Structural Classification of Proteins
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Family: SH3-domain


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: All beta proteins [48724]
  3. Fold: SH3-like barrel [50036]
    barrel, partly opened; n*=4, S*=8; meander
    the last strand is interrupted by a turn of 3-10 helix
  4. Superfamily: SH3-domain [50044]
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily
  5. Family: SH3-domain [50045]

Protein Domains:

  1. C-Crk, N-terminal SH3 domain [50046]
    1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [50047] (9)
      1. 1cka picpic
        1. chain a [24459] picpiclink
      2. 1ckb picpic
        1. chain a [24460] picpiclink
      3. 1b07 picpic
        complexed with psg
        1. chain a [24461] picpiclink
      4. 2eyw picpic
        automatically matched to d1m3ca_
        1. region a:134-190 [132603] picpiclink
      5. 1m30 picpic
        1. chain a [91171] picpiclink
      6. 2eyy picpicxref
        automatically matched to d1m3ca_
        1. region a:134-190 [132604] picpiclink
      7. 1m3b picpic
        a circular form
        1. chain a [91174] picpiclink
      8. 1m3a picpic
        a circular form
        1. chain a [91173] picpiclink
      9. 1m3c picpic
        a circular form
        1. chain a [91175] picpiclink
  2. Fyn proto-oncogene tyrosine kinase, SH3 domain [50048]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [50049] (11)
      1. 1shf picpic
        1. chain a [24462] picpiclink
        2. chain b [24463] picpiclink
      2. 1fyn picpic
        1. chain a [24464] picpiclink
      3. 1m27 picpicxref
        complex with Sap SH2 domain bound to slam peptide, chain B
        complexed with flc
        1. chain c [84749] picpiclink
      4. 1efn picpicxref
        complexed with pbm; mutant
        1. chain a [24465] picpiclink
        2. chain c [24466] picpiclink
      5. 1g83 picpicxref
        1. region a:85-141 [60341] picpiclink
        2. region b:85-141 [60343] picpiclink
      6. 1avz picpicxref
        1. chain c [24467] picpiclink
      7. 1nyf picpic
        1. chain a [24468] picpiclink
      8. 1nyg picpic
        1. chain a [24470] picpiclink
      9. 1a0n picpic
        1. chain b [24469] picpiclink
      10. 1azg picpic
        1. chain b [24471] picpiclink
      11. 1zbj picpic
        automatically matched to d1fyna_
        1. region a:1-59 [124855] picpiclink
  3. SH3 domain from nebulin [50050]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [50051] (2)
      1. 1ark picpic
        1. chain a [24473] picpiclink
      2. 1neb picpic
        1. chain a [24472] picpiclink
  4. Abl tyrosine kinase, SH3 domain [50052]
    1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [50053] (4)
      1. 1opk picpicxrefxref
        complexed with gol, myr, p16; mutant
        1. region a:83-139 [87232] picpiclink
      2. 1abo picpic
        complexed with so4
        1. chain a [24474] picpiclink
        2. chain b [24475] picpiclink
      3. 1abq picpic
        1. chain a [24476] picpiclink
      4. 1opl picpicxrefxref
        complexed with myr, p16; mutant
        1. region a:81-139 [87235] picpiclink
    2. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [50054] (5)
      1. 1bbz picpic
        complexed with ace, so4
        1. chain a [24477] picpiclink
        2. chain c [24478] picpiclink
        3. chain e [24479] picpiclink
        4. chain g [24480] picpiclink
      2. 2fo0 picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to d2abl_1
        complexed with gol, myr, p16; mutant
        1. region a:76-138 [133862] picpiclink
      3. 2abl picpicxref
        1. region a:75-139 [24481] picpiclink
      4. 1awo picpic
        1. chain a [24482] picpiclink
      5. 1ju5 picpicxref
        complexed with phs; mutant
        1. chain c [77174] picpiclink
  5. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (p85-alpha subunit, pi3k), SH3 domain [50055]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [50056] (3)
      1. 1pht picpic
        1. chain a [24483] picpiclink
      2. 1pks picpic
