Structural Classification of Proteins
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Family: beta-Lactamase/D-ala carboxypeptidase


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: Multi-domain proteins (alpha and beta) [56572]
    Folds consisting of two or more domains belonging to different classes
  3. Fold: beta-lactamase/transpeptidase-like [56600]
    contains a cluster of helices and an alpha+beta sandwich
  4. Superfamily: beta-lactamase/transpeptidase-like [56601]
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily
  5. Family: beta-Lactamase/D-ala carboxypeptidase [56602]

Protein Domains:

  1. D-ala carboxypeptidase/transpeptidase [56603]
    1. Streptomyces sp., K15 [TaxId: 1931] [56604] (7)
      1. 1es5 picpic
        1. chain a [42679] picpiclink
      2. 1es2 picpic
        1. chain a [42680] picpiclink
      3. 1j9m picpic
        complexed with cl, na; mutant
        1. chain a [62764] picpiclink
      4. 1esi picpic
        1. chain a [42682] picpiclink
      5. 1es4 picpic
        1. chain a [42683] picpiclink
      6. 1skf picpic
        1. chain a [42684] picpiclink
      7. 1es3 picpic
        complexed with na; mutant
        1. chain a [42685] picpiclink
    2. Streptomyces sp., R61 [TaxId: 1931] [56605] (15)
      SQ P15555 34-378 ! SQ P15555
      1. 1yqs picpic
        automatically matched to d1cef__
        complexed with bsa, gol
        1. region a:3-347 [123899] picpiclink
      2. 1pwg picpic
        complexed with hel
        1. chain a [104340] picpiclink
      3. 1mpl picpic
        complexed with gol, re1
        1. chain a [79387] picpiclink
      4. 1scw picpic
        complexed with cp5, gol
        1. chain a [105423] picpiclink
      5. 1pwc picpic
        complexed with pnm
        1. chain a [104338] picpiclink
      6. 1sde picpic
        complexed with 2pb, gol
        1. chain a [112073] picpiclink
      7. 1hvb picpic
        complexed with ceh
        1. chain a [42686] picpiclink
      8. 1pw1 picpic
        complexed with flh, gol, hel
        1. chain a [104334] picpiclink
      9. 1pwd picpic
        complexed with csc
        1. chain a [104339] picpiclink
      10. 1iki picpic
        complexed with dal, rey
        1. chain a [76751] picpiclink
      11. 1pw8 picpic
        complexed with gol, h2a
        1. chain a [104337] picpiclink
      12. 3pte picpic
        1. chain a [42687] picpiclink
      13. 1ceg picpic
        complexed with cep
        1. chain a [42688] picpiclink
      14. 1ikg picpic
        complexed with rex
        1. chain a [76750] picpiclink
      15. 1cef picpic
        complexed with cef
        1. chain a [42689] picpiclink
  2. Esterase EstB [69873]
    1. Burkholderia gladioli [TaxId: 28095] [69874] (2)
      1. 1ci9 picpic
        complexed with dfp
        1. chain a [64767] picpiclink
        2. chain b [64768] picpiclink
      2. 1ci8 picpic
        complexed with ioh
        1. chain a [64765] picpiclink
        2. chain b [64766] picpiclink
  3. beta-Lactamase, class A [56606]
    1. Escherichia coli, TEM-1 [TaxId: 562] [56607] (35)
      1. 1m40 picpic
        ultra high resolution structure
        complexed with cb4, k, po4; mutant
        1. chain a [74437] picpiclink
      2. 1nym picpic
        complexed with cxb, k, po4; mutant
        1. chain a [92344] picpiclink
      3. 1li9 picpic
        TEM-34 variant
        complexed with k, po4; mutant
        1. chain a [77969] picpiclink
      4. 1pzp picpic
        complexed with fta; mutant
        1. chain a [95465] picpiclink
      5. 1nxy picpic
        complexed with k, sm2; mutant
        1. chain a [92313] picpiclink
      6. 1zg4 picpic
        automatically matched to d1axb__
        1. region a:26-290 [125009] picpiclink
      7. 1jvj picpic
        complexed with im2, k; mutant
        1. chain a [71896] picpiclink
      8. 1li0 picpic
        TEM-32 variant
        complexed with bct, k; mutant
        1. chain a [77968] picpiclink
      9. 1ny0 picpic
        complexed with k, nbf, po4; mutant
        1. chain a [92314] picpiclink
      10. 1btl picpic
        complexed with so4
        1. chain a [42691] picpiclink
      11. 2b5r picpicxrefxref
        1. region a:26-288 [144952] picpiclink
      12. 2b5r picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to 2B5R A:26-288
        1. region b:26-288 [144953] picpiclink
      13. 1jtg picpicxref
        complexed with ca; mutant
        1. chain a [67266] picpiclink
        2. chain c [67268] picpiclink
      14. 1jwz picpic
        TEM-64 variant
        complexed with 105; mutant
        1. chain a [71922] picpiclink
      15. 1jwp picpic
        complexed with po4; mutant
        1. chain a [71917] picpiclink
