Structural Classification of Proteins
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Superfamily: Cupredoxins

contains copper-binding site
link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: All beta proteins [48724]
  3. Fold: Cupredoxin-like [49502]
    sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets, greek-key
    variations: some members have additional 1-2 strands
  4. Superfamily: Cupredoxins [49503]
    contains copper-binding site
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily


  1. Plastocyanin/azurin-like [49504] (32)
    mono-domain proteins
    1. Amicyanin [49505]
      1. Paracoccus denitrificans [TaxId: 266] [49506] (31)
        SQ P22364
        1. 2ov0 picpic
          automatically matched to d1aaca_
          complexed with cu, na, po4
          1. region a:1-105 [149033] picpiclink
        2. 1sfd picpic
          complexed with cu, so4; mutant
          1. chain a [105480] picpiclink
          2. chain b [105481] picpiclink
        3. 1sfh picpic
          complexed with cu1, na; mutant
          1. chain a [105486] picpiclink
          2. chain b [105487] picpiclink
        4. 1sf3 picpic
          complexed with cu1, po4; mutant
          1. chain a [105470] picpiclink
        5. 1sf5 picpic
          complexed with cu, mho; mutant
          1. chain a [105471] picpiclink
        6. 1bxa picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22839] picpiclink
        7. 1aac picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22838] picpiclink
        8. 2rac picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22840] picpiclink
        9. 1t5k picpic
          complexed with co, po4
          1. chain a [106451] picpiclink
          2. chain b [106452] picpiclink
          3. chain c [106453] picpiclink
          4. chain d [106454] picpiclink
        10. 1aaj picpic
          1. chain a [22841] picpiclink
        11. 1aan picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22842] picpiclink
        12. 2gc7 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1aac__
          complexed with hem, na, trq
          1. region c:1-105 [134956] picpiclink
        13. 2gc7 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1aac__
          complexed with hem, na, trq
          1. region g:1-105 [134960] picpiclink
        14. 2gc7 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1aac__
          complexed with hem, na, trq
          1. region k:1-105 [134964] picpiclink
        15. 2gc7 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1aac__
          complexed with hem, na, trq
          1. region o:1-105 [134968] picpiclink
        16. 2gc4 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1aac__
          complexed with cu, hem, na, trq
          1. region c:1-105 [134936] picpiclink
        17. 2gc4 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1aac__
          complexed with cu, hem, na, trq
          1. region g:1-105 [134940] picpiclink
        18. 2gc4 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1aac__
          complexed with cu, hem, na, trq
          1. region k:1-105 [134944] picpiclink
        19. 2gc4 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1aac__
          complexed with cu, hem, na, trq
          1. region o:1-105 [134948] picpiclink
        20. 2j56 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1aac__
          complexed with cu, gol, na, tqq
          1. region a:1-105 [138017] picpiclink
        21. 2j56 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1aac__
          complexed with cu, gol, na, tqq
          1. region b:1-105 [138018] picpiclink
        22. 1mg2 picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with cu, hem, na, po4, trq; mutant
          1. chain c [79061] picpiclink
          2. chain g [79065] picpiclink
          3. chain k [79069] picpiclink
          4. chain o [79073] picpiclink
        23. 2j57 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1aac__
          complexed with cu, tqq
          1. region a:1-105 [138021] picpiclink
        24. 2j57 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1aac__
          complexed with cu, tqq
          1. region b:1-105 [138022] picpiclink
        25. 2j57 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1aac__
          complexed with cu, tqq
          1. region c:1-105 [138023] picpiclink
        26. 2j57 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1aac__
          complexed with cu, tqq
          1. region d:1-105 [138024] picpiclink
        27. 2j55 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1aac__
          complexed with cu, gol, trq
          1. region a:1-105 [138013] picpiclink
        28. 2j55 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1aac__
          complexed with cu, gol, trq
          1. region b:1-105 [138014] picpiclink
        29. 1mg3 picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with cu, hem, na, po4, trw; mutant
          1. chain c [79077] picpiclink
          2. chain g [79081] picpiclink
          3. chain k [79085] picpiclink
          4. chain o [79089] picpiclink
        30. 2mta picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with cu, hem, owq, po4
          1. chain a [22843] picpiclink
        31. 1mda picpicxrefxref
          complexed with cu, owq
          1. chain a [22844] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22845] picpiclink
      2. Paracoccus versutus (Thiobacillus versutus) [TaxId: 34007] [63685] (1)
        1. 1id2 picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [62288] picpiclink
          2. chain b [62289] picpiclink
          3. chain c [62290] picpiclink
    2. Plastocyanin [49507]
      1. Poplar (Populus nigra), variant italica [TaxId: 3691] [49508] (10)
        1. 1plc picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22846] picpiclink
        2. 1pnc picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22847] picpiclink
        3. 1pnd picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22848] picpiclink
        4. 1jxg picpic
          complexed with cu1, sul; mutant
          1. chain a [67413] picpiclink
          2. chain b [67414] picpiclink
        5. 5pcy picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22850] picpiclink
        6. 3pcy picpic
          complexed with hg
          1. chain a [22851] picpiclink
        7. 2pcy picpic
          1. chain a [22849] picpiclink
        8. 6pcy picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22852] picpiclink
        9. 4pcy picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22853] picpiclink
        10. 1tkw picpic
          automatically matched to d1plc__
          complexed with cu, hec
          1. region a:1-99 [119297] picpiclink
      2. French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) [TaxId: 3885] [49509] (1)
        1. 9pcy picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22854] picpiclink
      3. Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) [TaxId: 4043] [49510] (2)
        1. 1pla picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22855] picpiclink
        2. 1plb picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22856] picpiclink
      4. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) [TaxId: 3562] [49511] (2)
        1. 1ag6 picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [22857] picpiclink
        2. 1oow picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [93387] picpiclink
      5. White campion (Silene pratensis) [TaxId: 52853] [49512] (2)
        1. 1byp picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [22858] picpiclink
        2. 1byo picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22859] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22860] picpiclink
      6. Ulva pertusa, a sea lettuce [TaxId: 3120] [49513] (1)
        1. 1iuz picpic
          complexed with cu, so4
          1. chain a [22861] picpiclink
      7. Green alga (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) [TaxId: 3055] [49514] (1)
        1. 2plt picpic
          complexed with ca, cu
          1. chain a [22862] picpiclink
      8. Green alga (Enteromorpha prolifera) [TaxId: 3117] [49515] (1)
        1. 7pcy picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22863] picpiclink
      9. Fern (Adiantum capillus-veneris) [TaxId: 13818] [49516] (2)
        1. 1kdj picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22864] picpiclink
        2. 1kdi picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22865] picpiclink
      10. Anabaena variabilis [TaxId: 1172] [49517] (7)
        1. 2cj3 picpic
          automatically matched to d1fa4a_
          complexed with cu
          1. region a:1-105 [130516] picpiclink
        2. 2cj3 picpic
          automatically matched to d1fa4a_
          complexed with cu
          1. region b:1-105 [130517] picpiclink
        3. 2gim picpic
          automatically matched to d1fa4a_
          complexed with cu
          1. region a:1-105 [135244] picpiclink
        4. 2gim picpic
          automatically matched to d1fa4a_
          complexed with cu
          1. region c:1-105 [135245] picpiclink
        5. 1tu2 picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1fa4a_
          complexed with cu, hec
          1. region a:1-105 [119341] picpiclink
        6. 1nin picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22866] picpiclink
        7. 1fa4 picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22867] picpiclink
      11. Cyanobacterium (Phormidium laminosum) [TaxId: 32059] [49518] (4)
        1. 2q5b picpic
          automatically matched to d1bawa_
          complexed with act, cu, k, zn
          1. region a:1-105 [150045] picpiclink
        2. 2q5b picpic
          automatically matched to d1bawa_
          complexed with act, cu, k, zn
          1. region b:1-105 [150046] picpiclink
        3. 2q5b picpic
          automatically matched to d1bawa_
          complexed with act, cu, k, zn
          1. region c:1-105 [150047] picpiclink
        4. 1baw picpic
          complexed with cu, zn
          1. chain a [22868] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22869] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22870] picpiclink
      12. Cyanobacterium (Synechocystis sp.), pcc 6803 [TaxId: 1143] [49519] (6)
        1. 1pcs picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [22871] picpiclink
        2. 1jxd picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [63312] picpiclink
        3. 1j5d picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [71542] picpiclink
        4. 1m9w picpic
          1. chain a [74604] picpiclink
        5. 1jxf picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [63313] picpiclink
        6. 1j5c picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [71541] picpiclink
      13. Cyanobacterium (Synechocystis sp.), pcc 7942 [TaxId: 1143] [49520] (2)
        1. 1bxu picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22874] picpiclink
        2. 1bxv picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22875] picpiclink
      14. Photosynthetic prokaryote (Prochlorothrix hollandica) [TaxId: 1223] [49521] (3)
        1. 2jxm picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1b3ia_
          complexed with cu, hec
