Structural Classification of Proteins
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Superfamily: HAD-like

usually contains an insertion (sub)domain after strand 1
link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349]
    Mainly parallel beta sheets (beta-alpha-beta units)
  3. Fold: HAD-like [56783]
    3 layers: a/b/a; parallel beta-sheet of 6 strands, order 321456
  4. Superfamily: HAD-like [56784]
    usually contains an insertion (sub)domain after strand 1
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily


  1. Probable phosphatase YrbI [69467] (1)
    the insertion subdomain is a beta-hairpin involved into tetramerisation
    1. Probable phosphatase YrbI [69468]
      1. Haemophilus influenzae, HI1679 [TaxId: 727] [69469] (2) picpic
  2. HAD-related [56785] (3)
    the insertion subdomain is a 4-helical bundle
    1. L-2-Haloacid dehalogenase, HAD [56786]
      1. Pseudomonas sp., strain YL [TaxId: 306] [56787] (4) picpic
      2. Xanthobacter autotrophicus [TaxId: 280] [56788] (4) picpic
    2. Hypothetical protein PH0459 [142133]
      1. Archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii [TaxId: 53953] [142134] (1) picpic
        SQ O58216 1-230
  3. beta-Phosphoglucomutase-like [75173] (9)
    the insertion subdomain is a 4-helical bundle
    1. beta-Phosphoglucomutase [75174]
      1. Lactococcus lactis [TaxId: 1358] [75175] (8) picpic
    2. Phosphatase YniC [110504]
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [110505] (1) picpic
        SQ P77247
    3. Phosphoglycolate phosphatase [142135]
      1. Lactobacillus plantarum [TaxId: 1590] [142136] (1) picpic
        SQ Q88YA8 1-207
    4. N-acylneuraminate-9-phosphatase NANP [142137]
      1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [142138] (1) picpic
        SQ Q9CPT3 1-247
    5. Hypothetical protein SP2064 [142139]
      1. Streptococcus pneumoniae [TaxId: 1313] [142140] (4) picpic
        SQ Q97NG6 3-206
    6. Hypothetical protein Atu0790 [142141]
      1. Agrobacterium tumefaciens [TaxId: 358] [142142] (1) picpic
        SQ Q8UH93 3-224
    7. Phosphoglycolate phosphatase Gph [142143]
      1. Haemophilus somnus [TaxId: 731] [142144] (2) picpic
        SQ Q0I1W8 1-224
    8. predicted phosphatase SP0104 [142145]
      1. Streptococcus pneumoniae [TaxId: 1313] [142146] (1) picpic
        SQ Q97T51 1-210
    9. Hypothetical protein CT1708 [142147]
      1. Chlorobium tepidum [TaxId: 1097] [142148] (1) picpic
        SQ Q8KBS5 2-229
  4. YihX-like [56789] (3)
    the insertion subdomain is a 4-helical bundle
    1. Epoxide hydrolase, N-terminal domain [56790]
      has a lipid phosphatase activity
      1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [56791] (4) picpic
      2. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [102303] (6) picpic
    2. Putative phosphatase YihX [142149]
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [142150] (1) picpic
        SQ P0A8Y3 1-197
  5. Phosphonoacetaldehyde hydrolase-like [56792] (2)
    the insertion subdomain is a 4-helical bundle
    1. Phosphonoacetaldehyde hydrolase [56793]
      1. Bacillus cereus [TaxId: 1396] [56794] (6) picpic
        SQ O31156
    2. Putative hydrolase SP0805 [142151]
      1. Streptococcus pneumoniae [TaxId: 1313] [142152] (1) picpic
        SQ Q97RK1 4-190
  6. Phosphoserine phosphatase [64511] (2)
    the insertion subdomain is a 4-helical bundle
    1. Phosphoserine phosphatase [64512]
      1. Archaeon Methanococcus jannaschii [TaxId: 2190] [64513] (6) picpic
      2. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [89645] (3) picpic
  7. 5'(3')-deoxyribonucleotidase (dNT-2) [82382] (1)
    the insertion subdomain is a 4-helical bundle; dephosphorylates dUMP and dTMP
    1. 5'(3')-deoxyribonucleotidase (dNT-2) [82383]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [82384] (12) picpic
  8. Homoserine kinase ThrH [102304] (1)
    the insertion subdomain is a rudiment 4-helical bundle
    1. Homoserine kinase ThrH [102305]