      16. 1jwv picpic
        complexed with cb4, k; mutant
        1. chain a [71918] picpiclink
      17. 1tem picpic
        complexed with alp
        1. chain a [42692] picpiclink
      18. 1erm picpic
        complexed with bji
        1. chain a [42690] picpiclink
      19. 1bt5 picpic
        complexed with im2, so4; mutant
        1. chain a [42693] picpiclink
      20. 1fqg picpic
        acyl-enzyme intermediate
        complexed with pnm; mutant
        1. chain a [42699] picpiclink
      21. 1axb picpic
        complexed with fos; mutant
        1. chain a [42695] picpiclink
      22. 1xpb picpic
        complexed with so4
        1. chain a [42694] picpiclink
      23. 1nyy picpic
        complexed with 105; mutant
        1. chain a [92362] picpiclink
      24. 1pzo picpic
        complexed with cbt; mutant
        1. chain a [95464] picpiclink
      25. 1lhy picpic
        TEM-30 variant
        complexed with po4; mutant
        1. chain a [77967] picpiclink
      26. 1esu picpic
        complexed with so4; mutant
        1. chain a [42696] picpiclink
      27. 1ck3 picpic
        1. chain a [42698] picpiclink
      28. 1erq picpic
        complexed with bjh
        1. chain a [42697] picpiclink
      29. 1jtd picpicxref
        complexed with ca
        1. chain a [67264] picpiclink
      30. 3c7v picpic
        automatically matched to d1axba_
        1. region a:26-288 [156019] picpiclink
      31. 3c7v picpic
        automatically matched to d1axba_
        1. region c:26-288 [156020] picpiclink
      32. 3c7u picpic
        automatically matched to d1axba_
        1. region a:26-288 [156017] picpiclink
      33. 3c7u picpic
        automatically matched to d1axba_
        1. region c:26-288 [156018] picpiclink
      34. 1ero picpic
        complexed with bjp
        1. chain a [42700] picpiclink
      35. 1s0w picpicxref
        complexed with ca; mutant
        1. chain a [98309] picpiclink
        2. chain b [98310] picpiclink
    2. Klebsiella pneumoniae, TEM52 [TaxId: 573] [64473] (1)
      1. 1htz picpic
        1. chain a [61262] picpiclink
        2. chain b [61263] picpiclink
        3. chain c [61264] picpiclink
        4. chain d [61265] picpiclink
        5. chain e [61266] picpiclink
        6. chain f [61267] picpiclink
    3. Escherichia coli, TOHO-1 [TaxId: 562] [56608] (5)
      1. 1iys picpic
        complexed with so4
        1. chain a [90723] picpiclink
      2. 1iyo picpic
        complexed with cef, so4; mutant
        1. chain a [76970] picpiclink
      3. 1bza picpic
        complexed with so4; mutant
        1. chain a [42701] picpiclink
      4. 1iyp picpic
        complexed with cep, so4; mutant
        1. chain a [76971] picpiclink
      5. 1iyq picpic
        complexed with pnm, so4; mutant
        1. chain a [76972] picpiclink
    4. Proteus vulgaris [TaxId: 585] [75596] (1)
      1. 1hzo picpic
        complexed with mes
        1. chain a [71092] picpiclink
        2. chain b [71093] picpiclink
    5. Klebsiella pneumoniae, SHV-1 [TaxId: 573] [56609] (15)
      SQ Q5PSW7 ! SQ P14557 22-286
      inhibited by tazobactam
      1. 2zd8 picpic
        automatically matched to d1onga_
        complexed with ma4, mer
        1. region a:26-292 [154391] picpiclink
      2. 1ong picpic
        complexed with ma4, wy4
        1. chain a [93356] picpiclink
      3. 2h5s picpic
        automatically matched to d1onga_
        complexed with ma4, sa2
        1. region a:26-292 [136168] picpiclink
      4. 2a3u picpic
        automatically matched to d1rcja_
        complexed with epe, ma4, tsl; mutant
        1. region a:26-292 [126098] picpiclink
      5. 2a49 picpic
        automatically matched to d1rcja_
        complexed with epe, ma4, tem; mutant
        1. region a:26-292 [126149] picpiclink
      6. 1rcj picpic
        complexed with ma4, tbi; mutant
        1. chain a [97293] picpiclink
      7. 2g2u picpicxref
        automatically matched to d1onga_
        1. region a:26-292 [134540] picpiclink
      8. 3c4o picpic
        automatically matched to d1onga_
        complexed with so4; mutant
        1. region a:26-292 [155934] picpiclink
      9. 1tdl picpic
        complexed with epe, ma4; mutant
        1. chain a [112398] picpiclink
      10. 1tdg picpic
        complexed with ma4, mdd, mpd, tbe; mutant
        1. chain a [112397] picpiclink
      11. 3c4p picpic
        automatically matched to d1onga_
        complexed with so4; mutant
        1. region a:26-292 [155935] picpiclink
      12. 2g2w picpicxref
        1. region a:26-292 [145180] picpiclink
      13. 1q2p picpic
        complexed with ma4, wy2
        1. chain a [104501] picpiclink
      14. 1vm1 picpic
