Structural Classification of Proteins
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Superfamily: Adenine nucleotide alpha hydrolases-like

share similar mode of ligand (Adenosine group) binding
can be subdivided into two group with closer relationships within each group than between the groups; the first three families form one group whereas the last two families form the other group
link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349]
    Mainly parallel beta sheets (beta-alpha-beta units)
  3. Fold: Adenine nucleotide alpha hydrolase-like [52373]
    core: 3 layers, a/b/a ; parallel beta-sheet of 5 strands, order 32145
  4. Superfamily: Adenine nucleotide alpha hydrolases-like [52402]
    share similar mode of ligand (Adenosine group) binding
    can be subdivided into two group with closer relationships within each group than between the groups; the first three families form one group whereas the last two families form the other group
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily


  1. N-type ATP pyrophosphatases [52403] (13)
    1. GMP synthetase, central domain [52404]
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [52405] (1)
        1. 1gpm picpicxrefxref
          complexed with amp, cit, mg, po4, pop
          1. region a:208-404 [31608] picpiclink
          2. region b:208-404 [31609] picpiclink
          3. region c:208-404 [31610] picpiclink
          4. region d:208-404 [31611] picpiclink
    2. NH3-dependent NAD+-synthetase [52406]
      1. Bacillus subtilis [TaxId: 1423] [52407] (7)
        1. 1kqp picpic
          complexed with adj, edo, mg, pop
          1. chain a [72883] picpiclink
          2. chain b [72884] picpiclink
        2. 2nsy picpic
          complexed with adn, cry, mg, pop
          1. chain a [31612] picpiclink
          2. chain b [31613] picpiclink
        3. 1ih8 picpic
          complexed with apc, mg
          1. chain a [62377] picpiclink
          2. chain b [62378] picpiclink
        4. 1ee1 picpic
          complexed with atp, dnd, mg
          1. chain a [59409] picpiclink
          2. chain b [59410] picpiclink
        5. 1nsy picpic
          complexed with amp, atp, mg, pop
          1. chain a [31614] picpiclink
          2. chain b [31615] picpiclink
        6. 1fyd picpic
          complexed with amp, mg, pop
          1. chain a [60113] picpiclink
          2. chain b [60114] picpiclink
        7. 1ifx picpic
          complexed with dnd
          1. chain a [62352] picpiclink
          2. chain b [62353] picpiclink
      2. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [142083] (5)
        SQ P18843 2-275
        1. 1wxi picpic
          automatically matched to 1WXE A:2-275
          complexed with amp, dpo, mg
          1. region a:2-275 [121400] picpiclink
        2. 1wxh picpic
          automatically matched to 1WXE A:2-275
          complexed with nad
          1. region a:2-275 [121399] picpiclink
        3. 1wxe picpic
          complexed with amp, mg
          1. region a:2-275 [121396] picpiclink
        4. 1wxg picpic
          automatically matched to 1WXE A:2-275
          complexed with dnd, mg
          1. region a:2-275 [121398] picpiclink
        5. 1wxf picpic
          automatically matched to 1WXE A:2-275
          1. region a:2-275 [121397] picpiclink
      3. Helicobacter pylori [TaxId: 210] [142084] (3)
        SQ O25096 3-257
        1. 1xng picpic
          complexed with atp, dnd, mg
          1. region a:3-257 [122186] picpiclink
        2. 1xng picpic
          automatically matched to 1XNG A:3-257
          complexed with atp, dnd, mg
          1. region b:3-257 [122187] picpiclink
        3. 1xnh picpic
          automatically matched to 1XNG A:3-257
          1. region a:5-255 [122188] picpiclink
    3. Asparagine synthetase B, C-terminal domain [52408]
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [52409] (1)
        1. 1ct9 picpicxref
          1. region a:193-516 [31616] picpiclink
          2. region b:193-516 [31617] picpiclink
          3. region c:193-516 [31618] picpiclink
          4. region d:193-516 [31619] picpiclink
    4. beta-Lactam synthetase [69456]
      Asparagine synthetase B homologue
      1. Streptomyces clavuligerus [TaxId: 1901] [69457] (5)
        1. 1jgt picpicxref
          complexed with apc, cma, gol, mg