        1. chain a [24484] picpiclink
      3. 1pkt picpic
        1. chain a [24485] picpiclink
    2. Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId: 9913] [50057] (2)
      1. 2pni picpic
        1. chain a [24486] picpiclink
      2. 1pnj picpic
        1. chain a [24487] picpiclink
  6. alpha-Spectrin, SH3 domain [50058]
    1. Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId: 9031] [50059] (21)
      1. 1u06 picpic
        automatically matched to d1pwt__
        complexed with azi
        1. region a:7-61 [119404] picpiclink
      2. 2nuz picpic
        automatically matched to d1pwt__
        1. region a:7-61 [138624] picpiclink
      3. 1pwt picpic
        1. chain a [24490] picpiclink
      4. 2f2v picpic
        automatically matched to d1pwt__
        complexed with fmt; mutant
        1. region a:4-62 [132849] picpiclink
      5. 1qkx picpic
        1. chain a [24491] picpiclink
      6. 1qkw picpic
        complexed with gol, so4; mutant
        1. chain a [24494] picpiclink
      7. 1shg picpic
        1. chain a [24493] picpiclink
      8. 1hd3 picpic
        complexed with gol, so4; mutant
        1. chain a [65802] picpiclink
      9. 1neg picpic
        N-and C-terminal labeled protein
        complexed with azi
        1. chain a [80425] picpiclink
      10. 1e6h picpic
        1. chain a [70084] picpiclink
      11. 1bk2 picpic
        1. chain a [24495] picpiclink
      12. 1e6g picpic
        complexed with so4; mutant
        1. chain a [70083] picpiclink
      13. 1uue picpic
        1. chain a [100005] picpiclink
      14. 2cdt picpic
        automatically matched to d1pwt__
        1. region a:6-62 [130296] picpiclink
      15. 1h8k picpic
        1. chain a [70915] picpiclink
      16. 1aey picpic
        1. chain a [24496] picpiclink
      17. 1e7o picpic
        complexed with gol; mutant
        1. chain a [83169] picpiclink
      18. 1m8m picpic
        Solid-state MAS NMR structure
        1. chain a [78770] picpiclink
      19. 1g2b picpic
        circular permutant
        1. chain a [24488] picpiclink
      20. 1tud picpic
        circular permutant
        1. chain a [24489] picpiclink
      21. 1tuc picpic
        circular permutant
        1. chain a [24492] picpiclink
  7. IL-2 inducible T-cell (Itc) kinase [50060]
    1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [50061] (1)
      1. 1awj picpic
        1. chain a [24497] picpiclink
  8. Hemapoetic cell kinase Hck [50062]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [50063] (6)
      1. 1qcf picpicxrefxref
        complexed with pp1; mutant
        1. region a:80-145 [24498] picpiclink
      2. 1bu1 picpic
        1. chain a [24499] picpiclink
        2. chain b [24500] picpiclink
        3. chain c [24501] picpiclink
        4. chain d [24502] picpiclink
        5. chain e [24503] picpiclink
        6. chain f [24504] picpiclink
      3. 1ad5 picpicxrefxref
        complexed with anp, ca
        1. region a:82-145 [24505] picpiclink
        2. region b:82-145 [24506] picpiclink
      4. 2hck picpicxrefxref
        complexed with ca, que
        1. region a:82-145 [24507] picpiclink
        2. region b:82-145 [24508] picpiclink
      5. 5hck picpic
        1. chain a [24509] picpiclink
      6. 4hck picpic
        1. chain a [24510] picpiclink
  9. Carboxyl-terminal src kinase (csk) [74654]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [74658] (2)
      1. 1k9a picpicxrefxref
        1. region a:6-76 [72188] picpiclink
        2. region b:4-76 [72191] picpiclink
        3. region c:6-76 [72194] picpiclink
        4. region d:6-76 [72197] picpiclink
        5. region e:6-76 [72200] picpiclink
        6. region f:6-76 [72203] picpiclink
      2. 1csk picpic
        1. chain a [24513] picpiclink
        2. chain b [24514] picpiclink
        3. chain c [24515] picpiclink
        4. chain d [24516] picpiclink
    2. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [74655] (1)
      1. 1jeg picpic
        complexed with peptide
        1. chain a [66610] picpiclink
