Structural Classification of Proteins
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Protein: Myoglobin from Sperm whale (Physeter catodon) [TaxId: 9755]

SQ P02185


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: All alpha proteins [46456]
  3. Fold: Globin-like [46457]
    core: 6 helices; folded leaf, partly opened
  4. Superfamily: Globin-like [46458]
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily
  5. Family: Globins [46463]
    Heme-binding protein
  6. Protein: Myoglobin [46469]
  7. Species: Sperm whale (Physeter catodon) [TaxId: 9755] [46470]
    SQ P02185

PDB Entry Domains:

  1. 1a6m picpic
    complexed with hem, oxy, so4
    1. chain a [15018] picpiclink
  2. 1naz picpic
    complexed with hem, oh, sul; mutant
    1. chain a [85505] picpiclink
  3. 2ekt picpic
    automatically matched to d1ufpa_
    complexed with 6he, so4
    1. region a:1-153 [146883] picpiclink
  4. 1a6k picpic
    complexed with hem, so4
    1. chain a [15019] picpiclink
  5. 1bzp picpic
    complexed with hem, so4
    1. chain a [15020] picpiclink
  6. 1bzr picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4
    1. chain a [15023] picpiclink
  7. 1bz6 picpic
    complexed with hem, so4
    1. chain a [15024] picpiclink
  8. 1a6g picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4
    1. chain a [15021] picpiclink
  9. 1u7r picpic
    automatically matched to d1ufpa_
    complexed with hem, imd
    1. region a:1-153 [119621] picpiclink
  10. 1a6n picpic
    complexed with hem, so4
    1. chain a [15022] picpiclink
  11. 2z6t picpic
    automatically matched to d1ufpa_
    complexed with hem, per, so4
    1. region a:1-151 [154183] picpiclink
  12. 1jw8 picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4
    1. chain a [67376] picpiclink
  13. 1h1x picpic
    complexed with cyn, hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [90542] picpiclink
  14. 2z6s picpic
    automatically matched to d1ufpa_
    complexed with hem, oxy, so4
    1. region a:1-152 [154182] picpiclink
  15. 1dxc picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15026] picpiclink
  16. 1dxd picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15025] picpiclink
  17. 2eku picpic
    automatically matched to d1ufpa_
    complexed with 7he, so4
    1. region a:1-153 [146884] picpiclink
  18. 1j3f picpic
    complexed with cr, czm, po4; mutant
    1. chain a [103835] picpiclink
  19. 1u7s picpic
    automatically matched to d1ufpa_
    complexed with hem
    1. region a:1-153 [119622] picpiclink
  20. 1v9q picpic
    automatically matched to d1j3fa_
    complexed with czm, mn3, po4; mutant
    1. region a:0-153 [119893] picpiclink
  21. 1bvc picpic
    apo form complexed with biliverdin IX
    complexed with bla, po4
    1. chain a [15031] picpiclink
  22. 2evk picpic
    automatically matched to d1dtma_
    complexed with acy, hem; mutant
    1. region a:1-152 [132433] picpiclink
  23. 1do1 picpic
    1. chain a [15049] picpiclink
  24. 1bvd picpic
    apo form complexed with biliverdin IX
    complexed with bla
    1. chain a [15027] picpiclink
  25. 1myz picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, sul; mutant
    1. chain a [91495] picpiclink
  26. 2jho picpic
    automatically matched to d1ufpa_
    complexed with cyn, hem, so4, zn
    1. region a:1-153 [138322] picpiclink
  27. 1cio picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15029] picpiclink
  28. 2mbw picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15030] picpiclink
  29. 1n9x picpic
    complexed with hem, oh, sul; mutant
    1. chain a [85477] picpiclink
  30. 2g11 picpic
    automatically matched to d1jdo__
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. region a:0-153 [134509] picpiclink
  31. 2g12 picpic
    automatically matched to d1jdo__
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. region a:0-153 [134510] picpiclink
  32. 2g14 picpic
    automatically matched to d1jdo__
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. region a:0-153 [134511] picpiclink
  33. 1co9 picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15028] picpiclink
  34. 1mz0 picpic
    combined rietveld and stereochemical restraint refinement
    complexed with cmo, hem, sul; mutant
    1. chain a [85238] picpiclink
  35. 1wvp picpic
    automatically matched to d1ufpa_
    complexed with hem, nzh, so4
    1. region a:1-151 [121346] picpiclink
  36. 1l2k picpic
    complexed with hem, nd4, so4
    1. chain a [73507] picpiclink
  37. 2g0v picpic
    automatically matched to d1jdo__
