma acidophilum [TaxId: 2303] [143637] (2)
      SQ Q9HLX5 3-329
      1. 1wu7 picpicxrefxref
        1. region a:3-329 [121276] picpiclink
      2. 1wu7 picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to 1WU7 A:3-329
        1. region b:5-329 [121278] picpiclink
  4. Glycyl-tRNA synthetase (GlyRS) [55692]
    1. Thermus thermophilus [TaxId: 274] [55693] (3)
      1. 1ati picpicxref
        1. region a:1-394 [40745] picpiclink
        2. region b:1-394 [40746] picpiclink
      2. 1b76 picpicxref
        complexed with atp
        1. region a:1-394 [40747] picpiclink
        2. region b:1-394 [40748] picpiclink
      3. 1ggm picpicxref
        complexed with gap
        1. region a:1-394 [40749] picpiclink
        2. region b:1-394 [40750] picpiclink
  5. Threonyl-tRNA synthetase (ThrRS) [55694]
    1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [55695] (5)
      1. 1qf6 picpicxrefxrefxref
        complexed with aet, amp, dhu, g7m, psu, zn
        1. region a:242-532 [40759] picpiclink
      2. 1evl picpicxref
        complexed with tsb, zn
        1. region a:242-532 [40751] picpiclink
        2. region b:242-532 [40752] picpiclink
        3. region c:242-532 [40753] picpiclink
        4. region d:242-532 [40754] picpiclink
      3. 1fyf picpicxref
        complexed with ssa, zn
        1. region a:242-532 [40755] picpiclink
        2. region b:242-532 [40756] picpiclink
      4. 1evk picpicxref
        complexed with thr, zn
        1. region a:242-532 [40757] picpiclink
        2. region b:242-532 [40758] picpiclink
      5. 1kog picpicxref
        complexed with tsb, zn; mutant
        1. region a:242-532 [72806] picpiclink
        2. region b:242-532 [72808] picpiclink
        3. region c:242-532 [72810] picpiclink
        4. region d:242-532 [72812] picpiclink
        5. region e:242-532 [72814] picpiclink
        6. region f:242-532 [72816] picpiclink
        7. region g:242-532 [72818] picpiclink
        8. region h:242-532 [72820] picpiclink
    2. Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId: 1280] [103154] (2)
      1. 1nyr picpicxrefxrefxref
        complexed with atp, thr, zn
        1. region a:242-532 [92357] picpiclink
        2. region b:242-532 [92361] picpiclink
      2. 1nyq picpicxrefxrefxref
        complexed with tsb, zn
        1. region a:242-532 [92349] picpiclink
        2. region b:242-532 [92353] picpiclink
  6. Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase (AspRS) [55696]
    1. Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId: 4932] [55697] (3)
      1. 1eov picpicxref
        1. region a:205-557 [40760] picpiclink
      2. 1asz picpicxref
        protein/tRNA complex; complexed with atp
        1. region a:205-557 [40761] picpiclink
        2. region b:205-557 [40762] picpiclink
      3. 1asy picpicxref
        protein/tRNA complex
        1. region a:205-557 [40763] picpiclink
        2. region b:205-557 [40764] picpiclink
    2. Archaeon Pyrococcus kodakaraensis [TaxId: 311400] [55698] (1)
      1. 1b8a picpicxref
        complexed with atp, mn
        1. region a:104-438 [40765] picpiclink
        2. region b:1104-1438 [40766] picpiclink
    3. Thermus thermophilus, AspRS-2 [TaxId: 274] [90008] (1)
      non-discriminating and archaeal-type enzyme
      1. 1n9w picpicxref
        1. region a:111-414 [85474] picpiclink
        2. region b:111-414 [85476] picpiclink
    4. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [55699] (3)
      1. 1c0a picpicxrefxref
        1. region a:107-287,a:421-585 [40767] picpiclink
      2. 1il2 picpicxrefxref
        complexed with 1mg, 5mc, 5mu, amo, h2u, psu, so4
        1. region a:107-287,a:421-585 [66195] picpiclink
        2. region b:1107-1287,b:1421-1585 [66198] picpiclink
      3. 1eqr picpicxrefxref
        complexed with mg
        1. region a:107-287,a:421-590 [40768] picpiclink
        2. region b:107-287,b:421-590 [40769] picpiclink
        3. region c:107-287,c:421-590 [40770] picpiclink
    5. Thermus thermophilus, AspRS-1 [TaxId: 274] [55700] (3)
      1. 1l0w picpicxrefxref
        1. region a:105-294,a:415-580 [73428] picpiclink
        2. region b:1105-1294,b:1415-1580 [73431] picpiclink
      2. 1g51 picpicxrefxref
        complexed with amo, amp, so4
        1. region a:105-294,a:415-580 [40771] picpiclink
        2. region b:1105-1294,b:1415-1580 [40772] picpiclink
      3. 1efw picpicxrefxref
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with 2ma, 4su, 5mu, g7m, h2u, psu, quo
        1. region a:105-294,a:415-580 [40773] picpiclink
        2. region b:105-294,b:415-580 [40774] picpiclink
  7. Phenyl-tRNA synthetase (PheRS) alpha subunit, PheS [55701]
    1. Thermus thermophilus [TaxId: 274] [55702] (9)
      identical sequence to Thermus aquaticus, TaxId: 271