          1. region a:1-97 [148235] picpiclink
        2. 2b3i picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [22876] picpiclink
        3. 1b3i picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [22877] picpiclink
    3. Pseudoazurin [49522]
      1. Alcaligenes faecalis, strain s-6 [TaxId: 511] [49523] (12)
        SQ P04377
        1. 1paz picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22878] picpiclink
        2. 8paz picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22879] picpiclink
        3. 3paz picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22880] picpiclink
        4. 4paz picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [22881] picpiclink
        5. 5paz picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [22882] picpiclink
        6. 1pzc picpic
          apo form
          1. chain a [22885] picpiclink
        7. 1pzb picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22883] picpiclink
        8. 1pza picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22884] picpiclink
        9. 6paz picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [22886] picpiclink
        10. 1py0 picpic
          complexed with so4, y1, yma, zn; mutant
          1. chain a [111645] picpiclink
        11. 7paz picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [22887] picpiclink
        12. 2p80 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d3paza_
          complexed with cu, gd
          1. region d:1-123 [149299] picpiclink
      2. Methylobacterium extorquens, strain am1 [TaxId: 408] [49524] (1)
        1. 1pmy picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22888] picpiclink
      3. Achromobacter cycloclastes [TaxId: 223] [49525] (4)
        1. 1bqk picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22889] picpiclink
        2. 1zia picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22890] picpiclink
        3. 1bqr picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22891] picpiclink
        4. 1zib picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22892] picpiclink
      4. Thiosphaera pantotropha [TaxId: 82367] [49526] (1)
        1. 1adw picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22893] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22894] picpiclink
    4. Plantacyanin [49527]
      basic blue protein
      1. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) [TaxId: 3659] [49528] (1)
        1. 2cbp picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22895] picpiclink
      2. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) [TaxId: 3562] [49529] (1)
        1. 1f56 picpic
          complexed with cu1, so4
          1. chain a [22896] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22897] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22898] picpiclink
    5. Azurin [49530]
      1. Alcaligenes denitrificans [TaxId: 32002] [49531] (8)
        1. 1azc picpic
          complexed with cu, so4
          1. chain a [22899] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22900] picpiclink
        2. 2aza picpic
          complexed with cu, so4
          1. chain a [22901] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22902] picpiclink
        3. 1aiz picpic
          complexed with cd, so4
          1. chain a [22903] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22904] picpiclink
        4. 1uri picpic
          complexed with cu, so4; mutant
          1. chain a [22905] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22906] picpiclink
        5. 1a4a picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [22907] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22908] picpiclink
        6. 1a4b picpic
          complexed with cu, so4; mutant
          1. chain a [22909] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22910] picpiclink
        7. 1azb picpic
          complexed with cu, so4
          1. chain a [22911] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22912] picpiclink
        8. 1a4c picpic
          complexed with cu, no3, so4; mutant
          1. chain a [22913] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22914] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22915] picpiclink
          4. chain d [22916] picpiclink
      2. Alcaligenes xylosoxidans, NCIMB (11015), different isoforms [TaxId: 85698] [49532] (4)
        1. 2ccw picpic
          automatically matched to d1dyza_
          complexed with cu1
          1. region a:1-129 [130259] picpiclink
        2. 1dyz picpic
          Oxidized azurin II
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22917] picpiclink
        3. 1dz0 picpic
          Reduced azurin II
          complexed with cu1
          1. chain a [22918] picpiclink
        4. 1rkr picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [22919] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22920] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22921] picpiclink
          4. chain d [22922] picpiclink
      3. Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId: 287] [49533] (36)
        SQ P00282
        1. 1jzg picpic
          complexed with cu1, imf, rtb
          1. chain a [67855] picpiclink
        2. 1xb3 picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [115060] picpiclink
          2. chain b [115061] picpiclink
        3. 1jzf picpic
          complexed with cu, ime, rtb
          1. chain a [67854] picpiclink
        4. 1xb6 picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [115062] picpiclink
          2. chain b [115063] picpiclink
        5. 1jzi picpic
          complexed with cu, ime, rep
          1. chain a [67857] picpiclink
          2. chain b [67858] picpiclink
        6. 1gr7 picpic
          complexed with cso, cu; mutant
          1. chain a [70381] picpiclink
          2. chain b [70382] picpiclink
          3. chain c [70383] picpiclink
          4. chain d [70384] picpiclink
        7. 1cc3 picpic
          contains purple CuA centre introduced by loop-directed mutagenesis
          1. chain a [23008] picpiclink
          2. chain b [23009] picpiclink
        8. 1jze picpic
          complexed with cu, dru, lru
          1. chain a [67853] picpiclink
        9. 1jvl picpic
          complexed with 144, cu, ni, opp; mutant
          1. chain a [67349] picpiclink
          2. chain b [67350] picpiclink
        10. 2azu picpic
          complexed with cu, no3; mutant
          1. chain a [22923] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22924] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22925] picpiclink
          4. chain d [22926] picpiclink
        11. 1jzj picpic
          complexed with cu, dos, ime, los
          1. chain a [67859] picpiclink
          2. chain b [67860] picpiclink
        12. 1i53 picpic
          complexed with cu, dpt, rtc; mutant
          1. chain a [66031] picpiclink
          2. chain b [66032] picpiclink
        13. 1e65 picpic
          1. chain a [22931] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22932] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22933] picpiclink
          4. chain d [22934] picpiclink
        14. 1e5z picpic
          complexed with cu, no3
          1. chain a [22939] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22940] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22941] picpiclink
          4. chain d [22942] picpiclink
        15. 1e5y picpic
          complexed with cu, no3
          1. chain a [22935] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22936] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22937] picpiclink
          4. chain d [22938] picpiclink
        16. 1vlx picpic
          complexed with co
          1. chain a [22927] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22928] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22929] picpiclink
          4. chain d [22930] picpiclink
        17. 1jzh picpic
          complexed with cu, rta
          1. chain a [67856] picpiclink
        18. 1xb8 picpic
          complexed with zn; mutant
          1. chain a [115064] picpiclink
          2. chain c [115065] picpiclink
        19. 1e67 picpic
          complexed with no3, zn
          1. chain a [22947] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22948] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22949] picpiclink
          4. chain d [22950] picpiclink
        20. 5azu picpic
          complexed with cu, no3
          1. chain a [22963] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22964] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22965] picpiclink
          4. chain d [22966] picpiclink
        21. 3azu picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [22943] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22944] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22945] picpiclink
          4. chain d [22946] picpiclink
        22. 4azu picpic
          complexed with cu, no3
          1. chain a [22951] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22952] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22953] picpiclink
          4. chain d [22954] picpiclink
        23. 1r1c picpic
          complexed with cu1, rep; mutant
          1. chain a [96809] picpiclink
          2. chain b [96810] picpiclink
          3. chain c [96811] picpiclink
          4. chain d [96812] picpiclink
        24. 1ils picpic
          complexed with cu, no3; mutant
          1. chain a [22955] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22956] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22957] picpiclink
          4. chain d [22958] picpiclink
        25. 1nzr picpic
          complexed with ni, no3; mutant
          1. chain a [22959] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22960] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22961] picpiclink
          4. chain d [22962] picpiclink
        26. 1azr picpic
          complexed with cu, no3; mutant
          1. chain a [22983] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22984] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22985] picpiclink
          4. chain d [22986] picpiclink
        27. 1ezl picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [22967] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22968] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22969] picpiclink
          4. chain d [22970] picpiclink
        28. 1ilu picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [22971] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22972] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22973] picpiclink
          4. chain d [22974] picpiclink
          5. chain e [22975] picpiclink
          6. chain f [22976] picpiclink
          7. chain g [22977] picpiclink
          8. chain h [22978] picpiclink
          9. chain i [22979] picpiclink
          10. chain k [22980] picpiclink
          11. chain l [22981] picpiclink
          12. chain m [22982] picpiclink
        29. 1etj picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [22987] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22988] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22989] picpiclink
          4. chain d [22990] picpiclink