  10. c-src protein tyrosine kinase [50064]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [50065] (5)
      1. 1fmk picpicxrefxref
        1. region a:82-145 [24511] picpiclink
      2. 1y57 picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1nloc_
        complexed with mpz, so4
        1. region a:85-140 [145903] picpiclink
      3. 2src picpicxrefxref
        complexed with anp
        1. region a:84-145 [24512] picpiclink
      4. 2h8h picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1nloc_
        complexed with h8h
        1. region a:85-140 [147240] picpiclink
      5. 1ksw picpicxrefxref
        complexed with nbs; mutant
        1. region a:84-145 [68860] picpiclink
    2. Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId: 9031] [50066] (9)
      1. 2ptk picpicxrefxref
        1. region a:83-145 [24517] picpiclink
      2. 1nlp picpic
        complexed with ace, mn1, mn8, nh2
        1. chain c [24520] picpiclink
      3. 1nlo picpic
        complexed with ace, mn1, mn2, mn7, nh2
        1. chain c [24519] picpiclink
      4. 1rlq picpic
        1. chain c [24521] picpiclink
      5. 1prm picpic
        1. chain c [24523] picpiclink
      6. 1rlp picpic
        1. chain c [24518] picpiclink
      7. 1prl picpic
        1. chain c [24524] picpiclink
      8. 1srl picpic
        1. chain a [24525] picpiclink
      9. 1srm picpic
        1. chain a [24522] picpiclink
    3. Avian sarcoma virus [TaxId: 11876] [50067] (2)
      1. 1qwf picpic
        1. chain a [24527] picpiclink
      2. 1qwe picpic
        1. chain a [24526] picpiclink
  11. Bruton's tyrosine kinase [50068]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [50069] (3)
      1. 1aww picpic
        1. chain a [24529] picpiclink
      2. 1awx picpic
        1. chain a [24528] picpiclink
      3. 1qly picpic
        1. chain a [24530] picpiclink
    2. Mus musculus [TaxId: 10090] [159018] (2)
      1. 2rn8 picpic
        automatically matched to d1awwa_
        1. region a:176-228 [152170] picpiclink
      2. 2rna picpic
        automatically matched to d1awwa_
        1. region a:176-228 [152171] picpiclink
  12. tyrosine kinase tec [69246]
    1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [69247] (1)
      1. 1gl5 picpic
        1. chain a [65289] picpiclink
  13. Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (GRB2), N- and C-terminal domains [50070]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [50071] (6)
      1. 1gcq picpicxref
        C-terminal domain
        complexed with mpd
        1. chain a [60434] picpiclink
        2. chain b [60435] picpiclink
      2. 1gri picpicxref
        1. region a:1-56 [24531] picpiclink
        2. region a:157-217 [24532] picpiclink
        3. region b:1-56 [24533] picpiclink
        4. region b:157-217 [24534] picpiclink
      3. 1aze picpic
        N-terminal domain
        1. chain a [24536] picpiclink
      4. 1gfd picpic
        C-terminal domain
        1. chain a [24538] picpiclink
      5. 1io6 picpic
        C-terminal domain
        1. chain a [24535] picpiclink
      6. 1gfc picpic
        C-terminal domain
        1. chain a [24537] picpiclink
    2. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [50072] (5)
      1. 1gbq picpic
        N-terminal domain
        complexed with ace, nh2
        1. chain a [24539] picpiclink
      2. 2gbq picpic
        N-terminal domain
        complexed with ace, nh2
        1. chain a [24540] picpiclink
      3. 3gbq picpic
        N-terminal domain
        complexed with ace, nh2
        1. chain a [24542] picpiclink
      4. 4gbq picpic
        N-terminal domain
        complexed with ace, nh2
        1. chain a [24541] picpiclink
      5. 1gbr picpic
        N-terminal domain
        1. chain a [24543] picpiclink
    3. Caenorhabditis elegans, SEM-5 [TaxId: 6239] [50073] (5)
      Sex muscle abnormal protein 5
      1. 1sem picpic
        C-terminal domain
        1. chain a [24544] picpiclink
        2. chain b [24545] picpiclink
      2. 2sem picpic
        C-terminal domain
        complexed with ace, nip
        1. chain a [24546] picpiclink
        2. chain b [24547] picpiclink