          1. region a:210-508 [66684] picpiclink
          2. region b:210-508 [66686] picpiclink
        2. 1m1z picpicxref
          1. region a:210-506 [78457] picpiclink
          2. region b:210-508 [78459] picpiclink
        3. 1mb9 picpicxref
          complexed with amp, atp, mg, pop
          1. region a:210-507 [78912] picpiclink
          2. region b:210-508 [78914] picpiclink
        4. 1mc1 picpicxref
          complexed with amp, mg, pcx, pop
          1. region a:210-507 [78939] picpiclink
          2. region b:210-508 [78941] picpiclink
        5. 1mbz picpicxref
          complexed with gol, iot, mg, pop
          1. region a:210-507 [78933] picpiclink
          2. region b:210-508 [78935] picpiclink
      2. Pectobacterium carotovorum [TaxId: 554] [102263] (2)
        carbapenam synthetase CarA
        1. 1q15 picpicxref
          1. region a:206-501 [95538] picpiclink
          2. region b:206-501 [95540] picpiclink
          3. region c:206-501 [95542] picpiclink
          4. region d:206-500 [95544] picpiclink
        2. 1q19 picpicxref
          complexed with apc, mg, ssc
          1. region a:206-501 [95553] picpiclink
          2. region b:206-501 [95555] picpiclink
          3. region c:206-501 [95557] picpiclink
          4. region d:206-501 [95559] picpiclink
    5. Argininosuccinate synthetase, N-terminal domain [69458]
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [69459] (4)
        1. 1k92 picpicxref
          complexed with cry, so4; mutant
          1. region a:1-188 [68325] picpiclink
        2. 1kp2 picpicxref
          complexed with atp, gai, po4
          1. region a:1-188 [72838] picpiclink
        3. 1k97 picpicxref
          complexed with asp, cir; mutant
          1. region a:1-188 [68336] picpiclink
        4. 1kp3 picpicxref
          complexed with atp, cir, gai, po4
          1. region a:1-188 [72840] picpiclink
      2. Thermus thermophilus [TaxId: 274] [75167] (7)
        1. 1j20 picpicxref
          complexed with amp, as1, so4
          1. region a:1-165 [83990] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-165 [83992] picpiclink
          3. region c:1-165 [83994] picpiclink
          4. region d:1-165 [83996] picpiclink
        2. 1kor picpicxref
          complexed with anp, arg, sin
          1. region a:1-165 [72824] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-165 [72826] picpiclink
          3. region c:1-165 [72828] picpiclink
          4. region d:1-165 [72830] picpiclink
        3. 1j1z picpicxref
          complexed with asp, atp, cir
          1. region a:1-165 [83982] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-165 [83984] picpiclink
          3. region c:1-165 [83986] picpiclink
          4. region d:1-165 [83988] picpiclink
        4. 1kh1 picpicxref
          complexed with so4
          1. region a:1-165 [72457] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-165 [72459] picpiclink
          3. region c:1-165 [72461] picpiclink
          4. region d:1-165 [72463] picpiclink
        5. 1kh3 picpicxref
          complexed with anp, arg, asp, mg, so4
          1. region a:1-165 [84392] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-165 [84394] picpiclink
          3. region c:1-165 [84396] picpiclink
          4. region d:1-165 [84398] picpiclink
        6. 1j21 picpicxref
          complexed with atp, cir
          1. region a:1-165 [83998] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-165 [84000] picpiclink
          3. region c:1-165 [84002] picpiclink
          4. region d:1-165 [84004] picpiclink
        7. 1kh2 picpicxref
          complexed with atp
          1. region a:1-165 [72465] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-165 [72467] picpiclink
          3. region c:1-165 [72469] picpiclink
          4. region d:1-165 [72471] picpiclink
      3. Thermotoga maritima [TaxId: 2336] [110493] (1)
        SQ Q9X2A1
        1. 1vl2 picpicxref
          Structural genomics target
          1. region a:2-169 [108708] picpiclink
          2. region b:2-169 [108710] picpiclink
          3. region c:2-169 [108712] picpiclink
          4. region d:2-169 [108714] picpiclink
    6. Putative N-type ATP pyrophosphatase PF0828 [102264]
      1. Archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus [TaxId: 2261] [102265] (1)