        30. 2tsa picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [22991] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22992] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22993] picpiclink
          4. chain d [22994] picpiclink
        31. 1bex picpic
          complexed with cu, rbu
          1. chain a [22999] picpiclink
          2. chain b [23000] picpiclink
        32. 2tsb picpic
          complexed with azi, cu; mutant
          1. chain a [22995] picpiclink
          2. chain b [22996] picpiclink
          3. chain c [22997] picpiclink
          4. chain d [22998] picpiclink
        33. 1jvo picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [67359] picpiclink
          2. chain b [67360] picpiclink
          3. chain c [67361] picpiclink
          4. chain d [67362] picpiclink
          5. chain e [67363] picpiclink
          6. chain f [67364] picpiclink
          7. chain g [67365] picpiclink
          8. chain h [67366] picpiclink
          9. chain i [67367] picpiclink
          10. chain j [67368] picpiclink
          11. chain k [67369] picpiclink
          12. chain l [67370] picpiclink
        34. 1azn picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [23003] picpiclink
          2. chain b [23004] picpiclink
          3. chain c [23005] picpiclink
          4. chain d [23006] picpiclink
        35. 1ag0 picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [23001] picpiclink
          2. chain b [23002] picpiclink
        36. 1azu picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [23007] picpiclink
      4. Pseudomonas fluorescens [TaxId: 294] [49534] (1)
        1. 1joi picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [23010] picpiclink
      5. Pseudomonas putida [TaxId: 303] [49535] (2)
        1. 1nwp picpic
          complexed with cu, zn
          1. chain a [23011] picpiclink
          2. chain b [23012] picpiclink
        2. 1nwo picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [23013] picpiclink
          2. chain b [23014] picpiclink
      6. Methylomonas sp. j [TaxId: 32038] [49536] (2)
        1. 1cuo picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [23015] picpiclink
        2. 1uat picpic
          complexed with cu, so4
          1. chain a [99138] picpiclink
    6. Auracyanin [63686]
      azurin-related protein
      1. Chloroflexus aurantiacus [TaxId: 1108] [63687] (2)
        1. 1qhq picpic
          complexed with cl, cu, so4
          1. chain a [63326] picpiclink
        2. 1ov8 picpic
          complexed with cl, cu, so4
          1. chain a [93587] picpiclink
          2. chain b [93588] picpiclink
          3. chain c [93589] picpiclink
          4. chain d [93590] picpiclink
    7. Rusticyanin [49537]
      1. Thiobacillus ferrooxidans [TaxId: 920] [49538] (7)
        1. 1e30 picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [23016] picpiclink
          2. chain b [23017] picpiclink
        2. 1gy1 picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. chain a [70724] picpiclink
          2. chain b [70725] picpiclink
        3. 1gy2 picpic
          complexed with cu, gol; mutant
          1. chain a [70726] picpiclink
          2. chain b [70727] picpiclink
        4. 1rcy picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [23018] picpiclink
        5. 1a8z picpic
          complexed with cu1
          1. chain a [23020] picpiclink
        6. 1a3z picpic
          complexed with cu1
          1. chain a [23019] picpiclink
        7. 1cur picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [23021] picpiclink
    8. Stellacyanin [49539]
      1. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) [TaxId: 3659] [49540] (1)
        1. 1jer picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [23022] picpiclink
    9. Mavicyanin [117080]
      Plantacyanin and stellacyanin homologue
      1. Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) [TaxId: 3663] [117081] (2)
        SQ P80728
        1. 1ws8 picpic
          complexed with cu, gol
          1. chain a [114843] picpiclink
          2. chain b [114844] picpiclink
          3. chain c [114845] picpiclink
          4. chain d [114846] picpiclink
        2. 1ws7 picpic
          complexed with cu1
          1. chain a [114839] picpiclink
          2. chain b [114840] picpiclink
          3. chain c [114841] picpiclink
          4. chain d [114842] picpiclink
  2. Nitrosocyanin [63392] (3)
    1. Red copper protein nitrosocyanin [63688]
      1. Nitrosomonas europaea [TaxId: 915] [63689] (3)
        1. 1iby picpic
          complexed with cu, hez
          1. chain a [62233] picpiclink
          2. chain b [62234] picpiclink
          3. chain c [62235] picpiclink
          4. chain d [62236] picpiclink
        2. 1ibz picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [62237] picpiclink
          2. chain b [62238] picpiclink
          3. chain c [62239] picpiclink
          4. chain d [62240] picpiclink
        3. 1ic0 picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [62241] picpiclink
          2. chain b [62242] picpiclink
          3. chain c [62243] picpiclink
          4. chain d [62244] picpiclink
          5. chain e [62245] picpiclink
          6. chain f [62246] picpiclink
    2. Nitrous oxide reductase, C-terminal domain [49548]
      1. Pseudomonas nautica [TaxId: 2743] [49549] (1)
        1. 1qni picpicxref
          complexed with ca, cl, cua, cuz
          1. region a:451-581 [23042] picpiclink
          2. region b:451-581 [23043] picpiclink
          3. region c:451-581 [23044] picpiclink
          4. region d:451-581 [23045] picpiclink
          5. region e:451-581 [23046] picpiclink
          6. region f:451-581 [23047] picpiclink
      2. Paracoccus denitrificans [TaxId: 266] [63690] (1)
        1. 1fwx picpicxref
          complexed with ca, cl, cua, cuz
          1. region a:452-581 [60069] picpiclink
          2. region b:452-580 [60071] picpiclink
          3. region c:452-581 [60073] picpiclink
          4. region d:452-580 [60075] picpiclink
  3. Periplasmic domain of cytochrome c oxidase subunit II [49541] (5)
    1. Quinol oxidase (CyoA) [49542]
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [49543] (3)
        1. 1cyx picpic
          complexed with cua; mutant
          1. chain a [23023] picpiclink
        2. 1cyw picpic
          1. chain a [23024] picpiclink
        3. 1fft picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with cu, hem, heo
          1. region b:118-283 [23025] picpiclink
          2. region g:118-283 [23026] picpiclink
    2. Cytochrome c oxidase [49544]
      1. Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId: 9913] [49545] (21)
        1. 1v54 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with cdl, chd, cu, cua, dmu, hea, mg, na, pek, pgv, psc, tgl, unx, zn
          1. region b:91-227 [100322] picpiclink
          2. region o:91-227 [100336] picpiclink
        2. 2dyr picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1occb1
          complexed with cdl, chd, cu, cua, dmu, hea, mg, na, pek, pgv, psc, tgl, unx, zn
          1. region b:91-227 [131900] picpiclink
        3. 2dyr picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1occb1
          complexed with cdl, chd, cu, cua, dmu, hea, mg, na, pek, pgv, psc, tgl, unx, zn
          1. region o:91-227 [131914] picpiclink
        4. 1v55 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with cdl, chd, cu, cua, dmu, hea, mg, na, pek, pgv, psc, tgl, unx, zn
          1. region b:91-227 [100350] picpiclink
          2. region o:91-227 [100364] picpiclink
        5. 2eij picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1occb1
          complexed with cdl, chd, cu, cua, dmu, hea, mg, na, pek, pgv, psc, tgl, zn
          1. region b:91-227 [132140] picpiclink
        6. 2eij picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1occb1
          complexed with cdl, chd, cu, cua, dmu, hea, mg, na, pek, pgv, psc, tgl, zn
          1. region o:91-227 [132154] picpiclink
        7. 2eil picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1occb1
          complexed with cd, cdl, chd, cu, cua, dmu, hea, mg, na, pek, pgv, psc, tgl, zn
          1. region b:91-227 [132196] picpiclink
        8. 2eil picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1occb1
          complexed with cd, cdl, chd, cu, cua, dmu, hea, mg, na, pek, pgv, psc, tgl, zn
          1. region o:91-227 [132210] picpiclink
        9. 2eik picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1occb1
          complexed with cd, cdl, chd, cu, cua, dmu, hea, mg, na, pek, pgv, psc, tgl, zn
          1. region b:91-227 [132168] picpiclink
        10. 2eik picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1occb1
          complexed with cd, cdl, chd, cu, cua, dmu, hea, mg, na, pek, pgv, psc, tgl, zn
          1. region o:91-227 [132182] picpiclink
        11. 2dys picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1occb1
          complexed with cdl, chd, cu, cua, dmu, glh, hea, mg, na, pek, pgv, psc, tgl, unx, zn
          1. region b:91-227 [131928] picpiclink
        12. 2dys picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1occb1
          complexed with cdl, chd, cu, cua, dmu, glh, hea, mg, na, pek, pgv, psc, tgl, unx, zn
          1. region o:91-227 [131942] picpiclink
        13. 2occ picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with cu, hea, mg, na, per, zn
          1. region b:91-227 [23027] picpiclink
          2. region o:91-227 [23028] picpiclink
        14. 1ocr picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with cu, hea, mg, na, zn
          1. region b:91-227 [23029] picpiclink
          2. region o:91-227 [23030] picpiclink
        15. 2eim picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1occb1
          complexed with cdl, chd, cu, cua, dmu, hea, mg, na, pek, pgv, psc, tgl, zn
          1. region b:91-227 [132224] picpiclink
        16. 2eim picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1occb1
          complexed with cdl, chd, cu, cua, dmu, hea, mg, na, pek, pgv, psc, tgl, zn
          1. region o:91-227 [132238] picpiclink
        17. 2ein picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1occb1
          complexed with cdl, chd, cu, cua, dmu, hea, mg, na, pek, pgv, psc, tgl, zn
          1. region b:91-227 [132252] picpiclink
        18. 2ein picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1occb1
          complexed with cdl, chd, cu, cua, dmu, hea, mg, na, pek, pgv, psc, tgl, zn
          1. region o:91-227 [132266] picpiclink
        19. 1occ picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with cu, hea, mg, zn
          1. region b:91-227 [23031] picpiclink
          2. region o:91-227 [23032] picpiclink
        20. 1ocz picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with azi, cu, hea, mg, na, zn
          1. region b:91-227 [23033] picpiclink
          2. region o:91-227 [23034] picpiclink
        21. 1oco picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with cmo, cu, hea, mg, na, zn
          1. region b:91-227 [23035] picpiclink
          2. region o:91-227 [23036] picpiclink
      2. Paracoccus denitrificans [TaxId: 266] [49546] (3)
        1. 3ehb picpicxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1ar1b1
          complexed with ca, cu, hea, lda, lmt, mg, per; mutant
          1. region b:108-252 [158150] picpiclink