      1. 1jjc picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        complexed with fa5, mn, so4
        1. chain a [66758] picpiclink
      2. 2aly picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1eiya2
        complexed with mn, so4, ysa
        1. region a:85-350 [126987] picpiclink
      3. 1pys picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        complexed with mg
        1. chain a [40775] picpiclink
      4. 2amc picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1eiya2
        complexed with mg, so4, tyr
        1. region a:85-350 [127002] picpiclink
      5. 2akw picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1eiya2
        complexed with 200, mn, so4
        1. region a:85-350 [126937] picpiclink
      6. 1b7y picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        1. chain a [40776] picpiclink
      7. 2iy5 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1eiya2
        complexed with fya, mg
        1. region a:85-350 [137793] picpiclink
      8. 1b70 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        1. chain a [40777] picpiclink
      9. 1eiy picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        1. region a:85-350 [40778] picpiclink
  8. Phenyl-tRNA synthetase (PheRS) beta subunit, PheT, central domain [55703]
    this domain is non-catalytic
    1. Thermus thermophilus [TaxId: 274] [55704] (9)
      identical sequence to Thermus aquaticus, TaxId: 271
      1. 1jjc picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        complexed with fa5, mn, so4
        1. region b:475-681 [66763] picpiclink
      2. 2aly picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1b70b5
        complexed with mn, so4, ysa
        1. region b:475-681 [126993] picpiclink
      3. 1pys picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        complexed with mg
        1. region b:475-681 [40779] picpiclink
      4. 2amc picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1b70b5
        complexed with mg, so4, tyr
        1. region b:475-681 [127008] picpiclink
      5. 2akw picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1b70b5
        complexed with 200, mn, so4
        1. region b:475-681 [126943] picpiclink
      6. 1b7y picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        1. region b:475-681 [40780] picpiclink
      7. 2iy5 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1b70b5
        complexed with fya, mg
        1. region b:475-681 [137799] picpiclink
      8. 1b70 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        1. region b:475-681 [40781] picpiclink
      9. 1eiy picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        1. region b:475-681 [40782] picpiclink
  9. Glycyl-tRNA synthetase (GlyRS) alpha chain [75504]
    1. Thermotoga maritima [TaxId: 2336] [75505] (1)
      1. 1j5w picpic
        structural genomics
        complexed with mse
        1. chain a [71589] picpiclink
        2. chain b [71590] picpiclink
  10. Alanyl-tRNA synthetase (AlaRS) [103155]
    1. Aquifex aeolicus [TaxId: 63363] [103156] (7)
      1. 1yfs picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1riqa2
        complexed with ala
        1. region a:1-236 [123089] picpiclink
      2. 1yfs picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1riqa2
        complexed with ala
        1. region b:1-236 [123091] picpiclink
      3. 1riq picpicxref
        1. region a:1-236 [97517] picpiclink
      4. 1yfr picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1riqa2
        complexed with atp, mg
        1. region a:1-236 [123085] picpiclink
      5. 1yfr picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1riqa2
        complexed with atp, mg
        1. region b:1-236 [123087] picpiclink
      6. 1yft picpicxref
        automatically matched to d1riqa2
        complexed with gly
        1. region a:1-236 [123093] picpiclink
      7. 1ygb picpicxref
        automatically matched to d1riqa2
        complexed with ser
        1. region a:1-236 [123141] picpiclink
  11. Prolyl-tRNA synthetase (ProRS) [64347]
    1. Thermus thermophilus [TaxId: 274] [64348] (4)
      1. 1hc7 picpicxrefxref
        complexed with zn
        1. region a:5-276 [60939] picpiclink
        2. region b:5-276 [60942] picpiclink
        3. region c:5-276 [60945] picpiclink
        4. region d:5-276 [60948] picpiclink
      2. 1h4t picpicxrefxref
        complexed with pro, zn
        1. region a:5-276 [60611] picpiclink
        2. region b:5-276 [60614] picpiclink
        3. region c:5-276 [60617] picpiclink
        4. region d:5-276 [60620] picpiclink
      3. 1h4s picpicxrefxref
        complexed with 5mu, psd, psu, so4, zn
        1. region a:5-276 [60605] picpiclink