      3. 3sem picpic
        C-terminal domain
        1. chain a [24548] picpiclink
        2. chain b [24549] picpiclink
      4. 1kfz picpic
        C-terminal domain
        1. chain a [84391] picpiclink
      5. 1k76 picpic
        C-terminal domain
        1. chain a [84343] picpiclink
  14. Grb2-related adaptor protein 2 (Mona/Gads) [89293]
    1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [89294] (5)
      1. 1uti picpic
        C-terminal domain; complexed with a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase peptide, chain D
        1. chain a [99962] picpiclink
      2. 1oeb picpic
        C-terminal domain; complexed with a peptide from the lymphocyte cytosolic protein 2, chains C and D
        complexed with cd
        1. chain a [86909] picpiclink
        2. chain b [86910] picpiclink
      3. 2d0n picpic
        automatically matched to d1h3ha_
        1. region a:267-322 [131073] picpiclink
      4. 2d0n picpic
        automatically matched to d1h3ha_
        1. region c:267-321 [131074] picpiclink
      5. 1h3h picpic
        C-terminal domain; complexed with an RxxK-containing slp-76 peptide, chain B
        1. chain a [83468] picpiclink
  15. Phospholipase C, SH3 domain [50074]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [50075] (2)
      1. 2hsp picpic
        1. chain a [24550] picpiclink
      2. 1hsq picpic
        1. chain a [24551] picpiclink
  16. p56-lck tyrosine kinase, SH3 domain [50076]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [50077] (10)
      1. 2iim picpic
        automatically matched to d1h92a_
        complexed with ca, pg4, zn
        1. region a:58-119 [137434] picpiclink
      2. 1lck picpicxref
        complexed with phs; mutant
        1. region a:63-116 [24552] picpiclink
      3. 1x27 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1h92a_
        complexed with na
        1. region a:64-118 [121621] picpiclink
      4. 1x27 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1h92a_
        complexed with na
        1. region b:64-118 [121623] picpiclink
      5. 1x27 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1h92a_
        complexed with na
        1. region c:64-118 [121625] picpiclink
      6. 1x27 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1h92a_
        complexed with na
        1. region d:64-118 [121627] picpiclink
      7. 1x27 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1h92a_
        complexed with na
        1. region e:64-118 [121629] picpiclink
      8. 1x27 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1h92a_
        complexed with na
        1. region f:64-118 [121631] picpiclink
      9. 1h92 picpic
        1. chain a [65741] picpiclink
      10. 1kik picpic
        1. chain a [68632] picpiclink
  17. 53BP2 [50078]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [50079] (1)
      1. 1ycs picpicxrefxref
        complexed with zn
        1. region b:457-519 [24553] picpiclink
  18. Amphiphysin 2 [50080]
    synonyms: Myc box dependent interacting protein 1, bin1
    1. Rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId: 10116] [50081] (4)
      1. 1bb9 picpic
        1. chain a [24554] picpiclink
      2. 1mv0 picpic
        complexed with c-Myc peptide, chain A
        1. chain b [91467] picpiclink
      3. 1muz picpic
        1. chain a [91466] picpiclink
      4. 1mv3 picpic
        the remaining residues, 270-401 are not ordered apart a short bound segment 303-312
        1. region a:402-482 [91468] picpiclink
  19. EPS8 SH3 domain [50082]
    1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [50083] (3)
      1. 1i07 picpic
        segment-swapped dimer
        1. chain a [61477] picpiclink
        2. chain b [61478] picpiclink
      2. 1i0c picpic
        1. chain a [61485] picpiclink
        2. chain b [61486] picpiclink
      3. 1aoj picpic
        segment-swapped dimer
        1. chain a [24555] picpiclink
        2. chain b [24556] picpiclink
  20. Vav N-terminal SH3 domain [63744]
    1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [63745] (3)
      1. 1gcq picpicxref