        2. 1ar1 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, cu, hea, lda, mg
          1. region b:108-252 [23037] picpiclink
        3. 1qle picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          1. region b:108-252 [23038] picpiclink
      3. Rhodobacter sphaeroides [TaxId: 1063] [74870] (6)
        1. 3dtu picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1m56b1
          complexed with ca, cd, cu, dmu, dxc, hea, hto, mg, oh, po4, trd
          1. region b:130-281 [157857] picpiclink
        2. 3dtu picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1m56b1
          complexed with ca, cd, cu, dmu, dxc, hea, hto, mg, oh, po4, trd
          1. region d:130-281 [157860] picpiclink
        3. 2gsm picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1m56b1
          complexed with ca, cd, cu, dmu, hea, mg, oh, trd
          1. region b:130-281 [135590] picpiclink
        4. 2gsm picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1m56b1
          complexed with ca, cd, cu, dmu, hea, mg, oh, trd
          1. region d:130-281 [135593] picpiclink
        5. 1m56 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, cu, hea, mg, peh
          1. region b:130-289 [74472] picpiclink
          2. region h:130-289 [74477] picpiclink
        6. 1m57 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, cu, hea, mg, peh; mutant
          1. region b:130-289 [74482] picpiclink
          2. region h:130-289 [74487] picpiclink
      4. Thermus thermophilus, ba3 type [TaxId: 274] [49547] (7)
        1. 2cua picpic
          complexed with cua, zn
          1. chain a [23039] picpiclink
          2. chain b [23040] picpiclink
        2. 1xme picpicxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d2cuab_
          complexed with bng, cu, cua, gol, has, hem
          1. region b:37-168 [122144] picpiclink
        3. 1ehk picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with 1cu, bng, cua, has, hem
          1. region b:41-168 [23041] picpiclink
        4. 2qpe picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d2cuab_
          complexed with cu1, cua, has, hem; mutant
          1. region b:37-168 [151202] picpiclink
        5. 3bvd picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d2cuab_
          complexed with cu, cua, has, hem, xe; mutant
          1. region b:37-168 [155660] picpiclink
        6. 2fwl picpicxref
          automatically matched to d2cuab_
          complexed with cua, hec
          1. region b:35-168 [134248] picpiclink
        7. 2qpd picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d2cuab_
          complexed with cu1, cua, has, hem; mutant
          1. region b:37-168 [151199] picpiclink
  4. Multidomain cupredoxins [49550] (15)
    1. Nitrite reductase, NIR [49551]
      consists of two domains of this fold
      1. Achromobacter cycloclastes [TaxId: 223] [49552] (10)
        1. 1nif picpic
          complexed with cu, dis, mto
          1. region a:8-166 [23048] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-340 [23049] picpiclink
        2. 1kcb picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. region a:8-166 [90951] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-340 [90952] picpiclink
        3. 1rzp picpic
          complexed with cu, mes, so4
          1. region a:8-166 [98212] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-335 [98213] picpiclink
          3. region b:8-166 [98214] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-335 [98215] picpiclink
          5. region c:4-166 [98216] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-335 [98217] picpiclink
        4. 1nie picpic
          complexed with cu, dis, mto
          1. region a:8-166 [23052] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-340 [23053] picpiclink
        5. 1nic picpic
          complexed with cu, dis, mto, so4
          1. region a:8-166 [23050] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-340 [23051] picpiclink
        6. 2nrd picpic
          complexed with cu, dis, mto
          1. region a:8-166 [23056] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-340 [23057] picpiclink
        7. 1nid picpic
          complexed with cu, no2
          1. region a:8-166 [23054] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-340 [23055] picpiclink
        8. 1rzq picpic
          complexed with acy, cu, so4
          1. region a:8-166 [98218] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-335 [98219] picpiclink
          3. region b:8-166 [98220] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-335 [98221] picpiclink
          5. region c:4-166 [98222] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-335 [98223] picpiclink
        9. 1nia picpic
          complexed with cu, dis, mto
          1. region a:8-166 [23058] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-340 [23059] picpiclink
          3. region b:8-166 [23060] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-340 [23061] picpiclink
          5. region c:8-166 [23062] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-340 [23063] picpiclink
        10. 1nib picpic
          complexed with cu, dis, mto
          1. region a:8-166 [23064] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-340 [23065] picpiclink
          3. region b:8-166 [23066] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-340 [23067] picpiclink
          5. region c:8-166 [23068] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-340 [23069] picpiclink
      2. Alcaligenes faecalis, strain s-6 [TaxId: 511] [49553] (83)
        SQ P38501
        1. 1snr picpic
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, nmo, trs
          1. region a:5-166 [105823] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-339 [105824] picpiclink
          3. region b:5-166 [105825] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-339 [105826] picpiclink
          5. region c:5-166 [105827] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-339 [105828] picpiclink
        2. 1sjm picpic
          complexed with act, cu, no2, trs
          1. region a:5-166 [105654] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-339 [105655] picpiclink
          3. region b:5-166 [105656] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-339 [105657] picpiclink
          5. region c:5-166 [105658] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-339 [105659] picpiclink
        3. 2e86 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, azi, cu, cu1, trs
          1. region a:12-164 [146708] picpiclink
        4. 2e86 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, azi, cu, cu1, trs
          1. region a:167-337 [146709] picpiclink
        5. 2e86 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, azi, cu, cu1, trs
          1. region b:12-164 [146710] picpiclink
        6. 2e86 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, azi, cu, cu1, trs
          1. region b:167-337 [146711] picpiclink
        7. 2e86 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, azi, cu, cu1, trs
          1. region c:12-164 [146712] picpiclink
        8. 2e86 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, azi, cu, cu1, trs
          1. region c:167-337 [146713] picpiclink
        9. 2pp8 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, fmt, trs
          1. region a:12-164 [149735] picpiclink
        10. 2pp8 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, fmt, trs
          1. region a:167-337 [149736] picpiclink
        11. 2pp8 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, fmt, trs
          1. region b:12-164 [149737] picpiclink
        12. 2pp8 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, fmt, trs
          1. region b:167-337 [149738] picpiclink
        13. 2pp8 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, fmt, trs
          1. region c:12-164 [149739] picpiclink
        14. 2pp8 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, fmt, trs
          1. region c:167-337 [149740] picpiclink
        15. 2ppc picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no2, trs
          1. region a:12-164 [149757] picpiclink
        16. 2ppc picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no2, trs
          1. region a:167-337 [149758] picpiclink
        17. 2ppc picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no2, trs
          1. region b:12-164 [149759] picpiclink
        18. 2ppc picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no2, trs
          1. region b:167-337 [149760] picpiclink
        19. 2ppc picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no2, trs
          1. region c:12-164 [149761] picpiclink
        20. 2ppc picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no2, trs
          1. region c:167-337 [149762] picpiclink
        21. 2ppf picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no, trs; mutant
          1. region a:12-164 [149775] picpiclink
        22. 2ppf picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no, trs; mutant
          1. region a:167-337 [149776] picpiclink
        23. 2ppf picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no, trs; mutant
          1. region b:12-164 [149777] picpiclink
        24. 2ppf picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no, trs; mutant
          1. region b:167-337 [149778] picpiclink
        25. 2ppf picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no, trs; mutant
          1. region c:12-164 [149779] picpiclink
        26. 2ppf picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no, trs; mutant
          1. region c:167-337 [149780] picpiclink
        27. 2pp7 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, trs
          1. region a:12-164 [149729] picpiclink
        28. 2pp7 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, trs
          1. region a:167-337 [149730] picpiclink
        29. 2pp7 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, trs
          1. region b:12-164 [149731] picpiclink
        30. 2pp7 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, trs
          1. region b:167-337 [149732] picpiclink
        31. 2pp7 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, trs
          1. region c:12-164 [149733] picpiclink
        32. 2pp7 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, trs
          1. region c:167-337 [149734] picpiclink
        33. 1l9o picpic
          complexed with cu, no2; mutant
          1. region a:4-166 [77828] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-339 [77829] picpiclink
          3. region b:4-166 [77830] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-339 [77831] picpiclink
          5. region c:4-166 [77832] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-339 [77833] picpiclink
        34. 1l9q picpic
          complexed with cu, no2; mutant
          1. region a:4-166 [77840] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-339 [77841] picpiclink
          3. region b:4-166 [77842] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-339 [77843] picpiclink
          5. region c:4-166 [77844] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-339 [77845] picpiclink
        35. 1j9q picpic
          complexed with cu, no2; mutant