        1. 1ru8 picpic
          structural genomics; NESG target PFR23
          complexed with trs
          1. chain a [97849] picpiclink
          2. chain b [97850] picpiclink
    7. Hypothetical protein PH1257 [142085]
      probable orthologue of PF0828
      1. Archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii [TaxId: 53953] [142086] (4)
        SQ O58996 2-227
        1. 2d13 picpic
          1. region a:2-227 [131121] picpiclink
        2. 2d13 picpic
          automatically matched to 2D13 A:2-227
          1. region b:2-227 [131122] picpiclink
        3. 2d13 picpic
          automatically matched to 2D13 A:2-227
          1. region c:3-227 [131123] picpiclink
        4. 2d13 picpic
          automatically matched to 2D13 A:2-227
          1. region d:4-227 [131124] picpiclink
    8. Queuosine biosynthesis protein QueC [159496]
      1. Erwinia carotovora [TaxId: 554] [159497] (1)
        SQ Q6D820 1-230
        1. 2pg3 picpic
          complexed with zn
          1. region a:1-230 [149454] picpiclink
  2. PP-loop ATPase [82359] (2)
    1. tRNA-Ile-lysidine synthetase, TilS, N-terminal domain [82360]
      formerly putative cell cycle protein MesJ
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [82361] (1)
        1. 1ni5 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with mse
          1. region a:0-226 [80533] picpiclink
    2. TilS-like protein Aq_1887 [142087]
      1. Aquifex aeolicus [TaxId: 63363] [142088] (10)
        SQ O67728 1-216
        1. 1wy5 picpicxrefxref
          1. region a:1-216 [121428] picpiclink
        2. 1wy5 picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to 1WY5 A:1-216
          1. region b:1-216 [121430] picpiclink
        3. 2e89 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1wy5a1
          complexed with atp, lys, mg
          1. region a:1-216 [146716] picpiclink
        4. 2e89 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1wy5a1
          complexed with atp, lys, mg
          1. region b:1-216 [146718] picpiclink
        5. 2e89 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1wy5a1
          complexed with atp, lys, mg
          1. region c:1-216 [146720] picpiclink
        6. 2e89 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1wy5a1
          complexed with atp, lys, mg
          1. region d:1-216 [146722] picpiclink
        7. 2e21 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1wy5a1
          complexed with anp
          1. region a:1-216 [146635] picpiclink
        8. 2e21 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1wy5a1
          complexed with anp
          1. region b:1-216 [146637] picpiclink
        9. 2e21 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1wy5a1
          complexed with anp
          1. region c:1-216 [146639] picpiclink
        10. 2e21 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1wy5a1
          complexed with anp
          1. region d:1-216 [146641] picpiclink
  3. PAPS reductase-like [52410] (2)
    1. Phosphoadenylyl sulphate (PAPS) reductase [52411]
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [52412] (1)
        1. 1sur picpic
          1. chain a [31620] picpiclink
    2. Sulfate adenylyltransferase subunit 2, CysD [142089]
      1. Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato [TaxId: 323] [142090] (1)
        SQ Q87WW0 1-211
        1. 1zun picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ags, gdp, mg, na
          1. region a:1-211 [125676] picpiclink
  4. ETFP subunits [52432] (6)
    alpha/beta heterodimer of homologous subunits; contains additional strands on both edges of the core sheet
    1. Large, alpha subunit of electron transfer flavoprotein ETFP, N-terminal domain [81393]
      contains an additional FAD-binding domain of DHS-like fold
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [81389] (4)
        SQ P13804 20-203
        1. 1efv picpicxrefxref
          complexed with amp, fad
          1. region a:20-207 [31633] picpiclink
        2. 2a1u picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1efva1
          complexed with amp, fad; mutant
          1. region a:20-205 [126016] picpiclink
        3. 2a1t picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1efva1
          complexed with amp, fad; mutant
