Structural Classification of Proteins
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Superfamily: E set domains

"Early" Ig-like fold families possibly related to the immunoglobulin and/or fibronectin type III superfamilies
link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: All beta proteins [48724]
  3. Fold: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725]
    sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key
    some members of the fold have additional strands
  4. Superfamily: E set domains [81296]
    "Early" Ig-like fold families possibly related to the immunoglobulin and/or fibronectin type III superfamilies
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily


  1. NF-kappa-B/REL/DORSAL transcription factors, C-terminal domain [81279] (10)
    subgroup of the larger IPT/TIG domain family
    1. T-cell transcription factor NFAT1 (NFATC2) [49246]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [49247] (10)
        1. 1p7h picpicxref
          1. region l:576-678 [94271] picpiclink
          2. region m:576-678 [94273] picpiclink
          3. region n:576-678 [94275] picpiclink
          4. region o:576-678 [94277] picpiclink
        2. 2as5 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1owrm1
          complexed with mg; mutant
          1. region m:576-678 [127237] picpiclink
        3. 2as5 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1owrm1
          complexed with mg; mutant
          1. region n:576-678 [127239] picpiclink
        4. 2o93 picpicxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1owrm1
          1. region l:576-678 [138943] picpiclink
        5. 2o93 picpicxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1owrm1
          1. region m:576-678 [138945] picpiclink
        6. 2o93 picpicxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1owrm1
          1. region o:576-678 [138947] picpiclink
        7. 1owr picpicxref
          1. region m:576-678 [93657] picpiclink
          2. region n:576-678 [93659] picpiclink
          3. region p:576-678 [93661] picpiclink
          4. region q:576-678 [93663] picpiclink
        8. 1a02 picpicxrefxrefxref
          1. region n:577-678 [21923] picpiclink
        9. 1s9k picpicxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1owrm1
          1. region c:576-678 [118921] picpiclink
        10. 1pzu picpicxref
          1. region b:576-678 [95471] picpiclink
          2. region d:576-678 [95473] picpiclink
          3. region h:576-678 [95475] picpiclink
          4. region i:576-678 [95477] picpiclink
          5. region l:576-678 [95479] picpiclink
          6. region m:576-678 [95481] picpiclink
    2. T-cell transcription factor NFAT5 (TONEBP) [69170]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [69171] (1)
        1. 1imh picpicxref
          1. region c:368-468 [66214] picpiclink
          2. region d:368-468 [66216] picpiclink
    3. p50 subunit of NF-kappa B transcription factor [49248]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [49249] (9)
        SQ P25799 245-350
        1. 1u3y picpic
          1. chain a [107645] picpiclink
        2. 1u36 picpic
          1. chain a [107635] picpiclink
        3. 1u3j picpic
          1. chain a [107642] picpiclink
        4. 1u3z picpic
          1. chain a [107646] picpiclink
        5. 1u41 picpic
          1. chain a [107648] picpiclink
          2. chain b [107649] picpiclink
          3. chain c [107650] picpiclink
          4. chain d [107651] picpiclink
        6. 1svc picpicxref
          protein/DNA complex; mutant
          1. region p:251-353 [21924] picpiclink
        7. 1nfi picpicxrefxrefxref
          1. chain b [21925] picpiclink
          2. chain d [21926] picpiclink
        8. 2o61 picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1nfib_
          1. region b:247-350 [148620] picpiclink
        9. 1u42 picpic
          1. chain a [107652] picpiclink
      2. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [49250] (10)
        1. 1bfs picpic
          1. chain a [21927] picpiclink
        2. 1ooa picpicxref
          1. region a:251-350 [87192] picpiclink
          2. region b:251-350 [87194] picpiclink
        3. 1ikn picpicxrefxrefxref
          1. chain c [21928] picpiclink
        4. 1nfk picpicxref
          protein/DNA complex
          1. region a:251-350 [21929] picpiclink
          2. region b:251-350 [21930] picpiclink
        5. 2i9t picpicxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1iknc_
          1. region b:548-650 [137131] picpiclink
        6. 1lei picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with 5it