          1. region a:4-166 [62765] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-339 [62766] picpiclink
          3. region b:4-166 [62767] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-339 [62768] picpiclink
          5. region c:4-166 [62769] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-339 [62770] picpiclink
        36. 1l9p picpic
          complexed with cu, no2; mutant
          1. region a:4-166 [77834] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-339 [77835] picpiclink
          3. region b:4-166 [77836] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-339 [77837] picpiclink
          5. region c:4-166 [77838] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-339 [77839] picpiclink
        37. 1l9t picpic
          complexed with cu, no2; mutant
          1. region a:4-166 [77858] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-339 [77859] picpiclink
          3. region b:4-166 [77860] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-339 [77861] picpiclink
          5. region c:4-166 [77862] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-339 [77863] picpiclink
        38. 1l9r picpic
          complexed with cu, no2; mutant
          1. region a:4-166 [77846] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-339 [77847] picpiclink
          3. region b:4-166 [77848] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-339 [77849] picpiclink
          5. region c:4-166 [77850] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-339 [77851] picpiclink
        39. 1et7 picpic
          complexed with cd, cu; mutant
          1. region a:4-166 [23070] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-342 [23071] picpiclink
        40. 1l9s picpic
          complexed with cu, no2; mutant
          1. region a:4-166 [77852] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-339 [77853] picpiclink
          3. region b:4-166 [77854] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-339 [77855] picpiclink
          5. region c:4-166 [77856] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-339 [77857] picpiclink
        41. 2ppa picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, n2o, trs
          1. region a:12-164 [149747] picpiclink
        42. 2ppa picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, n2o, trs
          1. region a:167-337 [149748] picpiclink
        43. 2ppa picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, n2o, trs
          1. region b:12-164 [149749] picpiclink
        44. 2ppa picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, n2o, trs
          1. region b:167-337 [149750] picpiclink
        45. 2ppa picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, n2o, trs
          1. region c:12-164 [149751] picpiclink
        46. 2ppa picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, n2o, trs
          1. region c:167-337 [149752] picpiclink
        47. 2ppe picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no, trs; mutant
          1. region a:12-164 [149769] picpiclink
        48. 2ppe picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no, trs; mutant
          1. region a:167-337 [149770] picpiclink
        49. 2ppe picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no, trs; mutant
          1. region b:12-164 [149771] picpiclink
        50. 2ppe picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no, trs; mutant
          1. region b:167-337 [149772] picpiclink
        51. 2ppe picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no, trs; mutant
          1. region c:12-164 [149773] picpiclink
        52. 2ppe picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no, trs; mutant
          1. region c:167-337 [149774] picpiclink
        53. 1npn picpic
          complexed with cl, cu; mutant
          1. region a:4-166 [85965] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-339 [85966] picpiclink
          3. region b:4-166 [85967] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-339 [85968] picpiclink
          5. region c:4-166 [85969] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-339 [85970] picpiclink
        54. 2pp9 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no3, trs
          1. region a:12-164 [149741] picpiclink
        55. 2pp9 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no3, trs
          1. region a:167-337 [149742] picpiclink
        56. 2pp9 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no3, trs
          1. region b:12-164 [149743] picpiclink
        57. 2pp9 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no3, trs
          1. region b:167-337 [149744] picpiclink
        58. 2pp9 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no3, trs
          1. region c:12-164 [149745] picpiclink
        59. 2pp9 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no3, trs
          1. region c:167-337 [149746] picpiclink
        60. 1et8 picpic
          complexed with cu, zn; mutant
          1. region a:4-166 [23072] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-342 [23073] picpiclink
        61. 2ppd picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no, trs; mutant
          1. region a:12-164 [149763] picpiclink
        62. 2ppd picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no, trs; mutant
          1. region a:167-337 [149764] picpiclink
        63. 2ppd picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no, trs; mutant
          1. region b:12-164 [149765] picpiclink
        64. 2ppd picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no, trs; mutant
          1. region b:167-337 [149766] picpiclink
        65. 2ppd picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no, trs; mutant
          1. region c:12-164 [149767] picpiclink
        66. 2ppd picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, no, trs; mutant
          1. region c:167-337 [149768] picpiclink
        67. 1j9s picpic
          complexed with cu, no2; mutant
          1. region a:4-166 [62777] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-339 [62778] picpiclink
          3. region b:4-166 [62779] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-339 [62780] picpiclink
          5. region c:4-166 [62781] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-339 [62782] picpiclink
        68. 1as6 picpic
          complexed with cu, no2
          1. region a:5-166 [23090] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-339 [23091] picpiclink
          3. region b:4-166 [23092] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-339 [23093] picpiclink
          5. region c:5-166 [23094] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-339 [23095] picpiclink
        69. 1as8 picpic
          complexed with cu, no2
          1. region a:4-166 [23074] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-339 [23075] picpiclink
          3. region b:4-166 [23076] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-339 [23077] picpiclink
          5. region c:4-166 [23078] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-339 [23079] picpiclink
        70. 1et5 picpic
          complexed with cu, zn; mutant
          1. region a:4-166 [23080] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-339 [23081] picpiclink
        71. 1npj picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. region a:4-166 [85959] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-339 [85960] picpiclink
          3. region b:4-166 [85961] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-339 [85962] picpiclink
          5. region c:4-166 [85963] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-339 [85964] picpiclink
        72. 2afn picpic
          complexed with cu, mto; mutant
          1. region a:9-166 [23082] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-339 [23083] picpiclink
          3. region b:9-166 [23084] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-339 [23085] picpiclink
          5. region c:9-166 [23086] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-339 [23087] picpiclink
        73. 1j9t picpic
          complexed with cu, no2; mutant
          1. region a:4-166 [62783] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-339 [62784] picpiclink
          3. region b:4-166 [62785] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-339 [62786] picpiclink
          5. region c:4-166 [62787] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-339 [62788] picpiclink
        74. 1aq8 picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. region a:9-166 [23096] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-339 [23097] picpiclink
          3. region b:9-166 [23098] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-339 [23099] picpiclink
          5. region c:9-166 [23100] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-339 [23101] picpiclink
        75. 1j9r picpic
          complexed with cu, no2; mutant
          1. region a:4-166 [62771] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-339 [62772] picpiclink
          3. region b:4-166 [62773] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-339 [62774] picpiclink
          5. region c:4-166 [62775] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-339 [62776] picpiclink
        76. 1as7 picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. region a:4-166 [23102] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-340 [23103] picpiclink
          3. region b:4-166 [23104] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-340 [23105] picpiclink
          5. region c:4-166 [23106] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-340 [23107] picpiclink
        77. 1ntd picpic
          complexed with cu, mto; mutant
          1. region a:5-166 [23088] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-340 [23089] picpiclink
        78. 2p80 picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with cu, gd
          1. region a:12-164 [149293] picpiclink
        79. 2p80 picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with cu, gd
          1. region a:167-337 [149294] picpiclink
        80. 2p80 picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with cu, gd
          1. region b:12-164 [149295] picpiclink
        81. 2p80 picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with cu, gd
          1. region b:167-337 [149296] picpiclink
        82. 2p80 picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with cu, gd
          1. region c:12-164 [149297] picpiclink
        83. 2p80 picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with cu, gd
          1. region c:167-337 [149298] picpiclink
      3. Alcaligenes xylosoxidans [TaxId: 85698] [49554] (78)
        SQ O68601 25-360 ! SQ O68601 26-359 ! SQ O68601
        1. 2bw4 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x1
          complexed with act, cu, mli, so4
          1. region a:8-164 [129320] picpiclink
        2. 2bw4 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x2
          complexed with act, cu, mli, so4
          1. region a:166-338 [129321] picpiclink
        3. 1oe1 picpic
          atomic resolution structure
          complexed with cu, pca, pg4
          1. region a:1-159 [86891] picpiclink
          2. region a:160-336 [86892] picpiclink
        4. 2bwi picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x1
          complexed with act, cu, mli, no2