        complexed to Grb2 SH3 domains
        complexed with mpd
        1. chain c [60436] picpiclink
      2. 1gcp picpic
        1. chain a [60430] picpiclink
        2. chain b [60431] picpiclink
        3. chain c [60432] picpiclink
        4. chain d [60433] picpiclink
      3. 1k1z picpic
        1. chain a [68026] picpiclink
  21. Melanoma inhibitory activity protein [63746]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [63747] (3)
      1. 1i1j picpic
        1. chain a [61531] picpiclink
        2. chain b [61532] picpiclink
      2. 1k0x picpic
        1. chain a [71977] picpiclink
      3. 1hjd picpic
        1. chain a [65846] picpiclink
  22. Psd-95 [69248]
    associates with a guanylate kinase domain
    1. Rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId: 10116] [69249] (3)
      1. 1kjw picpicxref
        complexed with so4
        1. region a:430-525 [68643] picpiclink
      2. 1jxm picpicxref
        complexed with 5gp, gai, mpd
        1. region a:430-525 [67420] picpiclink
      3. 1jxo picpicxref
        1. region a:430-525 [67422] picpiclink
        2. region b:430-525 [67424] picpiclink
  23. Actin binding protein ABP1 [74920]
    1. Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId: 4932] [74921] (2)
      1. 1jo8 picpic
        complexed with sul
        1. chain a [71774] picpiclink
      2. 2k3b picpic
        automatically matched to d1jo8a_
        1. region a:2-59 [148264] picpiclink
  24. p47pox (neutrophil cytosolic factor 1) [89295]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [89296] (5)
      1. 1ng2 picpic
        N-terminal domain forms a segment-swapped dimer; C-terminal domain includes the autoinhibition tail region, residues 284-333
        1. region a:157-214 [85660] picpiclink
        2. region a:215-332 [85661] picpiclink
      2. 1uec picpic
        N-terminal domain forms a segment-swapped dimer; C-terminal domain includes the autoinhibition tail region, residues 284-336
        1. region a:157-214 [88481] picpiclink
        2. region a:215-336 [88482] picpiclink
      3. 1ov3 picpic
        N-terminal domain forms a segment-swapped dimer; C-terminal domain binds a peptide from p22phox, chains C and D
        1. region a:150-214 [87451] picpiclink
        2. region a:215-283 [87452] picpiclink
        3. region b:152-214 [87453] picpiclink
        4. region b:215-283 [87454] picpiclink
      4. 1wlp picpic
        automatically matched to d1ov3a1
        1. region b:229-281 [121010] picpiclink
      5. 1wlp picpic
        1. region b:149-214 [144558] picpiclink
  25. p67phox [74922]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [74923] (1)
      1. 1k4u picpic
        C-terminal SH3 domain complexed with the C-terminal tail of p47phox (chain P)
        1. chain s [72065] picpiclink
  26. Peroxisomal membrane protein Pex13p [82055]
    1. Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId: 4932] [82056] (5)
      1. 2v1r picpic
        automatically matched to d1jqqb_
        complexed with ace
        1. region a:10-76 [152411] picpiclink
      2. 2v1r picpic
        automatically matched to d1jqqb_
        complexed with ace
        1. region b:10-76 [152412] picpiclink
      3. 1jqq picpic
        1. chain a [77164] picpiclink
        2. chain b [77165] picpiclink
        3. chain c [77166] picpiclink
        4. chain d [77167] picpiclink
      4. 1n5z picpic
        complexed with a peptide of pex14p, chains P and Q
        1. chain a [80064] picpiclink
        2. chain b [80065] picpiclink
      5. 1nm7 picpic
        1. chain a [85871] picpiclink
  27. Intersectin 2 (KIAA1256) [101669]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [101670] (5)
      SQ Q9NZM3 761-841, 897-957, 982-1037, 1055-1121, 1102-1186
      1. 1j3t picpic
        structural genomics; second SH3 domain
        1. chain a [103839] picpiclink
      2. 1ue9 picpic
        structural genomics; fourth SH3 domain
        1. chain a [99255] picpiclink
      3. 1uhf picpic
        structural genomics; third SH3 domain
        1. chain a [107848] picpiclink