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. region a:0-153 [134502] picpiclink
  38. 1do3 picpic
    1. chain a [15077] picpiclink
  39. 1n9i picpic
    complexed with hem, oh, sul; mutant
    1. chain a [85467] picpiclink
  40. 2g0z picpic
    automatically matched to d1jdo__
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. region a:0-153 [134507] picpiclink
  41. 2g0x picpic
    automatically matched to d1jdo__
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. region a:0-153 [134505] picpiclink
  42. 2g10 picpic
    automatically matched to d1jdo__
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. region a:0-153 [134508] picpiclink
  43. 1lue picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [91126] picpiclink
  44. 1ufj picpic
    complexed with czm, fe, po4; mutant
    1. chain a [107815] picpiclink
  45. 1cik picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15039] picpiclink
  46. 1n9h picpic
    complexed with hem, oh, sul; mutant
    1. chain a [85466] picpiclink
  47. 1mbd picpic
    complexed with hem, so4
    1. chain a [15033] picpiclink
  48. 1abs picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15034] picpiclink
  49. 1vxh picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4
    1. chain a [15036] picpiclink
  50. 1f65 picpic
    complexed with hem, o2, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15051] picpiclink
  51. 1yoh picpic
    reconstituted with cobalt
    complexed with coh, mto, so4
    1. chain a [15037] picpiclink
  52. 1yoi picpic
    reconstituted with cobalt
    complexed with coh, oxy, so4
    1. chain a [15035] picpiclink
  53. 104m picpic
    complexed with hem, nbn, so4
    1. chain a [15041] picpiclink
  54. 1do4 picpic
    1. chain a [15115] picpiclink
  55. 2bli picpic
    automatically matched to d1ltw__
    complexed with hem; mutant
    1. region a:1-153 [128731] picpiclink
  56. 1vxf picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4
    1. chain a [15038] picpiclink
  57. 2spm picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15045] picpiclink
  58. 110m picpic
    complexed with hem, mnc, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15050] picpiclink
  59. 1yog picpic
    reconstituted with cobalt
    complexed with coh, so4
    1. chain a [15040] picpiclink
  60. 1vxd picpic
    complexed with hem, so4
    1. chain a [15042] picpiclink
  61. 1ofk picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15061] picpiclink
  62. 1ch2 picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15064] picpiclink
  63. 1ofj picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15065] picpiclink
  64. 1jp9 picpic
    complexed with hem, so4
    1. chain a [67010] picpiclink
  65. 2blh picpic
    automatically matched to d1ltw__
    complexed with hem; mutant
    1. region a:1-153 [128730] picpiclink
  66. 2g0s picpic
    automatically matched to d1jdo__
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. region a:0-153 [134498] picpiclink
  67. 2mye picpic
    complexed with enc, hem, so4
    1. chain a [15044] picpiclink
  68. 1hjt picpic
    complexed with hem, nmo, so4
    1. chain a [15046] picpiclink
  69. 1ltw picpic
    complexed with hem, oxy, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15060] picpiclink
  70. 109m picpic
    complexed with enc, hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15063] picpiclink
  71. 1ch9 picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15062] picpiclink
  72. 1f63 picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15072] picpiclink
  73. 1n9f picpic
    complexed with hem, oh, sul; mutant
    1. chain a [85465] picpiclink
  74. 2eb8 picpic
    automatically matched to d1ufpa_
    complexed with cup, po4
    1. region a:0-153 [146762] picpiclink
  75. 1mbc picpic
    complexed with hem, so4
    1. chain a [15032] picpiclink
  76. 1mll picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15057] picpiclink
  77. 2mge picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15056] picpiclink
  78. 1mym picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15054] picpiclink
  79. 2spo picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15053] picpiclink
  80. 1mtj picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15052] picpiclink
  81. 1mls picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15058] picpiclink
  82. 1ajg picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4
    1. chain a [15067] picpiclink
  83. 1dti picpic
    1. chain a [15074] picpiclink