          1. region a:8-164 [129366] picpiclink
        5. 2bwi picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x2
          complexed with act, cu, mli, no2
          1. region a:166-338 [129367] picpiclink
        6. 1oe2 picpic
          complexed with cu, pca, pg4; mutant
          1. region a:1-159 [86893] picpiclink
          2. region a:160-335 [86894] picpiclink
        7. 2bw5 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x1
          complexed with act, cu, mli, no, po4
          1. region a:8-164 [129322] picpiclink
        8. 2bw5 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x2
          complexed with act, cu, mli, no, po4
          1. region a:166-338 [129323] picpiclink
        9. 2bwd picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x1
          complexed with act, cu, mli, no, no2
          1. region a:8-164 [129340] picpiclink
        10. 2bwd picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x2
          complexed with act, cu, mli, no, no2
          1. region a:166-338 [129341] picpiclink
        11. 1oe3 picpic
          complexed with cu, peg, pg4
          1. region a:1-159 [103903] picpiclink
          2. region a:160-336 [103904] picpiclink
        12. 2bo0 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x1
          complexed with pg4, zn; mutant
          1. region a:1-159 [128867] picpiclink
        13. 2bo0 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x2
          complexed with pg4, zn; mutant
          1. region a:160-336 [128868] picpiclink
        14. 1wa0 picpic
          complexed with cu, mes, pg4, so4, zn; mutant
          1. region x:2-159 [114425] picpiclink
          2. region x:160-336 [114426] picpiclink
        15. 1zds picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with acm, cu; mutant
          1. region a:12-164 [124952] picpiclink
        16. 1zds picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with acm, cu; mutant
          1. region a:167-337 [124953] picpiclink
        17. 1zds picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with acm, cu; mutant
          1. region b:12-164 [124954] picpiclink
        18. 1zds picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with acm, cu; mutant
          1. region b:167-337 [124955] picpiclink
        19. 1zds picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with acm, cu; mutant
          1. region c:12-164 [124956] picpiclink
        20. 1zds picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with acm, cu; mutant
          1. region c:167-337 [124957] picpiclink
        21. 1wa1 picpic
          complexed with cu, mes, so4, zn; mutant
          1. region x:2-159 [114427] picpiclink
          2. region x:160-336 [114428] picpiclink
        22. 1wa2 picpic
          complexed with cu, mes, no2, so4, zn; mutant
          1. region x:2-159 [114429] picpiclink
          2. region x:160-335 [114430] picpiclink
        23. 2fjs picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, trs
          1. region a:12-164 [133616] picpiclink
        24. 2fjs picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, trs
          1. region a:167-337 [133617] picpiclink
        25. 2fjs picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, trs
          1. region b:12-164 [133618] picpiclink
        26. 2fjs picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, trs
          1. region b:167-337 [133619] picpiclink
        27. 2fjs picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, trs
          1. region c:12-164 [133620] picpiclink
        28. 2fjs picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with act, cu, cu1, trs
          1. region c:167-337 [133621] picpiclink
        29. 1zdq picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with cu, msm; mutant
          1. region a:12-164 [124946] picpiclink
        30. 1zdq picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with cu, msm; mutant
          1. region a:167-337 [124947] picpiclink
        31. 1zdq picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with cu, msm; mutant
          1. region b:12-164 [124948] picpiclink
        32. 1zdq picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with cu, msm; mutant
          1. region b:167-337 [124949] picpiclink
        33. 1zdq picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with cu, msm; mutant
          1. region c:12-164 [124950] picpiclink
        34. 1zdq picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with cu, msm; mutant
          1. region c:167-337 [124951] picpiclink
        35. 1gs7 picpic
          complexed with cu, zn; mutant
          1. region a:1-159 [65531] picpiclink
          2. region a:160-336 [65532] picpiclink
        36. 2vm3 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x1
          complexed with cu, pg4, zn
          1. region a:3-159 [153312] picpiclink
        37. 2vm3 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x2
          complexed with cu, pg4, zn
          1. region a:160-335 [153313] picpiclink
        38. 2vw6 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x1
          complexed with cu, pg4, zn
          1. region a:3-159 [153666] picpiclink
        39. 2vw6 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x2
          complexed with cu, pg4, zn
          1. region a:160-335 [153667] picpiclink
        40. 2vw6 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x1
          complexed with cu, pg4, zn
          1. region b:3-159 [153668] picpiclink
        41. 2vw6 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x2
          complexed with cu, pg4, zn
          1. region b:160-335 [153669] picpiclink
        42. 1hau picpic
          complexed with cu, mto
          1. region a:1-159 [60879] picpiclink
          2. region a:160-336 [60880] picpiclink
        43. 1gs8 picpic
          complexed with cu, zn; mutant
          1. region a:1-159 [65533] picpiclink
          2. region a:160-336 [65534] picpiclink
        44. 2vw4 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x1
          complexed with cu, pg4, zn
          1. region a:3-159 [153658] picpiclink
        45. 2vw4 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x2
          complexed with cu, pg4, zn
          1. region a:160-335 [153659] picpiclink
        46. 2vw4 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x1
          complexed with cu, pg4, zn
          1. region b:3-159 [153660] picpiclink
        47. 2vw4 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x2
          complexed with cu, pg4, zn
          1. region b:160-335 [153661] picpiclink
        48. 2vw7 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x1
          complexed with cu, pg4, zn
          1. region a:3-159 [153670] picpiclink
        49. 2vw7 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x2
          complexed with cu, pg4, zn
          1. region a:160-335 [153671] picpiclink
        50. 2vw7 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x1
          complexed with cu, pg4, zn
          1. region b:3-159 [153672] picpiclink
        51. 2vw7 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x2
          complexed with cu, pg4, zn
          1. region b:160-335 [153673] picpiclink
        52. 1haw picpic
          complexed with cu1, mto
          1. region a:1-159 [60881] picpiclink
          2. region a:160-336 [60882] picpiclink
        53. 2vm4 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x1
          complexed with cu, pg4, zn
          1. region a:3-159 [153314] picpiclink
        54. 2vm4 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x2
          complexed with cu, pg4, zn
          1. region a:160-335 [153315] picpiclink
        55. 2b08 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with acm, cu1; mutant
          1. region a:12-164 [127626] picpiclink
        56. 2b08 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with acm, cu1; mutant
          1. region a:167-337 [127627] picpiclink
        57. 2b08 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with acm, cu1; mutant
          1. region b:12-164 [127628] picpiclink
        58. 2b08 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with acm, cu1; mutant
          1. region b:167-337 [127629] picpiclink
        59. 2b08 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra1
          complexed with acm, cu1; mutant
          1. region c:12-164 [127630] picpiclink
        60. 2b08 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ndra2
          complexed with acm, cu1; mutant
          1. region c:167-337 [127631] picpiclink
        61. 1wae picpic
          complexed with cu, zn; mutant
          1. region a:2-159 [114434] picpiclink
          2. region a:160-335 [114435] picpiclink
        62. 1ndt picpic
          complexed with cla, cua, cub
          1. region a:1-159 [23108] picpiclink
          2. region a:160-336 [23109] picpiclink
        63. 1gs6 picpic
          complexed with cu, mg; mutant
          1. region x:1-159 [65529] picpiclink
          2. region x:160-336 [65530] picpiclink
        64. 2jfc picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x1
          complexed with cl, cu; mutant
          1. region a:2-159 [138291] picpiclink
        65. 2jfc picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x2
          complexed with cl, cu; mutant
          1. region a:160-336 [138292] picpiclink
        66. 2jfc picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x1
          complexed with cl, cu; mutant
          1. region b:2-159 [138293] picpiclink
        67. 2jfc picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x2
          complexed with cl, cu; mutant
          1. region b:160-336 [138294] picpiclink
        68. 2jfc picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x1
          complexed with cl, cu; mutant
          1. region c:2-159 [138295] picpiclink
        69. 2jfc picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x2
          complexed with cl, cu; mutant
          1. region c:160-336 [138296] picpiclink
        70. 2jfc picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x1
          complexed with cl, cu; mutant
          1. region d:2-159 [138297] picpiclink
        71. 2jfc picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x2
          complexed with cl, cu; mutant
          1. region d:160-336 [138298] picpiclink
        72. 2jfc picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x1
          complexed with cl, cu; mutant
          1. region e:2-159 [138299] picpiclink
        73. 2jfc picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x2
          complexed with cl, cu; mutant
          1. region e:160-336 [138300] picpiclink
        74. 2jfc picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x1
          complexed with cl, cu; mutant
          1. region f:2-159 [138301] picpiclink
        75. 2jfc picpic
          automatically matched to d1gs6x2
          complexed with cl, cu; mutant
          1. region f:160-336 [138302] picpiclink
        76. 1bq5 picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. region a:8-159 [23110] picpiclink
          2. region a:160-340 [23111] picpiclink
        77. 1nds picpic
          CA-atoms only
          complexed with cu, no2