      1. Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId: 287] [102306] (2) picpic
  9. Class B acid phosphatase, AphA [102307] (2)
    the insertion subdomain is a helical hairpin
    1. Class B acid phosphatase, AphA [102308]
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [102309] (15) picpic
        SQ P32697 27-237
      2. Salmonella typhimurium [TaxId: 90371] [142153] (12) picpic
        SQ P58683 30-237
  10. Hypothetical protein MW1667 (SA1546) [102310] (1)
    the insertion subdomain is multi-helical
    1. Hypothetical protein MW1667 (SA1546) [102311]
      1. Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId: 1280] [102312] (1) picpic
  11. phosphatase domain of polynucleotide kinase [82385] (2)
    no insertion subdomains
    1. Polynucleotide kinase, phosphatase domain [82386]
      1. Bacteriophage T4 [TaxId: 10665] [82387] (16) picpic
    2. 5' polynucleotide kinase-3' phosphatase, middle domain [142154]
      1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [142155] (2) picpic
        SQ Q9JLV6 144-338
  12. Predicted hydrolases Cof [82388] (13)
    contains an alpha+beta subdomain inserted into a new site after strand 3
    1. Phosphoglycolate phosphatase, PGPase [82389]
      1. Archaeon Thermoplasma acidophilum [TaxId: 2303] [82390] (2) picpic
      2. Pyrococcus horikoshii [TaxId: 53953] [117502] (1) picpic
        SQ O50129 # PH1421
    2. Hypothetical protein YwpJ [89646]
      1. Bacillus subtilis [TaxId: 1423] [89647] (1) picpic
    3. Hypothetical protein TM0651 [102313]
      1. Thermotoga maritima [TaxId: 2336] [102314] (1) picpic
    4. Hypothetical protein YidA [102315]
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [102316] (1) picpic
    5. Sugar phosphatase SupH (YbiV) [117503]
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [117504] (3) picpic
        SQ P75792
    6. Putative mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate phosphatase MPGP (YedP) [117505]
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [117506] (1) picpic
        SQ P76329 4-235
      2. Archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii [TaxId: 53953] [142156] (2) picpic
        SQ O58690 1-243
    7. Sugar-phosphate phosphatase BT4131 [142157]
      1. Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron [TaxId: 818] [142158] (3) picpic
        SQ Q8A090 2-261
    8. Phosphomannomutase 2 [142159]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [142160] (2) picpic
        SQ O15305 4-246
    9. Phosphomannomutase 1 [142161]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [142162] (2) picpic
        SQ Q92871 12-256
    10. Sucrose-phosphatase Slr0953 [142163]
      1. Synechocystis sp. pcc 6803 [TaxId: 1148] [142164] (9) picpic
        SQ P74325 1-244
    11. PFL1270w orthologue [142165]
      1. Plasmodium vivax [TaxId: 5855] [142166] (4) picpic
        SQ Q8I5F4 11-293
  13. NagD-like [102317] (6)
    duplication: consists of two segment-swapped domains of this fold; this results in the insertion of a circularly permuted domain after strand 3, analogously to the Cof family
    1. Hypothetical protein TM1742 [102318]
      putative NagD protein
      1. Thermotoga maritima [TaxId: 2336] [102319] (2) picpic
    2. Putative phosphatase SMU.1415c [117507]
      1. Streptococcus mutans [TaxId: 1309] [117508] (1) picpic
        SQ Q8DTD6
    3. Hypothetical protein SPy1043 [142167]
      1. Streptococcus pyogenes [TaxId: 1314] [142168] (1) picpic
        SQ Q99ZW4 2-254
    4. NagD [142169]
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [142170] (1) picpic
        SQ P0AF24 1-250
    5. Putative hydrolase SP1407 [142171]
      1. Streptococcus pneumoniae [TaxId: 1313] [142172] (1) picpic
        SQ Q97Q24 3-255
    6. Putative hydrolase EF1188 [142173]
      1. Enterococcus faecalis [TaxId: 1351] [142174] (2) picpic
        SQ Q836C7 4-256
  14. Meta-cation ATPase, catalytic domain P [81656] (2)
    interrupted by a large insertion, domain N
    1. Calcium ATPase, catalytic domain P [81655]
      1. Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) [TaxId: 9986] [81654] (17) picpic