        complexed with akr, ma4, taz, tbe
        1. chain a [108875] picpiclink
      15. 1shv picpic
        complexed with ma4
        1. chain a [42703] picpiclink
    6. Klebsiella pneumoniae, SHV-2 [TaxId: 573] [90082] (1)
      almost identical sequence to SHV-1
      1. 1n9b picpic
        complexed with epe, ma4, mpd
        1. chain a [85463] picpiclink
    7. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, PSE-4 carbenicillinase [TaxId: 287] [56610] (2)
      1. 1g6a picpic
        complexed with so4; mutant
        1. chain a [42704] picpiclink
      2. 1g68 picpic
        complexed with so4
        1. chain a [42705] picpiclink
    8. Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId: 1280] [56611] (16)
      1. 1ghp picpic
        complexed with pnm, so4; mutant
        1. chain a [60520] picpiclink
      2. 1dja picpic
        1. chain a [42706] picpiclink
      3. 1ghm picpic
        complexed with ced, co3, so4; mutant
        1. chain a [60519] picpiclink
      4. 1kge picpic
        1. chain a [42708] picpiclink
      5. 1djc picpic
        complexed with so4; mutant
        1. chain a [42710] picpiclink
      6. 3blm picpic
        1. chain a [42709] picpiclink
      7. 1djb picpic
        1. chain a [42711] picpiclink
      8. 1kgf picpic
        1. chain a [42712] picpiclink
      9. 1ghi picpic
        complexed with co3; mutant
        1. chain a [60518] picpiclink
      10. 1blh picpic
        complexed with fos
        1. chain a [42713] picpiclink
      11. 1kgg picpic
        complexed with so4; mutant
        1. chain a [42715] picpiclink
      12. 1blc picpic
        complexed with cem, so4, tem
        1. chain a [42714] picpiclink
      13. 1blp picpic
        1. chain a [42716] picpiclink
      14. 1pio picpic
        1. chain a [42719] picpiclink
        2. chain b [42720] picpiclink
      15. 1alq picpic
        circularly permuted
        complexed with co3, so4; mutant
        1. chain a [42707] picpiclink
      16. 1ome picpic
        omega loop deletion mutant (residues 163-178 deleted)
        1. chain a [42717] picpiclink
        2. chain b [42718] picpiclink
    9. Bacillus licheniformis [TaxId: 1402] [56612] (5)
      1. 1i2s picpic
        complexed with cit, na
        1. chain a [71104] picpiclink
        2. chain b [71105] picpiclink
      2. 1i2w picpic
        complexed with cfx, out
        1. chain a [71106] picpiclink
        2. chain b [71107] picpiclink
      3. 4blm picpic
        1. chain a [42721] picpiclink
        2. chain b [42722] picpiclink
      4. 1mbl picpic
        complexed with so4; mutant
        1. chain a [42723] picpiclink
        2. chain b [42724] picpiclink
      5. 2blm picpic
        CA-atoms only
        1. chain a [42725] picpiclink
        2. chain b [42726] picpiclink
    10. Enterobacter cloacae, NMC-A carbapenemase [TaxId: 550] [56613] (2)
      1. 1bue picpic
        1. chain a [42727] picpiclink
      2. 1bul picpic
        complexed with ap3, mes
        1. chain a [42728] picpiclink
    11. Streptomyces albus G [TaxId: 1962] [56614] (1)
      1. 1bsg picpic
        complexed with act
        1. chain a [42729] picpiclink
    12. Mycobacterium fortuitum [TaxId: 1766] [56615] (1)
      1. 2cc1 picpic
        automatically matched to d1mfoa_
        1. region a:27-293 [130211] picpiclink
    13. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, PER-1 [TaxId: 287] [56616] (1)
      1. 1e25 picpic
        complexed with so4; mutant
        1. chain a [42731] picpiclink
    14. Serratia marcescens, Sme-1 [TaxId: 615] [56617] (1)
      1. 1dy6 picpic
        1. chain a [42732] picpiclink
        2. chain b [42733] picpiclink
    15. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, L2 [TaxId: 40324] [103374] (2)
      1. 1o7e picpic
        complexed with gol, so4
        1. chain a [92622] picpiclink
        2. chain b [92623] picpiclink
      2. 1n4o picpic
        complexed with so4
        1. chain a [91621] picpiclink
        2. chain b [91622] picpiclink
  4. AMPC beta-Lactamase, class C [56618]
    contains small alpha+beta subdomain inserted in the common fold
    1. Citrobacter freundii [TaxId: 546] [56619] (3)
      1. 1rgy picpic
        complexed with mpd, ptx
        1. chain a [97456] picpiclink
      2. 1fr1 picpic
        1. chain a [42734] picpiclink
        2. chain b [42735] picpiclink
      3. 1fr6 picpic
        complexed with azr
        1. chain a [42736] picpiclink
        2. chain b [42737] picpiclink
    2. Enterobacter cloacae, P99, cephalosporinase [TaxId: 550] [56620] (10)
      SQ P05364 22-380 ! SQ P05364 22-381
      1. 1onh picpic
        complexed with gol, wy4
        1. chain a [93357] picpiclink