          1. region a:11-166 [23112] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-340 [23113] picpiclink
          3. region b:11-166 [23114] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-340 [23115] picpiclink
          5. region c:11-166 [23116] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-340 [23117] picpiclink
        78. 1ndr picpic
          CA-atoms only
          complexed with cu
          1. region a:11-166 [23118] picpiclink
          2. region a:167-340 [23119] picpiclink
          3. region b:11-166 [23120] picpiclink
          4. region b:167-340 [23121] picpiclink
          5. region c:11-166 [23122] picpiclink
          6. region c:167-340 [23123] picpiclink
      4. Neisseria gonorrhoeae, AniA [TaxId: 485] [69193] (2)
        1. 1kbv picpic
          complexed with cu, no2
          1. region a:13-163 [68395] picpiclink
          2. region a:164-314 [68396] picpiclink
          3. region b:13-163 [68397] picpiclink
          4. region b:164-314 [68398] picpiclink
          5. region c:13-163 [68399] picpiclink
          6. region c:164-314 [68400] picpiclink
          7. region d:13-163 [68401] picpiclink
          8. region d:164-314 [68402] picpiclink
          9. region e:13-163 [68403] picpiclink
          10. region e:164-314 [68404] picpiclink
          11. region f:13-163 [68405] picpiclink
          12. region f:164-314 [68406] picpiclink
        2. 1kbw picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. region a:13-163 [68407] picpiclink
          2. region a:164-314 [68408] picpiclink
          3. region b:13-163 [68409] picpiclink
          4. region b:164-314 [68410] picpiclink
          5. region c:13-163 [68411] picpiclink
          6. region c:164-314 [68412] picpiclink
          7. region d:13-163 [68413] picpiclink
          8. region d:164-314 [68414] picpiclink
          9. region e:13-163 [68415] picpiclink
          10. region e:164-314 [68416] picpiclink
          11. region f:13-163 [68417] picpiclink
          12. region f:164-314 [68418] picpiclink
      5. Rhodobacter sphaeroides [TaxId: 1063] [110101] (13)
        SQ Q53239
        1. 1mzy picpic
          complexed with cu, mg
          1. region a:41-193 [103848] picpiclink
          2. region a:194-371 [103849] picpiclink
        2. 1n70 picpic
          complexed with cu, mg; mutant
          1. region a:41-193 [103856] picpiclink
          2. region a:194-371 [103857] picpiclink
        3. 1zv2 picpic
          automatically matched to d1mzya1
          complexed with cu, mg
          1. region a:44-193 [125689] picpiclink
        4. 1zv2 picpic
          automatically matched to d1mzya2
          complexed with cu, mg
          1. region a:194-371 [125690] picpiclink
        5. 2a3t picpic
          automatically matched to d1mzya1
          complexed with cu, mg
          1. region a:44-193 [126096] picpiclink
        6. 2a3t picpic
          automatically matched to d1mzya2
          complexed with cu, mg
          1. region a:194-371 [126097] picpiclink
        7. 2dws picpic
          automatically matched to d1mzya1
          complexed with cu, no2
          1. region a:44-193 [131854] picpiclink
        8. 2dws picpic
          automatically matched to d1mzya2
          complexed with cu, no2
          1. region a:194-371 [131855] picpiclink
        9. 2dwt picpic
          automatically matched to d1mzya1
          complexed with cu, no2
          1. region a:44-193 [131856] picpiclink
        10. 2dwt picpic
          automatically matched to d1mzya2
          complexed with cu, no2
          1. region a:194-371 [131857] picpiclink
        11. 1mzz picpic
          complexed with cu; mutant
          1. region a:41-193 [103850] picpiclink
          2. region a:194-371 [103851] picpiclink
          3. region b:1041-1193 [103852] picpiclink
          4. region b:1194-1371 [103853] picpiclink
          5. region c:2041-2193 [103854] picpiclink
          6. region c:2194-2371 [103855] picpiclink
        12. 2dy2 picpic
          automatically matched to d1mzya1
          complexed with cu
          1. region a:44-193 [131880] picpiclink
        13. 2dy2 picpic
          automatically matched to d1mzya2
          complexed with cu
          1. region a:194-371 [131881] picpiclink
    2. multi-copper oxidase CueO [69194]
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [69195] (15)
        1. 1kv7 picpic
          complexed with c2o, cu
          1. region a:31-170 [68873] picpiclink
          2. region a:171-335 [68874] picpiclink
          3. region a:336-516 [68875] picpiclink
        2. 1pf3 picpic
          complexed with c2c, cu; mutant
          1. region a:31-170 [88049] picpiclink
          2. region a:171-335 [88050] picpiclink
          3. region a:336-516 [88051] picpiclink
        3. 1n68 picpic
          complexed with c2c, cu
          1. region a:30-170 [85356] picpiclink
          2. region a:171-335 [85357] picpiclink
          3. region a:336-516 [85358] picpiclink
        4. 2fqe picpic
          automatically matched to d1n68a1
          complexed with c2o, cit, cu, na
          1. region a:31-170 [133946] picpiclink
        5. 2fqe picpic
          automatically matched to d1kv7a2
          complexed with c2o, cit, cu, na
          1. region a:171-335 [133947] picpiclink
        6. 2fqe picpic
          automatically matched to d1kv7a3
          complexed with c2o, cit, cu, na
          1. region a:336-516 [133948] picpiclink
        7. 2fqf picpic
          automatically matched to d1n68a1
          complexed with c2o, cit, cu
          1. region a:31-170 [133949] picpiclink
        8. 2fqf picpic
          automatically matched to d1kv7a2
          complexed with c2o, cit, cu
          1. region a:171-335 [133950] picpiclink
        9. 2fqf picpic
          automatically matched to d1kv7a3
          complexed with c2o, cit, cu
          1. region a:336-516 [133951] picpiclink
        10. 2fqd picpic
          automatically matched to d1n68a1
          complexed with c2o, cit, cu
          1. region a:30-170 [133943] picpiclink
        11. 2fqd picpic
          automatically matched to d1kv7a2
          complexed with c2o, cit, cu
          1. region a:171-335 [133944] picpiclink
        12. 2fqd picpic
          automatically matched to d1kv7a3
          complexed with c2o, cit, cu
          1. region a:336-516 [133945] picpiclink
        13. 2fqg picpic
          automatically matched to d1n68a1
          complexed with c2o, cit, cu, na, pge
          1. region a:31-170 [133952] picpiclink
        14. 2fqg picpic
          automatically matched to d1kv7a2
          complexed with c2o, cit, cu, na, pge
          1. region a:171-335 [133953] picpiclink
        15. 2fqg picpic
          automatically matched to d1kv7a3
          complexed with c2o, cit, cu, na, pge
          1. region a:336-516 [133954] picpiclink
    3. Spore coat protein A, CotA [89219]
      1. Bacillus subtilis [TaxId: 1423] [89220] (22)
        SQ P07788
        1. 1gsk picpic
          complexed with c1o, c2o, cu, gol
          1. region a:2-182 [83314] picpiclink
          2. region a:183-356 [83315] picpiclink
          3. region a:357-510 [83316] picpiclink
        2. 1w6l picpic
          automatically matched to d1gska1
          complexed with cu, gol, oxy
          1. region a:2-182 [120667] picpiclink
        3. 1w6l picpic
          automatically matched to d1gska2
          complexed with cu, gol, oxy
          1. region a:183-356 [120668] picpiclink
        4. 1w6l picpic
          automatically matched to d1gska3
          complexed with cu, gol, oxy
          1. region a:357-510 [120669] picpiclink
        5. 1w6w picpic
          automatically matched to d1gska1
          complexed with azi, cu, gol
          1. region a:2-182 [120675] picpiclink
        6. 1w6w picpic
          automatically matched to d1gska2
          complexed with azi, cu, gol
          1. region a:183-356 [120676] picpiclink
        7. 1w6w picpic
          automatically matched to d1gska3
          complexed with azi, cu, gol
          1. region a:357-510 [120677] picpiclink
        8. 1uvw picpic
          complexed with cu1, ebs, gol, o2
          1. region a:2-182 [108060] picpiclink
          2. region a:183-356 [108061] picpiclink
          3. region a:357-510 [108062] picpiclink
        9. 1w8e picpic
          automatically matched to d1gska1
          complexed with cu, gol, per
          1. region a:2-182 [120719] picpiclink
        10. 1w8e picpic
          automatically matched to d1gska2
          complexed with cu, gol, per
          1. region a:183-356 [120720] picpiclink
        11. 1w8e picpic
          automatically matched to d1gska3
          complexed with cu, gol, per
          1. region a:357-510 [120721] picpiclink
        12. 1hkp picpic
          automatically matched to d1gska1
          complexed with c2o, cu, cu1, gol
          1. region a:2-182 [118686] picpiclink
        13. 1hkp picpic
          automatically matched to d1gska2
          complexed with c2o, cu, cu1, gol
          1. region a:183-356 [118687] picpiclink
        14. 1hkp picpic
          automatically matched to d1gska3
          complexed with c2o, cu, cu1, gol
          1. region a:357-510 [118688] picpiclink
        15. 1of0 picpic
          complexed with c1o, cu1, ebs, gol, o2
          1. region a:2-182 [103921] picpiclink
          2. region a:183-356 [103922] picpiclink
          3. region a:357-510 [103923] picpiclink
        16. 2bhf picpic
          automatically matched to d1gska1
          complexed with cu1, gol
          1. region a:2-182 [128527] picpiclink
        17. 2bhf picpic
          automatically matched to d1gska2
          complexed with cu1, gol
          1. region a:183-356 [128528] picpiclink
        18. 2bhf picpic
          automatically matched to d1gska3
          complexed with cu1, gol
          1. region a:357-510 [128529] picpiclink
        19. 1hkz picpic
          complexed with c1o, cu, cu1, gol
          1. region a:2-182 [103814] picpiclink
          2. region a:183-356 [103815] picpiclink
          3. region a:357-510 [103816] picpiclink
        20. 1ogr picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. region a:2-182 [103935] picpiclink
          2. region a:183-356 [103936] picpiclink
          3. region a:357-510 [103937] picpiclink
        21. 1hl0 picpic
          complexed with cu1, gol
          1. region a:2-182 [103817] picpiclink
          2. region a:183-356 [103818] picpiclink
          3. region a:357-510 [103819] picpiclink
        22. 1hl1 picpic
          complexed with cu1, gol
          1. region a:2-182 [103820] picpiclink
          2. region a:183-356 [103821] picpiclink
          3. region a:357-510 [103822] picpiclink
    4. Ascorbate oxidase [49555]
      consists of three domains of this fold
      1. Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo var. medullosa) [TaxId: 3663] [49556] (4)
        1. 1aoz picpic
          complexed with c1o, c2o, cu, nag
          1. region a:1-129 [23124] picpiclink
          2. region a:130-338 [23125] picpiclink
          3. region a:339-552 [23126] picpiclink
          4. region b:1-129 [23127] picpiclink
          5. region b:130-338 [23128] picpiclink
          6. region b:339-552 [23129] picpiclink
        2. 1asq picpic