      4. 1udl picpic
        structural genomics; fifth SH3 domain
        1. chain a [99212] picpiclink
      5. 1uff picpic
        structural genomics; first SH3 domain
        1. chain a [99335] picpiclink
  28. Hypothetical protein Baa76854.1 (KIAA1010) [101671]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [101672] (2)
      1. 1uhc picpic
        structural genomics; C-terminal SH3 domain
        1. chain a [99397] picpiclink
      2. 1ug1 picpic
        structural genomics; second last SH3 domain
        1. chain a [99360] picpiclink
  29. Olygophrenin-1 like protein (KIAA0621) [101673]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [101674] (1)
      1. 1ugv picpic
        structural genomics
        1. chain a [99367] picpiclink
  30. Signal transducing adaptor molecule Stam2 [101675]
    1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [101676] (1)
      1. 1uj0 picpic
        complexed with a ubpy-derived peptide
        complexed with po4
        1. chain a [99449] picpiclink
  31. Rac/CDC42 GEF 6 [101677]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [101678] (1)
      1. 1ujy picpic
        1. chain a [99474] picpiclink
  32. Hypothetical protein YFR024c [101679]
    1. Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId: 4932] [101680] (2)
      1. 1oot picpic
        structural genomics; C-terminal domain
        complexed with cl
        1. chain a [93386] picpiclink
      2. 1ssh picpic
        automatically matched to d1oota_
        1. region a:3-60 [119048] picpiclink
  33. Fyn-binding protein (T-cell adapter protein adap) [101681]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [101682] (1)
      1. 1ri9 picpic
        helically extended ant the N-terminus
        1. chain a [97506] picpiclink
  34. SH3-like domain of the L-type calcium channel [110158]
    1. Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) [TaxId: 9986] [110159] (4)
      SQ P54288
      1. 1t0h picpicxref
        complexed with cl
        1. chain a [106207] picpiclink
      2. 1t0j picpicxrefxref
        complexed with cl
        1. chain a [106211] picpiclink
      3. 1t3l picpicxrefxref
        1. region a:35-141 [106358] picpiclink
      4. 1t3s picpicxref
        complexed with hg; mutant
        1. region a:35-141 [106379] picpiclink
    2. Rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId: 10116] [110160] (3)
      SQ P54287 38-362
      1. 1vyu picpicxref
        1. region a:39-174 [108914] picpiclink
        2. region b:38-174 [108916] picpiclink
      2. 1vyt picpicxrefxref
        1. region a:38-174 [108908] picpiclink
        2. region b:38-174 [108910] picpiclink
      3. 1vyv picpicxref
        beta4 isoform with odd numbering
        1. region a:71-215 [108918] picpiclink
        2. region b:71-215 [108920] picpiclink
  35. BAI1-associated protein 2-like 1 (RIKEN cDNA 1300006m19) [110161]
    1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [110162] (1)
      SQ Q9DBJ3 343-401
      1. 1spk picpic
        Structural genomics target
        1. chain a [105877] picpiclink
  36. Kalirin-9a [117147]
    1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [117148] (1)
      SQ Q8BTT9 594-651
      1. 1wfw picpic
        Structural genomics target
        1. chain a [114595] picpiclink
  37. RIM binding protein 2, RIMBP2 [117149]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [117150] (1)
      SQ O15034 160-242
      1. 1wie picpic
        Structural genomics target
        1. chain a [114668] picpiclink
  38. BZZ1 [141188]
    1. Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId: 4932] [141189] (1)
      SQ P38822 497-552
      1. 1zuu picpic
        complexed with mg, unx
        1. region a:2-57 [125688] picpiclink
  39. Nck-2 [159019]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [159020] (1)
      SQ O43639 192-262
      unclassified SH3 domains of this protein species are: 1WX6, 2B86, 2FRW, 2FRY
      1. 1u5s picpicxrefxref
        third SH3 domain
        complexed with zn
        1. region a:1-71 [144389] picpiclink

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