      2. 1rgz picpic
        complexed with gol, ptx
        1. chain a [97457] picpiclink
      3. 1q2q picpic
        complexed with gol, wy2
        1. chain a [104502] picpiclink
      4. 1ga0 picpic
        complexed with dvr, gol, na
        1. chain a [60410] picpiclink
      5. 1gce picpic
        1. chain a [42738] picpiclink
      6. 1xx2 picpic
        1. chain a [116136] picpiclink
        2. chain b [116137] picpiclink
      7. 2q9m picpic
        automatically matched to d1blsa_
        complexed with lk7
        1. region a:2-360 [150147] picpiclink
      8. 1bls picpic
        complexed with ipp
        1. chain a [42741] picpiclink
        2. chain b [42742] picpiclink
      9. 2q9n picpic
        automatically matched to d1blsa_
        complexed with lk5
        1. region a:2-360 [150148] picpiclink
      10. 1s6r picpic
        complexed with iap
        1. chain a [98604] picpiclink
    3. Escherichia coli, cephalosporinase [TaxId: 562] [56621] (60)
      1. 2hds picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with 4mb, na, po4, suc
        1. region a:4-361 [136350] picpiclink
      2. 2hds picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with 4mb, na, po4, suc
        1. region b:4-361 [136351] picpiclink
      3. 2ffy picpic
        automatically matched to d1pi4a_
        complexed with k, po4, sm3; mutant
        1. region a:4-361 [133394] picpiclink
      4. 2ffy picpic
        automatically matched to d1pi4a_
        complexed with k, po4, sm3; mutant
        1. region b:4-361 [133395] picpiclink
      5. 1pi4 picpic
        complexed with k, po4, sm3; mutant
        1. chain a [94700] picpiclink
        2. chain b [94701] picpiclink
      6. 2hdu picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with f12, k, po4
        1. region a:4-361 [136352] picpiclink
      7. 2hdu picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with f12, k, po4
        1. region b:4-361 [136353] picpiclink
      8. 1pi5 picpic
        complexed with k, po4, sm2; mutant
        1. chain a [94702] picpiclink
        2. chain b [94703] picpiclink
      9. 1l0g picpic
        complexed with po4, suc; mutant
        1. chain a [73400] picpiclink
        2. chain b [73401] picpiclink
      10. 1l0d picpic
        complexed with po4; mutant
        1. chain a [73394] picpiclink
        2. chain b [73395] picpiclink
      11. 1kvl picpic
        complexed with cls, kcp, po4, thn; mutant
        1. chain a [73062] picpiclink
        2. chain b [73063] picpiclink
      12. 1l0f picpic
        complexed with po4; mutant
        1. chain a [73398] picpiclink
        2. chain b [73399] picpiclink
      13. 1my8 picpic
        complexed with po4, sm3
        1. chain a [85236] picpiclink
        2. chain b [85237] picpiclink
      14. 2r9w picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with 23c, po4
        1. region a:4-361 [151806] picpiclink
      15. 2r9w picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with 23c, po4
        1. region b:4-361 [151807] picpiclink
      16. 1llb picpic
        complexed with pcn
        1. chain a [78092] picpiclink
        2. chain b [78093] picpiclink
      17. 2p9v picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with po4
        1. region a:4-361 [149335] picpiclink
      18. 2p9v picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with po4
        1. region b:4-361 [149336] picpiclink
      19. 1ke4 picpic
        complexed with po4
        1. chain a [72362] picpiclink
        2. chain b [72363] picpiclink
      20. 1fsy picpic
        complexed with 105, po4
        1. chain a [60016] picpiclink
        2. chain b [60017] picpiclink
      21. 1i5q picpic
        complexed with mox; mutant
        1. chain a [61820] picpiclink
        2. chain b [61821] picpiclink
      22. 2r9x picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with dms, po4, wh6
        1. region a:4-361 [151808] picpiclink
      23. 2r9x picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with dms, po4, wh6
        1. region b:4-361 [151809] picpiclink
      24. 1l0e picpic
        complexed with po4; mutant
        1. chain a [73396] picpiclink
        2. chain b [73397] picpiclink
      25. 2pu2 picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with dk2, po4
        1. region a:4-361 [149850] picpiclink
      26. 2pu2 picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with dk2, po4
        1. region b:4-361 [149851] picpiclink
      27. 1mxo picpic
        complexed with po4, sm2
        1. chain a [85195] picpiclink
        2. chain b [85196] picpiclink
      28. 1o07 picpic
        complexed with k, mxg; mutant
        1. chain a [92390] picpiclink