          1. region b:251-350 [84601] picpiclink
        7. 1le5 picpicxrefxrefxref
          1. region b:251-350 [84585] picpiclink
          2. region f:251-350 [84589] picpiclink
        8. 1vkx picpicxrefxrefxref
          protein/DNA complex
          1. region b:547-650 [21931] picpiclink
        9. 2v2t picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1iknc_
          1. region b:248-350 [152425] picpiclink
        10. 1le9 picpicxrefxrefxref
          1. region b:251-350 [84593] picpiclink
          2. region f:251-350 [84597] picpiclink
    4. p52 subunit of NF-kappa B (NFKB) [49251]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [49252] (1)
        1. 1a3q picpicxref
          protein/DNA complex; mutant
          1. region a:227-327 [21932] picpiclink
          2. region b:227-327 [21933] picpiclink
    5. p65 subunit of NF-kappa B (NFKB), dimerization domain [49253]
      1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [49254] (10)
        1. 1oy3 picpicxref
          1. chain b [87552] picpiclink
          2. chain c [87553] picpiclink
        2. 1bft picpic
          1. chain a [21934] picpiclink
          2. chain b [21935] picpiclink
        3. 1k3z picpicxref
          1. chain a [77249] picpiclink
          2. chain b [77250] picpiclink
        4. 1ikn picpicxrefxrefxref
          1. region a:192-303 [21936] picpiclink
        5. 2ram picpicxref
          protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5iu, dtt
          1. region a:192-291 [21937] picpiclink
          2. region b:192-291 [21938] picpiclink
        6. 1lei picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with 5it
          1. region a:192-291 [84599] picpiclink
        7. 1ram picpicxref
          protein/DNA complex; complexed with dtt
          1. region a:192-291 [21939] picpiclink
          2. region b:192-291 [21940] picpiclink
        8. 1le5 picpicxrefxrefxref
          1. region a:192-291 [84583] picpiclink
          2. region e:192-291 [84587] picpiclink
        9. 1vkx picpicxrefxrefxref
          protein/DNA complex
          1. region a:192-291 [21941] picpiclink
        10. 1le9 picpicxrefxrefxref
          1. region a:192-291 [84591] picpiclink
          2. region e:192-291 [84595] picpiclink
      2. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [49255] (4)
        1. 1my7 picpic
          1. chain a [79675] picpiclink
          2. chain b [79676] picpiclink
        2. 1my5 picpic
          1. chain a [79673] picpiclink
          2. chain b [79674] picpiclink
        3. 1nfi picpicxrefxrefxref
          1. region a:190-314 [21942] picpiclink
          2. region c:190-320 [21943] picpiclink
        4. 2i9t picpicxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1my7a_
          1. region a:191-291 [137129] picpiclink
      3. Chicken (Gallus gallus), C-rel [TaxId: 9031] [74848] (1)
        1. 1gji picpicxref
          1. region a:182-281 [70187] picpiclink
          2. region b:182-281 [70189] picpiclink
    6. DNA-binding protein LAG-1 (CSL) [110052]
      1. Caenorhabditis elegans [TaxId: 6239] [110053] (4)
        SQ Q9TYY1 195-660
        1. 3brd picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1ttua1
          complexed with edo
          1. region a:542-660 [155505] picpiclink
        2. 3brf picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1ttua1
          complexed with sor
          1. region a:542-660 [155508] picpiclink
        3. 1ttu picpicxrefxref
          complexed with egl
          1. region a:542-660 [107305] picpiclink
        4. 2fo1 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1ttua1
          1. region a:542-660 [133865] picpiclink
    7. Calmodulin binding transcription activator 1 [141017]
      this domain is in the middle of long protein chain
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [141018] (5)
        SQ Q9Y6Y1 872-953
        1. 2cxk picpic
          complexed with so4
          1. region a:872-953 [131006] picpiclink
        2. 2cxk picpic
          automatically matched to 2CXK A:872-953
          complexed with so4
          1. region b:872-953 [131007] picpiclink
        3. 2cxk picpic
          automatically matched to 2CXK A:872-953
          complexed with so4
          1. region c:872-953 [131008] picpiclink
        4. 2cxk picpic
          automatically matched to 2CXK A:872-953
          complexed with so4
          1. region d:872-953 [131009] picpiclink
        5. 2cxk picpic
          automatically matched to 2CXK A:872-953
          complexed with so4
          1. region e:872-953 [131010] picpiclink
  2. E-set domains of sugar-utilizing enzymes [81282] (30)