        SQ P04191
    2. Cation-transporting ATPase [142175]
      1. Archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus [TaxId: 2234] [142176] (3) picpic
        SQ O29777 416-434,548-663
  15. Trehalose-phosphatase [110506] (1)
    Pfam 02358; contains an insert alpha+beta subdomain; similar overall fold to the Cof family
    1. Trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase related protein [110507]
      1. Archaeon Thermoplasma acidophilum [TaxId: 2303] [110508] (1) picpic
        SQ Q9HIW7
  16. NLI interacting factor-like phosphatase [110509] (1)
    Pfam 03031; NIF; the insertion subdomain is a 3-stranded beta-sheet;
    1. Carboxy-terminal domain RNA polymerase II polypeptide A small phosphatase 1, NRAMP1 [110510]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [110511] (2) picpic
        SQ Q9GZU7 76-256
  17. Magnesium-dependent phosphatase-1, Mdp1 [117509] (1)
    the insertion subdomain is a 3-stranded beta-sheet different from the NIF family
    1. Magnesium-dependent phosphatase-1, Mdp1 [117510]
      1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [117511] (2) picpic
        SQ Q9D967
  18. Hypothetical protein VC0232 [117512] (1)
    contains a deletion in the common fold; segment-swapped tetramer
    1. Hypothetical protein VC0232 [117513]
      1. Vibrio cholerae [TaxId: 666] [117514] (1) picpic
        SQ Q9KVB4
  19. Histidinol phosphatase-like [142177] (3)
    no insertion subdomains
    1. Histidine biosynthesis bifunctional protein HisB, phosphatase domain [142178]
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [142179] (10) picpic
        SQ Q9S5G5 3-163
    2. Hypothetical protein Mll2559 [159532]
      1. Mesorhizobium loti [TaxId: 381] [159533] (1) picpic
        SQ Q98I56 8-216
    3. D,D-heptose 1,7-bisphosphate phosphatase GmhB [159534]
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [159535] (4) picpic
        SQ P63228 4-185
  20. MtnX-like [142180] (1)
    Pfam 06888; the insertion subdomain is a rudiment 4-helical bundle
    1. 2-hydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentenyl-1-phosphate phosphatase MtnX [142181]
      1. Bacillus subtilis [TaxId: 1423] [142182] (2) picpic
        SQ O31667 2-227
  21. Pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase (UMPH-1) [142183] (2)
    Pfam 05822; the insertion subdomain is a rudiment 4-helical bundle
    1. Cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase III [142184]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [142185] (2) picpic
        SQ Q9H0P0 64-336
      2. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [159536] (1) picpic
        SQ Q9D020 7-297
  22. Enolase-phosphatase E1 [142186] (2)
    the insertion subdomain is a 4-helical bundle
    1. Protein UTR4 [142187]
      1. Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId: 4932] [142188] (4) picpic
        SQ P32626 17-241
    2. E-1 enzyme [142189]
      1. Human(Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [142190] (2) picpic
        SQ Q9UHY7 4-256
  23. 5' nucleotidase-like [142191] (1)
    Pfam 05761; the insertion domain cosists of 3-helical bundle and a pseudo beta-barrel; contains extra C-terminal long alpha hairpin subdomain (scop_cf 46556)
    1. Cytosolic IMP-GMP specific 5'-nucleotidase [142192]
      1. Legionella pneumophila [TaxId: 446] [142193] (1) picpic
        SQ Q5ZZB6 2-459
  24. AF1437-like [159537] (1)
    the insertion subdomain is a rudiment 4-helical bundle; extra alpha-hairpin insertion after strand 3
    1. Hypothetical protein AF1437 [159538]
      1. Archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus [TaxId: 2234] [159539] (1) picpic
        SQ O28835 1-308
  25. BT0820-like [159540] (1)
    PfamB 073209; deletion in the common fold; segment-swapped dimer
    1. Hypothetical protein BT0820 [159541]
      1. Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron [TaxId: 818] [159542] (1) picpic
        SQ Q8A9J5 1-122

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