        2. chain b [92391] picpiclink
      29. 1l2s picpic
        complexed with stc
        1. chain a [73512] picpiclink
        2. chain b [73513] picpiclink
      30. 1ll9 picpic
        complexed with axl
        1. chain a [78090] picpiclink
        2. chain b [78091] picpiclink
      31. 1fsw picpic
        complexed with ctb, po4
        1. chain a [60010] picpiclink
        2. chain b [60011] picpiclink
      32. 1ll5 picpic
        complexed with im2
        1. chain a [78075] picpiclink
        2. chain b [78076] picpiclink
      33. 1xgj picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with htc
        1. region a:4-361 [121978] picpiclink
      34. 1xgj picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with htc
        1. region b:4-361 [121979] picpiclink
      35. 1xgi picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with nst
        1. region a:4-361 [121976] picpiclink
      36. 1xgi picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with nst
        1. region b:4-361 [121977] picpiclink
      37. 2rcx picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with po4, sm4
        1. region a:4-361 [151913] picpiclink
      38. 2rcx picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with po4, sm4
        1. region b:4-361 [151914] picpiclink
      39. 1iel picpic
        complexed with caz, po4
        1. chain a [62329] picpiclink
        2. chain b [62330] picpiclink
      40. 1kvm picpic
        complexed with ceo, po4
        1. chain a [73064] picpiclink
        2. chain b [73065] picpiclink
      41. 2pu4 picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with dms, ox6, ox7, so4
        1. region a:4-361 [149852] picpiclink
      42. 2pu4 picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with dms, ox6, ox7, so4
        1. region b:4-361 [149853] picpiclink
      43. 2hdq picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with c21
        1. region a:4-361 [136346] picpiclink
      44. 2hdq picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with c21
        1. region b:4-361 [136347] picpiclink
      45. 2hdr picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with 4a3, po4
        1. region a:4-361 [136348] picpiclink
      46. 2hdr picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with 4a3, po4
        1. region b:4-361 [136349] picpiclink
      47. 2i72 picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with va1
        1. region a:4-361 [147533] picpiclink
      48. 2i72 picpic
        automatically matched to d1c3ba_
        complexed with va1
        1. region b:4-361 [147534] picpiclink
      49. 1ke3 picpic
        complexed with bdb, po4
        1. chain a [72360] picpiclink
        2. chain b [72361] picpiclink
      50. 1iem picpic
        complexed with cb4, po4
        1. chain a [62331] picpiclink
        2. chain b [62332] picpiclink
      51. 1ga9 picpic
        complexed with etp, k, po4
        1. chain a [60414] picpiclink
        2. chain b [60415] picpiclink
      52. 1kds picpic
        complexed with npb
        1. chain a [72354] picpiclink
        2. chain b [72355] picpiclink
      53. 1kdw picpic
        complexed with 4cb, po4
        1. chain a [72356] picpiclink
        2. chain b [72357] picpiclink
      54. 1c3b picpic
        1. chain a [42743] picpiclink
        2. chain b [42744] picpiclink
      55. 1ke0 picpic
        complexed with cvb, po4
        1. chain a [72358] picpiclink
        2. chain b [72359] picpiclink
      56. 1fco picpic
        complexed with mox; mutant
        1. chain a [42749] picpiclink
        2. chain b [42750] picpiclink
      57. 3bls picpic
        complexed with apb
        1. chain a [42745] picpiclink
        2. chain b [42746] picpiclink
      58. 1fcn picpic
        complexed with lor; mutant
        1. chain a [42751] picpiclink
        2. chain b [42752] picpiclink
      59. 2bls picpic
        1. chain a [42747] picpiclink
        2. chain b [42748] picpiclink
      60. 1fcm picpic
        complexed with cxn; mutant
        1. chain a [42753] picpiclink
        2. chain b [42754] picpiclink
  5. Class D beta-lactamase [56622]
    1. Escherichia coli, OXA-1 [TaxId: 562] [82837] (1)
      1. 1m6k picpic
        complexed with kcx, mpd
        1. chain a [78695] picpiclink
        2. chain b [78696] picpiclink
    2. Salmonella typhimurium, OXA-2 [TaxId: 90371] [90083] (1)
      1. 1k38 picpic
        complexed with fmt, kcx
        1. chain a [84303] picpiclink
        2. chain b [84304] picpiclink
    3. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, OXA-10 [TaxId: 287] [56623] (12)
      1. 1k55 picpic
        complexed with edo, sul
        1. chain a [68156] picpiclink