    domains of unknown function associated with different type of catalytic domains in a different sequential location
    subgroup of the larger IPT/TIG domain family
    1. Galactose oxidase, C-terminal domain [49209]
      follows the catalytic seven-bladed beta-propeller domain
      1. Dactylium dendroides [TaxId: 5132] [49210] (8)
        SQ Q01745 42-680
        1. 1gof picpicxrefxref
          complexed with acy, cu, na
          1. region a:538-639 [21807] picpiclink
        2. 2eie picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1gof_1
          complexed with azi, cu
          1. region a:538-639 [132136] picpiclink
        3. 1gog picpicxrefxref
          complexed with cu, na
          1. region a:538-639 [21808] picpiclink
        4. 2eid picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1gof_1
          complexed with cu, na; mutant
          1. region a:538-639 [132133] picpiclink
        5. 2eib picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1gof_1
          complexed with act, cu, na, so4; mutant
          1. region a:538-639 [132127] picpiclink
        6. 1goh picpicxrefxref
          complexed with na
          1. region a:538-639 [21809] picpiclink
        7. 1t2x picpicxrefxref
          complexed with act, cu, na; mutant
          1. region a:538-639 [106292] picpiclink
        8. 2eic picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1gof_1
          complexed with cu1, na; mutant
          1. region a:538-639 [132130] picpiclink
      2. Fungi (Fusarium sp.) [TaxId: 29916] [69164] (1)
        sequence identical to that of Dactylium dendroides
        1. 1k3i picpicxrefxref
          complexed with act, ca, glc
          1. region a:538-639 [68113] picpiclink
      3. Fusarium graminearum (Gibberella zeae) [TaxId: 5518] [158881] (3)
        1. 2jkx picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1gofa1
          complexed with act, ca
          1. region a:538-639 [148136] picpiclink
        2. 2vz3 picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1gofa1
          complexed with act, cu
          1. region a:538-639 [153724] picpiclink
        3. 2vz1 picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1gofa1
          complexed with act, ca
          1. region a:538-639 [153721] picpiclink
    2. Sialidase, "linker" domain [49237]
      follows the catalytic six-bladed beta-propeller domain
      1. Micromonospora viridifaciens [TaxId: 1881] [49238] (8)
        SQ Q02834 47-647
        1. 1w8o picpicxrefxref
          complexed with cit, gol, lbt, na; mutant
          1. region a:403-505 [114374] picpiclink
        2. 2ber picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1eut_1
          complexed with na, slb; mutant
          1. region a:405-505 [128386] picpiclink
        3. 1w8n picpicxrefxref
          complexed with dan, gal, na; mutant
          1. region a:403-505 [114371] picpiclink
        4. 1wcq picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1eut_1
          complexed with dan, gol, na; mutant
          1. region a:405-505 [120894] picpiclink
        5. 1wcq picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1eut_1
          complexed with dan, gol, na; mutant
          1. region b:405-505 [120897] picpiclink
        6. 1wcq picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1eut_1
          complexed with dan, gol, na; mutant
          1. region c:405-505 [120900] picpiclink
        7. 1eut picpicxrefxref
          complexed with na
          1. region a:403-505 [21891] picpiclink
        8. 1euu picpicxrefxref
          complexed with gal, na
          1. region a:403-505 [21892] picpiclink
    3. CelD cellulase, N-terminal domain [49231]
      precedes the catalytic alpha6/alpha6 domain
      1. Clostridium thermocellum [TaxId: 1515] [49232] (1)
        1. 1clc picpicxref
          complexed with ca, zn
          1. region a:35-134 [21872] picpiclink
    4. Cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase CbhA, precatalytic domain [101521]
      1. Clostridium thermocellum [TaxId: 1515] [101522] (2)
        1. 1ut9 picpicxref
          1. region a:208-305 [99913] picpiclink
        2. 1rq5 picpicxref
          complexed with ca, ctt; mutant
          1. region a:208-305 [97731] picpiclink
    5. Hyaluronate lyase precatalytic domain [69167]
      precedes the catalytic incomplete alpha5/alpha5 barrel
      a rudiment form of Ig-like domain
      1. Streptococcus agalactiae [TaxId: 1311] [69168] (3)
        1. 1f1s picpicxrefxrefxref
          1. region a:171-248 [64929] picpiclink
        2. 1lxm picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with gcu, nag