          1. region r:20-205 [126013] picpiclink
        4. 1t9g picpicxrefxrefxref
          only the N-terminal domain is ordered in the crystal
          complexed with amp, fad
          1. chain r [106719] picpiclink
      2. Paracoccus denitrificans [TaxId: 266] [81391] (1)
        1. 1efp picpicxrefxref
          complexed with amp, fad
          1. region a:2-184 [31635] picpiclink
          2. region c:2-184 [31637] picpiclink
      3. Methylophilus methylotrophus [TaxId: 17] [82362] (8)
        1. 3cls picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1o97d1
          complexed with amp, fad; mutant
          1. region d:1-192 [156758] picpiclink
        2. 1o97 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with amp, fad
          1. region d:1-192 [81233] picpiclink
        3. 3clu picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1o97d1
          complexed with amp, fad; mutant
          1. region d:1-192 [156764] picpiclink
        4. 3clr picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1o97d1
          complexed with amp, fad, po4; mutant
          1. region d:1-192 [156755] picpiclink
        5. 3clt picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1o97d1
          complexed with amp, fad; mutant
          1. region d:1-192 [156761] picpiclink
        6. 1o94 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with adp, amp, fmn, sf4
          1. chain d [81207] picpiclink
          2. chain f [81209] picpiclink
        7. 1o96 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with amp, fad
          1. region b:1-191 [81221] picpiclink
          2. region d:1-191 [81224] picpiclink
          3. region f:1-191 [81227] picpiclink
          4. region z:1-189 [81230] picpiclink
        8. 1o95 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with adp, amp, fmn, fs4
          1. chain d [81217] picpiclink
          2. chain f [81219] picpiclink
    2. Small, beta subunit of electron transfer flavoprotein ETFP [81394]
      binds AMP
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [81390] (4)
        SQ P38117
        1. 1efv picpicxrefxref
          complexed with amp, fad
          1. chain b [31634] picpiclink
        2. 2a1u picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to 2A1T S:3-250
          complexed with amp, fad; mutant
          1. region b:4-250 [126018] picpiclink
        3. 2a1t picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with amp, fad; mutant
          1. region s:3-250 [126015] picpiclink
        4. 1t9g picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with amp, fad
          1. chain s [106720] picpiclink
      2. Paracoccus denitrificans [TaxId: 266] [81392] (1)
        1. 1efp picpicxrefxref
          complexed with amp, fad
          1. chain b [31636] picpiclink
          2. chain d [31638] picpiclink
      3. Methylophilus methylotrophus [TaxId: 17] [82363] (8)
        1. 3cls picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1o96a_
          complexed with amp, fad; mutant
          1. region c:1-262 [156757] picpiclink
        2. 1o97 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with amp, fad
          1. chain c [81232] picpiclink
        3. 3clu picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1o96a_
          complexed with amp, fad; mutant
          1. region c:1-261 [156763] picpiclink
        4. 3clr picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1o96a_
          complexed with amp, fad, po4; mutant
          1. region c:1-262 [156754] picpiclink
        5. 3clt picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1o96a_
          complexed with amp, fad; mutant
          1. region c:1-262 [156760] picpiclink
        6. 1o94 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with adp, amp, fmn, sf4
          1. chain c [81206] picpiclink
          2. chain e [81208] picpiclink
        7. 1o96 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with amp, fad
          1. chain a [81220] picpiclink
          2. chain c [81223] picpiclink
          3. chain e [81226] picpiclink
          4. chain q [81229] picpiclink
        8. 1o95 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with adp, amp, fmn, fs4
          1. chain c [81216] picpiclink
          2. chain e [81218] picpiclink