  84. 102m picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15073] picpiclink
  85. 2bw9 picpic
    automatically matched to d1ltw__
    complexed with cmo, hem; mutant
    1. region m:1-153 [129326] picpiclink
  86. 1jpb picpic
    complexed with hem, so4
    1. chain a [67013] picpiclink
  87. 2evp picpic
    automatically matched to d1dtma_
    complexed with bme, hem; mutant
    1. region a:1-152 [132439] picpiclink
  88. 1vxc picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4
    1. chain a [15043] picpiclink
  89. 2spl picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15047] picpiclink
  90. 1ajh picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4
    1. chain a [15068] picpiclink
  91. 2spn picpic
    complexed with hem, o2, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15075] picpiclink
  92. 1do7 picpic
    1. chain a [15130] picpiclink
  93. 1o16 picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [92405] picpiclink
  94. 2g0r picpic
    automatically matched to d1jdo__
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. region a:0-153 [134497] picpiclink
  95. 1tes picpic
    complexed with etn, hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15059] picpiclink
  96. 1vxe picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4
    1. chain a [15066] picpiclink
  97. 1mcy picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15076] picpiclink
  98. 1co8 picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15079] picpiclink
  99. 2mgg picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15069] picpiclink
  100. 1jdo picpic
    complexed with hem, no, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15084] picpiclink
  101. 1ch7 picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15083] picpiclink
  102. 1vxg picpic
    complexed with hem, so4
    1. chain a [15048] picpiclink
  103. 2mgf picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15080] picpiclink
  104. 2myd picpic
    complexed with hem, npn, so4
    1. chain a [15071] picpiclink
  105. 2mgc picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15090] picpiclink
  106. 1obm picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15091] picpiclink
  107. 111m picpic
    complexed with hem, nbn, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15088] picpiclink
  108. 1fcs picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15055] picpiclink
  109. 1swm picpic
    complexed with azi, hem, so4
    1. chain a [15070] picpiclink
  110. 1j52 picpic
    complexed with hem, so4, xe; mutant
    1. chain a [90880] picpiclink
  111. 1cq2 picpic
    neutron structure of fully deuterated protein
    complexed with hem
    1. chain a [15099] picpiclink
  112. 2blj picpic
    automatically matched to d1ltw__
    complexed with cmo, hem; mutant
    1. region m:1-153 [128732] picpiclink
  113. 2mgd picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15078] picpiclink
  114. 1mlm picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15087] picpiclink
  115. 1mbo picpic
    complexed with hem, so4
    1. chain a [15089] picpiclink
  116. 1ch1 picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15094] picpiclink
  117. 106m picpic
    complexed with enc, hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15101] picpiclink
  118. 2myb picpic
    complexed with hem, mnc, so4
    1. chain a [15081] picpiclink
  119. 1mtk picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15086] picpiclink
  120. 1mlu picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15093] picpiclink
  121. 2eb9 picpic
    automatically matched to d1ufpa_
    complexed with cus, gol, po4
    1. region a:0-153 [146763] picpiclink
  122. 1mlo picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15085] picpiclink
  123. 1mgn picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15097] picpiclink
  124. 2mgm picpic
    complexed with hem, o2, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15092] picpiclink
  125. 2myc picpic
    complexed with hem, nbn, so4
    1. chain a [15082] picpiclink
  126. 1moa picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15095] picpiclink
  127. 1mlr picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15096] picpiclink
  128. 1mlk picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15108] picpiclink
  129. 1mlh picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15105] picpiclink
  130. 1mlf picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15103] picpiclink
  131. 1cp0 picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15109] picpiclink