        2. chain b [68157] picpiclink
        3. chain c [68158] picpiclink
        4. chain d [68159] picpiclink
      2. 1e3u picpic
        complexed with auc, edo, so4
        1. chain a [42755] picpiclink
        2. chain b [42756] picpiclink
        3. chain c [42757] picpiclink
        4. chain d [42758] picpiclink
      3. 1k4f picpic
        complexed with so4
        1. chain a [68138] picpiclink
        2. chain b [68139] picpiclink
      4. 1k54 picpic
        complexed with edo, hoq, sul
        1. chain a [68152] picpiclink
        2. chain b [68153] picpiclink
        3. chain c [68154] picpiclink
        4. chain d [68155] picpiclink
      5. 1k56 picpic
        complexed with sul
        1. chain a [68160] picpiclink
        2. chain b [68161] picpiclink
        3. chain c [68162] picpiclink
        4. chain d [68163] picpiclink
      6. 1e4d picpic
        complexed with edo, so4
        1. chain a [42759] picpiclink
        2. chain b [42760] picpiclink
        3. chain c [42761] picpiclink
        4. chain d [42762] picpiclink
      7. 1k57 picpic
        complexed with so4
        1. chain a [68164] picpiclink
        2. chain b [68165] picpiclink
        3. chain c [68166] picpiclink
        4. chain d [68167] picpiclink
      8. 1fof picpic
        complexed with co, so4
        1. chain a [42763] picpiclink
        2. chain b [42764] picpiclink
      9. 1k6s picpic
        complexed with ca, iap, kcx, so4
        1. chain a [84307] picpiclink
        2. chain b [84308] picpiclink
      10. 1k4e picpic
        complexed with so4
        1. chain a [68136] picpiclink
        2. chain b [68137] picpiclink
      11. 1k6r picpic
        complexed with mxl
        1. chain a [84305] picpiclink
        2. chain b [84306] picpiclink
      12. 1ewz picpic
        1. chain a [42765] picpiclink
        2. chain b [42766] picpiclink
        3. chain c [42767] picpiclink
        4. chain d [42768] picpiclink
    4. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, OXA-13 [TaxId: 287] [64474] (3)
      1. 1h8z picpic
        complexed with so4
        1. chain a [60803] picpiclink
        2. chain b [60804] picpiclink
      2. 1h5x picpic
        complexed with im2, so4
        1. chain a [70899] picpiclink
        2. chain b [70900] picpiclink
      3. 1h8y picpic
        complexed with mer, so4
        1. chain a [60801] picpiclink
        2. chain b [60802] picpiclink
  6. Penicillin receptor BlaR, C-terminal domain [103375]
    closely related to class D beta-lactamase
    1. Bacillus licheniformis [TaxId: 1402] [103376] (1)
      1. 1nrf picpic
        1. chain a [92086] picpiclink
  7. Penicillin-binding protein 2x (pbp-2x), transpeptidase domain [56624]
    1. Streptococcus pneumoniae [TaxId: 1313] [56625] (14)
      1. 1qme picpicxrefxref
        complexed with so4
        1. region a:264-620 [42769] picpiclink
      2. 1pyy picpicxrefxref
        complexed with mpd, osu, so4; mutant
        1. region a:264-631 [95388] picpiclink
      3. 2z2m picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1pmda4
        complexed with cds, so4
        1. region b:264-620 [153943] picpiclink
      4. 2z2m picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1pmda4
        complexed with cds, so4
        1. region e:264-620 [153946] picpiclink
      5. 2zc3 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1pmda4
        complexed with bmg, so4
        1. region b:264-619 [154324] picpiclink
      6. 2zc3 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1pmda4
        complexed with bmg, so4
        1. region e:264-620 [154327] picpiclink
      7. 1qmf picpicxrefxref
        complexed with ces, kef
        1. region a:264-620 [42770] picpiclink
      8. 2zc4 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1pmda4
        complexed with so4, teb
        1. region b:264-619 [154330] picpiclink
      9. 2zc4 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1pmda4
        complexed with so4, teb
        1. region e:264-620 [154333] picpiclink
      10. 2z2l picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1pmda4
        complexed with so4
        1. region b:264-620 [153937] picpiclink
      11. 2z2l picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1pmda4
        complexed with so4
        1. region e:264-620 [153940] picpiclink
      12. 1rp5 picpicxrefxref
        complexed with so4
        1. region a:264-631 [97697] picpiclink
        2. region b:264-631 [97701] picpiclink
      13. 1k25 picpicxrefxref
        1. region a:264-631 [68036] picpiclink
        2. region b:1264-1631 [68040] picpiclink
        3. region c:2264-2631 [68044] picpiclink
        4. region d:3264-3612 [68048] picpiclink