          1. region a:173-248 [78297] picpiclink
        3. 1i8q picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with gc4, nag
          1. region a:171-248 [66091] picpiclink
    6. Bacterial chitobiase (N-acetyl-beta-glucoseaminidase), C-terminal domain [49211]
      rudiment form of Ig-like domain; follows the catalytic (beta/alpha)8-barrel domain; family 20 glycosyl hydrolases
      1. Serratia marcescens [TaxId: 615] [49212] (4)
        1. 1qba picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with so4
          1. region a:781-885 [21810] picpiclink
        2. 1c7s picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with cbs, so4; mutant
          1. region a:781-885 [21812] picpiclink
        3. 1qbb picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with cbs, so4
          1. region a:781-885 [21811] picpiclink
        4. 1c7t picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with cbs, so4; mutant
          1. region a:781-885 [21813] picpiclink
    7. Cyclomaltodextrin glycanotransferase, domain D [49215]
      follows the starch-binding domain C; the catalytic domain A has (beta/alpha)8-barrel fold; family 13 glycosyl hydrolases
      1. Bacillus circulans, different strains [TaxId: 1397] [49216] (36)
        1. 1cxl picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, g4d, glc, glf, mpd; mutant
          1. region a:497-583 [21829] picpiclink
        2. 1ot1 picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with acy, ca, epe, glc, mal, mpd; mutant
          1. region a:496-581 [87392] picpiclink
        3. 1pj9 picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with acy, ca, glc, mal, mpd; mutant
          1. region a:496-581 [94754] picpiclink
        4. 1kcl picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, glc, mal, mpd; mutant
          1. region a:496-581 [68445] picpiclink
        5. 1ot2 picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with acy, ca, epe, glc, mal, mpd; mutant
          1. region a:496-581 [87396] picpiclink
        6. 1uks picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with aci, ca, glb, glc, gld; mutant
          1. region a:496-581 [99517] picpiclink
          2. region b:496-581 [99521] picpiclink
        7. 1cgt picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca
          1. region a:495-579 [21815] picpiclink
        8. 1eo5 picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, glc, mpd; mutant
          1. region a:497-583 [21828] picpiclink
        9. 1d3c picpicxrefxrefxref
          1. region a:497-583 [21827] picpiclink
        10. 1cdg picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, mal
          1. region a:496-581 [21816] picpiclink
        11. 1ukq picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with aci, ca, glb, glc, gld
          1. region a:496-581 [99509] picpiclink
          2. region b:496-581 [99513] picpiclink
        12. 1pez picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with acy, ca, epe, glc, mal, mpd; mutant
          1. region a:496-581 [94600] picpiclink
        13. 1cxe picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, glc, mal
          1. region a:496-581 [21817] picpiclink
        14. 1cxk picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, glc; mutant
          1. region a:497-583 [21835] picpiclink
        15. 1kck picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with adh, ca, glc, glw; mutant
          1. region a:496-581 [68441] picpiclink
        16. 9cgt picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, tm5; mutant
          1. region a:495-579 [21830] picpiclink
        17. 1cxi picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, mal
          1. region a:496-581 [21818] picpiclink
        18. 8cgt picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, tm6; mutant
          1. region a:495-579 [21831] picpiclink
        19. 1ukt picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with aci, ca, glb, glc, gld; mutant
          1. region a:496-581 [99525] picpiclink
          2. region b:496-581 [99529] picpiclink
        20. 1cgv picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, mal; mutant
          1. region a:496-581 [21820] picpiclink
        21. 1cgx picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, mal; mutant
          1. region a:496-581 [21832] picpiclink
        22. 3cgt picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with bcd, ca; mutant
          1. region a:496-581 [21819] picpiclink
        23. 1cxh picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, glc, mal
          1. region a:496-581 [21821] picpiclink