          complexed with azi, cu, nag, oh
          1. region a:1-129 [23136] picpiclink
          2. region a:130-338 [23137] picpiclink
          3. region a:339-552 [23138] picpiclink
          4. region b:1-129 [23139] picpiclink
          5. region b:130-338 [23140] picpiclink
          6. region b:339-552 [23141] picpiclink
        3. 1aso picpic
          complexed with cu, nag, oh
          1. region a:1-129 [23130] picpiclink
          2. region a:130-338 [23131] picpiclink
          3. region a:339-552 [23132] picpiclink
          4. region b:1-129 [23133] picpiclink
          5. region b:130-338 [23134] picpiclink
          6. region b:339-552 [23135] picpiclink
        4. 1asp picpic
          complexed with cu, nag, oh, peo
          1. region a:1-129 [23142] picpiclink
          2. region a:130-338 [23143] picpiclink
          3. region a:339-552 [23144] picpiclink
          4. region b:1-129 [23145] picpiclink
          5. region b:130-338 [23146] picpiclink
          6. region b:339-552 [23147] picpiclink
    5. Laccase [49557]
      consists of three domains of this fold
      1. Inky cap fungus (Coprinus cinereus) [TaxId: 5346] [49558] (2)
        1. 1hfu picpic
          complexed with cu, man, nag
          1. region a:1-131 [65827] picpiclink
          2. region a:132-303 [65828] picpiclink
          3. region a:304-503 [65829] picpiclink
        2. 1a65 picpic
          complexed with cu, glc, nag
          1. region a:1-131 [23148] picpiclink
          2. region a:132-303 [23149] picpiclink
          3. region a:304-504 [23150] picpiclink
      2. Trametes versicolor, laccase 1 [TaxId: 5325] [74871] (1)
        1. 1kya picpic
          complexed with cu, nag, pye, xyd
          1. region a:1-130 [73203] picpiclink
          2. region a:131-300 [73204] picpiclink
          3. region a:301-499 [73205] picpiclink
          4. region b:1-130 [73206] picpiclink
          5. region b:131-300 [73207] picpiclink
          6. region b:301-499 [73208] picpiclink
          7. region c:1-130 [73209] picpiclink
          8. region c:131-300 [73210] picpiclink
          9. region c:301-499 [73211] picpiclink
          10. region d:1-130 [73212] picpiclink
          11. region d:131-300 [73213] picpiclink
          12. region d:301-499 [73214] picpiclink
      3. Trametes versicolor, laccase 2 [TaxId: 5325] [74872] (1)
        1. 1gyc picpic
          complexed with cu, ipa, nag
          1. region a:1-130 [70748] picpiclink
          2. region a:131-300 [70749] picpiclink
          3. region a:301-499 [70750] picpiclink
      4. Melanocarpus albomyces [TaxId: 204285] [74873] (19)
        1. 2q9o picpic
          automatically matched to d1gw0a1
          complexed with cl, cu, gol, man, nag, ohi, oxy, so4
          1. region a:1-162 [150149] picpiclink
        2. 2q9o picpic
          automatically matched to d1gw0a2
          complexed with cl, cu, gol, man, nag, ohi, oxy, so4
          1. region a:163-343 [150150] picpiclink
        3. 2q9o picpic
          automatically matched to d1gw0a3
          complexed with cl, cu, gol, man, nag, ohi, oxy, so4
          1. region a:344-559 [150151] picpiclink
        4. 2q9o picpic
          automatically matched to d1gw0a1
          complexed with cl, cu, gol, man, nag, ohi, oxy, so4
          1. region b:1-162 [150152] picpiclink
        5. 2q9o picpic
          automatically matched to d1gw0a2
          complexed with cl, cu, gol, man, nag, ohi, oxy, so4
          1. region b:163-343 [150153] picpiclink
        6. 2q9o picpic
          automatically matched to d1gw0a3
          complexed with cl, cu, gol, man, nag, ohi, oxy, so4
          1. region b:344-559 [150154] picpiclink
        7. 2ih8 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gw0a1
          complexed with bma, cl, cu, man, nag, ndg, oxy, so4
          1. region a:1-162 [137407] picpiclink
        8. 2ih8 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gw0a2
          complexed with bma, cl, cu, man, nag, ndg, oxy, so4
          1. region a:163-343 [137408] picpiclink
        9. 2ih8 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gw0a3
          complexed with bma, cl, cu, man, nag, ndg, oxy, so4
          1. region a:344-559 [137409] picpiclink
        10. 2ih8 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gw0a1
          complexed with bma, cl, cu, man, nag, ndg, oxy, so4
          1. region b:1-162 [137410] picpiclink
        11. 2ih8 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gw0a2
          complexed with bma, cl, cu, man, nag, ndg, oxy, so4
          1. region b:163-343 [137411] picpiclink
        12. 2ih8 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gw0a3
          complexed with bma, cl, cu, man, nag, ndg, oxy, so4
          1. region b:344-559 [137412] picpiclink
        13. 2ih9 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gw0a1
          complexed with 5ax, bma, cl, cu, nag, so4
          1. region a:1-162 [137413] picpiclink
        14. 2ih9 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gw0a2
          complexed with 5ax, bma, cl, cu, nag, so4
          1. region a:163-343 [137414] picpiclink
        15. 2ih9 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gw0a3
          complexed with 5ax, bma, cl, cu, nag, so4
          1. region a:344-559 [137415] picpiclink
        16. 2ih9 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gw0a1
          complexed with 5ax, bma, cl, cu, nag, so4
          1. region b:1-162 [137416] picpiclink
        17. 2ih9 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gw0a2
          complexed with 5ax, bma, cl, cu, nag, so4
          1. region b:163-343 [137417] picpiclink
        18. 2ih9 picpic
          automatically matched to d1gw0a3
          complexed with 5ax, bma, cl, cu, nag, so4
          1. region b:344-559 [137418] picpiclink
        19. 1gw0 picpic
          complexed with bma, cl, cu, man, nag, o2, so4
          1. region a:1-162 [70623] picpiclink
          2. region a:163-343 [70624] picpiclink
          3. region a:344-559 [70625] picpiclink
          4. region b:1-162 [70626] picpiclink
          5. region b:163-343 [70627] picpiclink
          6. region b:344-559 [70628] picpiclink
      5. Rigidoporus lignosus [TaxId: 219653] [110102] (1)
        SQ Q6H9H7 22-515
        1. 1v10 picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. region a:1-136 [108224] picpiclink
          2. region a:137-304 [108225] picpiclink
          3. region a:305-494 [108226] picpiclink
    6. Ceruloplasmin [49559]
      consists of 6 domains of this fold
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [49560] (6)
        1. 2j5w picpic
          automatically matched to d1kcw_1
          complexed with ca, cu, gol, na, nag, o, oxy
          1. region a:1-192 [138067] picpiclink
        2. 2j5w picpic
          automatically matched to d1kcw_2
          complexed with ca, cu, gol, na, nag, o, oxy
          1. region a:555-699 [138068] picpiclink
        3. 2j5w picpic
          automatically matched to d1kcw_3
          complexed with ca, cu, gol, na, nag, o, oxy
          1. region a:347-553 [138069] picpiclink
        4. 2j5w picpic
          automatically matched to d1kcw_5
          complexed with ca, cu, gol, na, nag, o, oxy
          1. region a:706-884 [138070] picpiclink
        5. 2j5w picpic
          automatically matched to d1kcw_6
          complexed with ca, cu, gol, na, nag, o, oxy
          1. region a:892-1040 [138071] picpiclink
        6. 1kcw picpic
          complexed with cu, nag, o
          1. region a:1-192 [23151] picpiclink
          2. region a:193-338 [23152] picpiclink
          3. region a:347-553 [23153] picpiclink
          4. region a:554-705 [23154] picpiclink
          5. region a:706-884 [23155] picpiclink
          6. region a:892-1040 [23156] picpiclink
    7. Coagulation factor V [110103]
      1. Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId: 9913] [110104] (1)
        SQ Q28107 29-324, 1566-2210
        1. 1sdd picpicxref
          complexed with ca, cu, nag
          1. region a:1-180 [105431] picpiclink
          2. region a:181-296 [105432] picpiclink
          3. region b:1657-1723 [105433] picpiclink
          4. region b:1724-1862 [105434] picpiclink
  5. Ephrin ectodomain [74874] (2)
    eukaryotic signaling domain probably related to cupredoxins but lacking the metal-binding site
    1. Ephrin-b2 ectodomain [74875]
      1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [74876] (3)
        1. 1iko picpic
          complexed with man, nag
          1. chain p [71243] picpiclink
        2. 2hle picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1ikop_
          1. region b:31-168 [136565] picpiclink
        3. 1kgy picpicxref
          complexed with ephb2
          1. chain e [72453] picpiclink
          2. chain f [72454] picpiclink
          3. chain g [72455] picpiclink
          4. chain h [72456] picpiclink
    2. Ephrin-a5 [110105]
      1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [110106] (3)
        SQ O08543
        1. 1shx picpic
          automatically matched to d1shwa_
          complexed with nag
          1. region a:32-170 [118962] picpiclink
        2. 1shx picpic
          automatically matched to d1shwa_
          complexed with nag
          1. region b:32-170 [118963] picpiclink
        3. 1shw picpicxref
          complexed with nag, zn
          1. chain a [105562] picpiclink
  6. Peptidylarginine deiminase Pad4, N-terminal domain [110107] (1)
    probably related to cupredoxins but lacking the metal-binding site
    1. Peptidylarginine deiminase Pad4, N-terminal domain [110108]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [110109] (7)
        SQ Q9UM07
        1. 2dex picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1wd8a2
          complexed with ca, so4; mutant
          1. region x:4-112 [131437] picpiclink
        2. 2dew picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1wd8a2
          complexed with ca, so4; mutant
          1. region x:4-112 [131434] picpiclink
        3. 2dey picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1wd8a2
          complexed with ace, ca, so4; mutant
          1. region x:4-112 [131440] picpiclink
        4. 2dw5 picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1wd8a2
          complexed with bfb, ca, so4
          1. region a:4-112 [131806] picpiclink
        5. 1wda picpicxrefxref
          complexed with bag, ca, so4; mutant
          1. region a:4-112 [109244] picpiclink
        6. 1wd9 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca, so4; mutant
          1. region a:4-112 [109241] picpiclink
        7. 1wd8 picpicxrefxref
          1. region a:4-112 [109238] picpiclink
  7. SO1698-like [141095] (1)
    probably related to cupredoxins but lacking the metal-binding site
    1. Hypothetical protein SO1698 [141096]
      1. Shewanella oneidensis [TaxId: 70863] [141097] (1)
        SQ Q8EGA7 6-116,117-124
        1. 2ai4 picpic
          possible postranslational autocatalytic modification: peptide bond to lysine sidechain-mainchain amide bond shift, resulting in the backbone cleavage near the C-terminus
          complexed with cl
          1. region a:6-116,b:117-124 [126816] picpiclink

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