  132. 1ch3 picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15111] picpiclink
  133. 1mlj picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15116] picpiclink
  134. 101m picpic
    complexed with hem, nbn, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15125] picpiclink
  135. 2bwh picpic
    automatically matched to d1ltw__
    complexed with cmo, hem; mutant
    1. region a:1-153 [129365] picpiclink
  136. 1mln picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15106] picpiclink
  137. 2mgb picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15102] picpiclink
  138. 1mod picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15107] picpiclink
  139. 2mgk picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15117] picpiclink
  140. 1ebc picpic
    complexed with cyn, hem, so4
    1. chain a [15100] picpiclink
  141. 103m picpic
    complexed with hem, nbn, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15124] picpiclink
  142. 107m picpic
    complexed with hem, nbn, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15122] picpiclink
  143. 1jp6 picpic
    complexed with hem, so4
    1. chain a [67005] picpiclink
  144. 2ef2 picpic
    automatically matched to d1j3fa_
    complexed with po4, rhx; mutant
    1. region a:0-153 [146809] picpiclink
  145. 2cmm picpic
    complexed with cyn, por
    1. chain a [15098] picpiclink
  146. 1mlg picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15104] picpiclink
  147. 2mgl picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15110] picpiclink
  148. 1mlq picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15112] picpiclink
  149. 1cp5 picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15123] picpiclink
  150. 1mti picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15114] picpiclink
  151. 2mgi picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15118] picpiclink
  152. 105m picpic
    complexed with hem, nbn, so4
    1. chain a [15128] picpiclink
  153. 2mya picpic
    complexed with enc, hem, so4
    1. chain a [15131] picpiclink
  154. 1moc picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15113] picpiclink
  155. 4mbn picpic
    complexed with hem, so4
    1. chain a [15120] picpiclink
  156. 5mbn picpic
    complexed with hem, so4
    1. chain a [15126] picpiclink
  157. 1mbi picpic
    complexed with hem, imd, so4
    1. chain a [15121] picpiclink
  158. 2mgj picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15119] picpiclink
  159. 2mgh picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15129] picpiclink
  160. 1jp8 picpic
    complexed with hem, so4
    1. chain a [67009] picpiclink
  161. 1ufp picpic
    complexed with po4
    1. chain a [107818] picpiclink
  162. 1ch5 picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15127] picpiclink
  163. 112m picpic
    complexed with hem, npn, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15135] picpiclink
  164. 1iop picpic
    complexed with cyn, he6, so4
    1. chain a [15144] picpiclink
  165. 2mga picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15133] picpiclink
  166. 1mob picpic
    complexed with hem, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15134] picpiclink
  167. 1cpw picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15136] picpiclink
  168. 1spe picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem, so4
    1. chain a [15132] picpiclink
  169. 108m picpic
    complexed with hem, nbn, so4; mutant
    1. chain a [15142] picpiclink
  170. 1duo picpic
    1. chain a [15137] picpiclink
  171. 1irc picpic
    complexed with hem, imd; mutant
    1. chain a [15141] picpiclink
  172. 2mb5 picpic
    complexed with hem, nd4, so4
    1. chain a [15138] picpiclink
  173. 1dtm picpic
    1. chain a [15140] picpiclink
  174. 1vxa picpic
    complexed with hem, so4
    1. chain a [15139] picpiclink
  175. 1duk picpic
    1. chain a [15143] picpiclink
  176. 2d6c picpic
    automatically matched to d1ufpa_
    complexed with hme, imd
    1. region a:1-153 [131301] picpiclink
  177. 2d6c picpic
    automatically matched to d1ufpa_
    complexed with hme, imd
    1. region b:1-151 [131302] picpiclink
  178. 1vxb picpic
    complexed with hem, mto, so4
    1. chain a [15145] picpiclink
  179. 1mbn picpic
    complexed with hem
    1. chain a [15146] picpiclink
  180. 1f6h picpic
    complexed with hem
    1. chain a [15148] picpiclink
  181. 1myf picpic
    complexed with cmo, hem
    1. chain a [15147] picpiclink

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