      14. 1pmd picpicxrefxref
        CA-atoms only
        1. region a:264-630 [42771] picpiclink
  8. Penicillin binding protein 2a (PBP2A), C-terminal domain [82838]
    1. Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId: 1280] [82839] (5)
      SQ O54286 27-668
      1. 1vqq picpicxrefxref
        complexed with cd, cl; mutant
        1. region a:328-668 [114011] picpiclink
        2. region b:328-668 [114014] picpiclink
      2. 1mws picpicxrefxref
        complexed with cd, cl, nc1; mutant
        1. region a:328-668 [79594] picpiclink
        2. region b:328-668 [79597] picpiclink
      3. 1mwt picpicxrefxref
        complexed with cd, cl, pg1; mutant
        1. region a:328-668 [79600] picpiclink
        2. region b:328-668 [79603] picpiclink
      4. 1mwu picpicxrefxref
        complexed with cd, cl, mc1; mutant
        1. region a:328-668 [79606] picpiclink
        2. region b:328-668 [79609] picpiclink
      5. 1mwr picpicxrefxref
        complexed with cd, cl, mse; mutant
        1. region a:328-668 [79588] picpiclink
        2. region b:328-668 [79591] picpiclink
  9. Penicillin-binding protein 5, N-terminal domain [69875]
    1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [69876] (8)
      1. 3bec picpicxref
        automatically matched to d1hd8a2
        complexed with gol, hj2
        1. region a:4-262 [155182] picpiclink
      2. 1z6f picpicxref
        automatically matched to d1hd8a2
        complexed with bo9, gol
        1. region a:4-262 [124521] picpiclink
      3. 1nzo picpicxref
        complexed with bme
        1. region a:4-262 [92384] picpiclink
      4. 1nj4 picpicxref
        1. region a:3-262 [80546] picpiclink
      5. 1nzu picpicxref
        complexed with bme
        1. region a:3-262 [92389] picpiclink
      6. 3beb picpicxref
        automatically matched to d1hd8a2
        complexed with gol, hj3
        1. region a:4-262 [155180] picpiclink
      7. 1hd8 picpicxref
        1. region a:3-262 [65804] picpiclink
      8. 1sdn picpicxref
        automatically matched to d1hd8a2
        complexed with hg; mutant
        1. region a:3-262 [118950] picpiclink
  10. D-aminopeptidase, N-terminal domain [56626]
    1. Ochrobactrum anthropi [TaxId: 529] [56627] (1)
      1. 1ei5 picpicxref
        1. region a:3-335 [42772] picpiclink
  11. Pencillin binding protein 4 (PbpD), N-terminal domain [111287]
    1. Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId: 1280] [111288] (1)
      SQ Q53613 21-383
      1. 1tvf picpicxref
        Structural genomics target
        complexed with so4, unl
        1. region a:15-315 [107359] picpiclink
        2. region b:15-315 [107361] picpiclink
  12. Regulatory protein BlaR1 [111289]
    1. Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId: 1280] [111290] (3)
      SQ P18357 338-582 ! SQ P18357 334-581 ! SQ P18357 338-583
      1. 1xkz picpic
        complexed with caz, epe, so4
        1. chain a [115426] picpiclink
        2. chain b [115427] picpiclink
        3. chain c [115428] picpiclink
        4. chain d [115429] picpiclink
      2. 1xa1 picpic
        complexed with po4, pop
        1. chain a [109529] picpiclink
        2. chain b [109530] picpiclink
        3. chain c [109531] picpiclink
        4. chain d [109532] picpiclink
      3. 1xa7 picpic
        complexed with pg1
        1. chain a [109533] picpiclink
        2. chain b [109534] picpiclink
  13. D,D-carboxypeptidase DacA, N-terminal domain [118181]
    1. Streptococcus pneumoniae [TaxId: 1313] [118182] (1)
      SQ P72518 25-393
      1. 1xp4 picpicxref
        complexed with iod, so4
        1. region a:25-293 [115723] picpiclink
        2. region b:25-293 [115725] picpiclink
        3. region c:25-293 [115727] picpiclink
        4. region d:25-293 [115729] picpiclink
  14. Penicillin-binding protein 1a, transpeptidase domain [144034]
    1. Streptococcus pneumoniae [TaxId: 1313] [144035] (2)
      SQ Q8DR59 266-650! SQ Q8DR59 267-650
      1. 2c5w picpic
        complexed with cl, edo, pcz, zn
        1. region b:266-650 [129958] picpiclink
      2. 2c6w picpic
        complexed with cl, zn
        1. region b:267-650 [130010] picpiclink
  15. Penicillin-binding protein 1b, transpeptidase domain [144036]
    1. Streptococcus pneumoniae [TaxId: 1313] [144037] (3)
      SQ O70038 337-789! SQ O70038 337-791
      1. 2bg1 picpic
        complexed with cl, so4; mutant
        1. region a:337-789 [128457] picpiclink
      2. 2fff picpic
        complexed with ni
        1. region b:337-789 [133382] picpiclink
      3. 2uwx picpic
        automatically matched to 2BG3 A:337-791
        complexed with cl, edo, nc1, so4; mutant
        1. region a:337-790 [140002] picpiclink
