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Fold: Cyanovirin-N

complex fold


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: All beta proteins [48724]
  3. Fold: Cyanovirin-N [51321]
    complex fold


  1. Cyanovirin-N [51322] (1)
    duplication: tandem repeat of two homologous motifs made three stranded beta-sheet and beta-hairpins
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily
    1. Cyanovirin-N [51323] (1)
      1. Cyanovirin-N [51324]
        1. Cyanobacterium (Nostoc ellipsosporum) [TaxId: 45916] [51325] (11)
          1. 3ezm picpic
            swapped dimer
            1. chain a [28395] picpiclink
          2. 1lom picpic
            swapped dimer
            complexed with ca, so4; mutant
            1. chain a [74152] picpiclink
          3. 1l5b picpic
            swapped dimer
            complexed with na, nhe
            1. chain a [73575] picpiclink
            2. chain b [73576] picpiclink
          4. 1m5j picpic
            swapped dimer, complexed to a synthetic hexamannoside
            complexed with man, nhe, opm
            1. chain a [78649] picpiclink
            2. chain b [78650] picpiclink
          5. 1m5m picpic
            swapped dimer, complexed to oligomannose-9 (man-9)
            complexed with man, nag, nhe
            1. chain a [78651] picpiclink
            2. chain b [78652] picpiclink
          6. 2ezn picpic
            1. chain a [28397] picpiclink
          7. 2ezm picpic
            1. chain a [28396] picpiclink
          8. 1iiy picpic
            complexed with man
            1. chain a [66152] picpiclink
          9. 1j4v picpic
            swapped dimer
            1. chain a [71527] picpiclink
            2. chain b [71528] picpiclink
          10. 1l5e picpic
            swapped dimer
            1. chain a [73579] picpiclink
            2. chain b [73580] picpiclink
          11. 1n02 picpic
            circular-permuted variant
            1. chain a [79717] picpiclink

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