        2. region b:5-276 [60608] picpiclink
      4. 1h4q picpicxrefxref
        complexed with 5mu, atp, pri, psu, so4, zn
        1. region a:5-276 [60599] picpiclink
        2. region b:5-276 [60602] picpiclink
    2. Arhaeon (Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus) [TaxId: 145262] [90009] (4)
      1. 1nj1 picpicxrefxref
        complexed with 5ca, mg, zn
        1. region a:19-283 [85757] picpiclink
      2. 1nj5 picpicxrefxref
        complexed with mg, p5a, zn
        1. region a:19-283 [85764] picpiclink
      3. 1nj6 picpicxrefxref
        complexed with a5a, mg, zn
        1. region a:19-283 [85767] picpiclink
      4. 1nj2 picpicxrefxref
        complexed with mg, zn
        1. region a:19-283 [85760] picpiclink
    3. Archaeon (Methanocaldococcus jannaschii) [TaxId: 2190] [90010] (1)
      1. 1nj8 picpicxrefxref
        1. region a:0-267 [85771] picpiclink
        2. region b:0-267 [85774] picpiclink
        3. region c:0-267 [85777] picpiclink
        4. region d:0-267 [85780] picpiclink
  12. The aaRS-like accessory subunit of mitochondrial polymerase gamma, N-terminal domain [64349]
    1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [64350] (2)
      1. 1g5h picpicxref
        complexed with gol, na
        1. region a:41-330 [60271] picpiclink
        2. region b:40-332 [60273] picpiclink
        3. region c:41-330 [60275] picpiclink
        4. region d:40-337 [60277] picpiclink
      2. 1g5i picpicxref
        complexed with gol, na
        1. region a:41-330 [60279] picpiclink
        2. region b:40-332 [60281] picpiclink
        3. region c:41-330 [60283] picpiclink
        4. region d:40-337 [60285] picpiclink
    2. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [143638] (4)
      SQ Q9UHN1 66-355
      1. 2g4c picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        1. region a:66-355 [134583] picpiclink
      2. 2g4c picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to 2G4C A:66-355
        1. region b:66-355 [134585] picpiclink
      3. 2g4c picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to 2G4C A:66-355
        1. region c:67-355 [134587] picpiclink
      4. 2g4c picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to 2G4C A:66-355
        1. region d:67-355 [134589] picpiclink
  13. Asparagine synthetase [55705]
    1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [55706] (2)
      1. 12as picpic
        complexed with amp; mutant
        1. chain a [40783] picpiclink
        2. chain b [40784] picpiclink
      2. 11as picpic
        1. chain a [40785] picpiclink
        2. chain b [40786] picpiclink
  14. Hypothetical protein PF1951 [103157]
    1. Archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus [TaxId: 2261] [103158] (1)
      AspRS-related protein
      1. 1nnh picpic
        structural genomics
        complexed with na
        1. chain a [92005] picpiclink
  15. ATP phosphoribosyltransferase regulatory subunit HisZ [118058]
    shares histidine-binding site with the HisRS catalytic domain
    1. Thermotoga maritima [TaxId: 2336] [118059] (1)
      SQ Q9X0D3
      1. 1usy picpicxref
        complexed with his, po4
        1. chain a [113422] picpiclink
        2. chain b [113423] picpiclink
        3. chain c [113424] picpiclink
        4. chain d [113425] picpiclink
    2. Lactococcus lactis [TaxId: 1358] [143639] (8)
      SQ Q02147 6-323
      1. 1z7m picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        complexed with po4, wo4
        1. region a:6-323 [124632] picpiclink
      2. 1z7m picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to 1Z7M A:6-323
        complexed with po4, wo4
        1. region b:6-323 [124633] picpiclink
      3. 1z7m picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to 1Z7M A:6-323
        complexed with po4, wo4
        1. region c:6-323 [124634] picpiclink
      4. 1z7m picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to 1Z7M A:6-323
        complexed with po4, wo4
        1. region d:6-323 [124635] picpiclink
      5. 1z7n picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to 1Z7M A:6-323
        complexed with po4, prp
        1. region a:6-323 [124640] picpiclink
      6. 1z7n picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to 1Z7M A:6-323
        complexed with po4, prp
        1. region b:6-323 [124641] picpiclink
      7. 1z7n picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to 1Z7M A:6-323
        complexed with po4, prp
        1. region c:6-323 [124642] picpiclink
      8. 1z7n picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to 1Z7M A:6-323
        complexed with po4, prp
        1. region d:6-323 [124643] picpiclink

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