  16. D-Amino acid amidase DaaA [144038]
    1. Ochrobactrum anthropi [TaxId: 529] [144039] (24)
      SQ Q9LCC8 2-363
      1. 2drw picpic
        complexed with ba
        1. region a:2-363 [131674] picpiclink
      2. 2drw picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba
        1. region b:2-363 [131675] picpiclink
      3. 2drw picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba
        1. region c:3-363 [131676] picpiclink
      4. 2drw picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba
        1. region d:2-363 [131677] picpiclink
      5. 2drw picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba
        1. region e:2-363 [131678] picpiclink
      6. 2drw picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba
        1. region f:7-358 [131679] picpiclink
      7. 2efu picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba, phe
        1. region a:2-363 [132109] picpiclink
      8. 2efu picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba, phe
        1. region b:4-363 [132110] picpiclink
      9. 2efu picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba, phe
        1. region c:3-363 [132111] picpiclink
      10. 2efu picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba, phe
        1. region d:2-363 [132112] picpiclink
      11. 2efu picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba, phe
        1. region e:2-363 [132113] picpiclink
      12. 2efu picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba, phe
        1. region f:4-358 [132114] picpiclink
      13. 2efx picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba, nfa
        1. region a:2-363 [132115] picpiclink
      14. 2efx picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba, nfa
        1. region b:2-363 [132116] picpiclink
      15. 2efx picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba, nfa
        1. region c:3-363 [132117] picpiclink
      16. 2efx picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba, nfa
        1. region d:2-363 [132118] picpiclink
      17. 2efx picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba, nfa
        1. region e:2-363 [132119] picpiclink
      18. 2efx picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba, nfa
        1. region f:9-361 [132120] picpiclink
      19. 2dns picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba
        1. region a:2-363 [131587] picpiclink
      20. 2dns picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba
        1. region b:2-363 [131588] picpiclink
      21. 2dns picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba
        1. region c:3-362 [131589] picpiclink
      22. 2dns picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba
        1. region d:2-362 [131590] picpiclink
      23. 2dns picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba
        1. region e:2-361 [131591] picpiclink
      24. 2dns picpic
        automatically matched to 2DRW A:2-363
        complexed with ba
        1. region f:8-358 [131592] picpiclink
  17. Penicillin-binding protein 2, PBP2 [160970]
    1. Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId: 1280] [160971] (7)
      SQ Q2YY56 293-692
      1. 2olu picpicxref
        automatically matched to 2OLV A:293-692
        complexed with edo
        1. region a:293-692 [148820] picpiclink
      2. 2olv picpicxrefxref
        complexed with m0e
        1. region a:293-692 [148822] picpiclink
      3. 2olv picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to 2OLV A:293-692
        complexed with m0e
        1. region b:293-692 [148824] picpiclink
      4. 3dwk picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to 2OLV A:293-692
        complexed with lda, so4
        1. region a:296-692 [157914] picpiclink
      5. 3dwk picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to 2OLV A:293-692
        complexed with lda, so4
        1. region b:293-692 [157916] picpiclink
      6. 3dwk picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to 2OLV A:293-692
        complexed with lda, so4
        1. region c:293-692 [157918] picpiclink
      7. 3dwk picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to 2OLV A:293-692
        complexed with lda, so4
        1. region d:293-692 [157920] picpiclink
  18. 6-aminohexanoate-dimer hydrolase NylC [160972]
    1. Flavobacterium sp. [TaxId: 239] [160973] (3)
      SQ P07062 5-392
      1. 2dcf picpic
        complexed with aca, gol, mes, so4; mutant
        1. region a:5-392 [146485] picpiclink
      2. 1wyc picpic
        1. region a:5-392 [145838] picpiclink
      3. 1wyb picpic
        1. region a:5-392 [145837] picpiclink

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