  5. Universal stress protein-like [52436] (7)
    Pfam 00582
    1. "Hypothetical" protein MJ0577 [52437]
      1. Archaeon Methanococcus jannaschii [TaxId: 2190] [52438] (1)
        1. 1mjh picpic
          structural genomics
          complexed with atp, mn
          1. chain a [31639] picpiclink
          2. chain b [31640] picpiclink
    2. Universal stress protein A, UspA [69461]
      1. Haemophilus influenzae [TaxId: 727] [69462] (1)
        the nucleotide-binding is not known
        1. 1jmv picpic
          structural genomics
          complexed with so4
          1. chain a [66897] picpiclink
          2. chain b [66898] picpiclink
          3. chain c [66899] picpiclink
          4. chain d [66900] picpiclink
    3. Hypothetical protein Aq_178 [102266]
      putative universal stress protein
      1. Aquifex aeolicus [TaxId: 63363] [102267] (1)
        1. 1q77 picpic
          structural genomics
          complexed with so4
          1. chain a [96023] picpiclink
          2. chain b [96024] picpiclink
    4. Hypothetical protein Rv1636 [110494]
      1. Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId: 1773] [110495] (1)
        SQ O06153
        1. 1tq8 picpic
          Structural genomics target
          1. chain a [107204] picpiclink
          2. chain b [107205] picpiclink
          3. chain c [107206] picpiclink
          4. chain d [107207] picpiclink
          5. chain e [107208] picpiclink
          6. chain f [107209] picpiclink
    5. Hypothetical protein TTHA0895 [117487]
      1. Thermus thermophilus [TaxId: 274] [117488] (4)
        SQ Q5SJV7
        1. 2z3v picpic
          automatically matched to d1wjga_
          complexed with pgo
          1. region a:2-136 [154023] picpiclink
        2. 2z08 picpic
          automatically matched to d1wjga_
          complexed with atp, mg
          1. region a:2-136 [153910] picpiclink
        3. 2z09 picpic
          automatically matched to d1wjga_
          complexed with acp, mg
          1. region a:2-136 [153911] picpiclink
        4. 1wjg picpic
          Structural genomics target
          1. chain a [114696] picpiclink
    6. Putative ethylene-responsive protein AT3g01520/F4P13_7 [142091]
      1. Thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana) [TaxId: 3702] [142092] (6)
        SQ Q940U0 5-175
        1. 2gm3 picpic
          complexed with amp
          1. region a:5-175 [135354] picpiclink
        2. 2gm3 picpic
          automatically matched to 2GM3 A:5-175
          complexed with amp
          1. region b:5-174 [135355] picpiclink
        3. 2gm3 picpic
          automatically matched to 2GM3 A:5-175
          complexed with amp
          1. region c:5-175 [135356] picpiclink
        4. 2gm3 picpic
          automatically matched to 2GM3 A:5-175
          complexed with amp
          1. region d:5-175 [135357] picpiclink
        5. 2gm3 picpic
          automatically matched to 2GM3 A:5-175
          complexed with amp
          1. region e:5-175 [135358] picpiclink
        6. 2gm3 picpic
          automatically matched to 2GM3 A:5-175
          complexed with amp
          1. region f:5-175 [135359] picpiclink
    7. Hypothetical protein TTC0031 [159498]
      1. Thermus thermophilus [TaxId: 274] [159499] (2)
        SQ Q72LM7 2-135
        1. 2iel picpic
          1. region a:2-135 [147649] picpiclink
        2. 2iel picpic
          automatically matched to 2IEL A:2-135
          1. region b:3-135 [147650] picpiclink
  6. ThiI-like [142093] (2)
    Pfam 02568
    1. Thiamine biosynthesis protein ThiI, C-terminal domain [142094]
      1. Bacillus anthracis [TaxId: 1392] [142095] (1)
        SQ Q81KU0 174-391
        1. 2c5s picpicxref
          complexed with amp
          1. region a:174-391 [129950] picpiclink
    2. Hypothetical protein PH1313, C-terminal domain [142096]
      overal structure is similar to ThiI
      1. Archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii [TaxId: 53953] [142097] (2)
        SQ O59053 176-307
        1. 1vbk picpicxrefxref
          complexed with mrd
          1. region a:176-307 [119957] picpiclink
        2. 1vbk picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to 1VBK A:176-307
          complexed with mrd
          1. region b:176-307 [119959] picpiclink

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