Structural Classification of Proteins
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Protein: Cytochrome P450 bm-3 from Bacillus megaterium [TaxId: 1404]

SQ P14779


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: All alpha proteins [46456]
  3. Fold: Cytochrome P450 [48263]
  4. Superfamily: Cytochrome P450 [48264]
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily
  5. Family: Cytochrome P450 [48265]
  6. Protein: Cytochrome P450 bm-3 [48268]
  7. Species: Bacillus megaterium [TaxId: 1404] [48269]
    SQ P14779

PDB Entry Domains:

  1. 2ij2 picpic
    automatically matched to d1jpza_
    complexed with hem
    1. region a:3-455 [137449] picpiclink
  2. 2ij2 picpic
    automatically matched to d1jpza_
    complexed with hem
    1. region b:5-458 [137450] picpiclink
  3. 3ben picpic
    automatically matched to d1jpza_
    complexed with hem, leh, mes, mg
    1. region a:4-457 [155188] picpiclink
  4. 3ben picpic
    automatically matched to d1jpza_
    complexed with hem, leh, mes, mg
    1. region b:4-457 [155189] picpiclink
  5. 1jpz picpic
    complexed with 140, hem
    1. chain a [67069] picpiclink
    2. chain b [67070] picpiclink
  6. 1zo9 picpic
    automatically matched to d1jpza_
    complexed with epm, gol, hem, mes
    1. region a:1-458 [125434] picpiclink
  7. 1zo9 picpic
    automatically matched to d1jpza_
    complexed with epm, gol, hem, mes
    1. region b:1-458 [125435] picpiclink
  8. 2j1m picpic
    automatically matched to d1jpza_
    complexed with dms, hem, zn
    1. region a:2-455 [137953] picpiclink
  9. 2j1m picpic
    automatically matched to d1jpza_
    complexed with dms, hem, zn
    1. region b:2-455 [137954] picpiclink
  10. 1bu7 picpic
    complexed with eth, hem
    1. chain a [18937] picpiclink
    2. chain b [18938] picpiclink
  11. 1yqo picpic
    automatically matched to d1faha_
    complexed with hem; mutant
    1. region a:3-455 [123895] picpiclink
  12. 1yqo picpic
    automatically matched to d1faha_
    complexed with hem; mutant
    1. region b:3-455 [123896] picpiclink
  13. 1p0w picpic
    complexed with hem; mutant
    1. chain a [93878] picpiclink
    2. chain b [93879] picpiclink
  14. 1p0x picpic
    complexed with hem; mutant
    1. chain a [93880] picpiclink
    2. chain b [93881] picpiclink
  15. 1p0v picpic
    complexed with hem; mutant
    1. chain a [93876] picpiclink
    2. chain b [93877] picpiclink
  16. 1jme picpic
    complexed with hem; mutant
    1. chain a [66885] picpiclink
    2. chain b [66886] picpiclink
  17. 2hpd picpic
    complexed with hem
    1. chain a [18939] picpiclink
    2. chain b [18940] picpiclink
  18. 2j4s picpic
    automatically matched to d1jpza_
    complexed with hem, peg, zn
    1. region a:1-455 [138005] picpiclink
  19. 2j4s picpic
    automatically matched to d1jpza_
    complexed with hem, peg, zn
    1. region b:1-455 [138006] picpiclink
  20. 2bmh picpic
    complexed with hem
    1. chain a [18941] picpiclink
    2. chain b [18942] picpiclink
  21. 1bvy picpicxref
    complexed with eth, fmn, hem
    1. chain a [18943] picpiclink
    2. chain b [18944] picpiclink
  22. 1smi picpic
    complexed with hem; mutant
    1. chain a [105758] picpiclink
    2. chain b [105759] picpiclink
  23. 1fah picpic
    complexed with hem, mto; mutant
    1. chain a [18945] picpiclink
    2. chain b [18946] picpiclink
  24. 1fag picpic
    complexed with hem, pam
    1. chain a [18947] picpiclink
    2. chain b [18948] picpiclink
    3. chain c [18949] picpiclink
    4. chain d [18950] picpiclink
  25. 1smj picpic
    complexed with hem, pam; mutant
    1. chain a [105760] picpiclink
    2. chain b [105761] picpiclink
    3. chain c [105762] picpiclink
    4. chain d [105763] picpiclink

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site Generated from scop database 1.75 with scopm 1.101 on Wed Jun 3 10:42:06 2009
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