        24. 1cgw picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, mal; mutant
          1. region a:496-581 [21822] picpiclink
        25. 1cgy picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, mal; mutant
          1. region a:496-581 [21823] picpiclink
        26. 5cgt picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, glc; mutant
          1. region a:496-581 [21824] picpiclink
        27. 2dij picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with aci, ca, glc, gld; mutant
          1. region a:497-583 [21836] picpiclink
        28. 1cxf picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with acx, ca, glc, mal; mutant
          1. region a:496-581 [21841] picpiclink
        29. 1dtu picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with aci, ca, glc, gld; mutant
          1. region a:497-583 [21840] picpiclink
        30. 2cxg picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with aci, ca, glc, gld
          1. region a:496-581 [21839] picpiclink
        31. 6cgt picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, dag, glc, opg; mutant
          1. region a:495-579 [21837] picpiclink
        32. 1tcm picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca; mutant
          1. region a:496-581 [21833] picpiclink
          2. region b:496-581 [21834] picpiclink
        33. 1cgu picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, glc; mutant
          1. region a:495-579 [21838] picpiclink
        34. 4cgt picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca; mutant
          1. region a:496-581 [21825] picpiclink
        35. 1eo7 picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, glc; mutant
          1. region a:497-583 [21842] picpiclink
        36. 7cgt picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca; mutant
          1. region a:496-581 [21826] picpiclink
      2. Bacillus stearothermophilus [TaxId: 1422] [49217] (1)
        1. 1cyg picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca
          1. region a:492-574 [21843] picpiclink
      3. Bacillus sp., strain 1011 [TaxId: 1409] [49219] (8)
        SQ P05618
        1. 1pam picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca
          1. region a:497-582 [21846] picpiclink
          2. region b:497-582 [21847] picpiclink
        2. 1i75 picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, noj
          1. region a:497-582 [61869] picpiclink
          2. region b:497-582 [61873] picpiclink
        3. 1v3k picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca; mutant
          1. region a:497-582 [108313] picpiclink
          2. region b:497-582 [108317] picpiclink
        4. 1d7f picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca; mutant
          1. region a:497-582 [21848] picpiclink
          2. region b:497-582 [21849] picpiclink
        5. 1v3m picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with aci, ca, glb, glc, gld; mutant
          1. region a:497-582 [108329] picpiclink
          2. region b:497-582 [108333] picpiclink
        6. 1v3j picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca; mutant
          1. region a:497-582 [108305] picpiclink
          2. region b:497-582 [108309] picpiclink
        7. 1v3l picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with aci, ca, glb, glc, gld; mutant
          1. region a:497-582 [108321] picpiclink
          2. region b:497-582 [108325] picpiclink
        8. 1ded picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with acr, ca; mutant
          1. region a:497-582 [21850] picpiclink
          2. region b:497-582 [21851] picpiclink
      4. Thermoanaerobacterium thermosulfurigenes, EM1 [TaxId: 33950] [49220] (2)
        1. 1ciu picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca
          1. region a:496-578 [21852] picpiclink
        2. 1a47 picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, cyl, glc, gld, gte
          1. region a:496-578 [21853] picpiclink
      5. Thermoanaerobacterium [TaxId: 28895] [158882] (2)
        1. 3bmv picpicxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1a47a1
          complexed with ca, gol, so4; mutant
          1. region a:496-578 [155416] picpiclink
        2. 3bmw picpicxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1a47a1
          complexed with aci, ca, cl, g6d, glc, gol, so4; mutant
          1. region a:496-578 [155420] picpiclink
    8. Five domain "maltogenic" alpha-amylase (glucan 1,4-alpha-maltohydrolase), domain D [81280]
      domain architecture similar to cyclomaltodextrin glycosylhydrolases
      1. Bacillus stearothermophilus [TaxId: 1422] [81281] (2)
        1. 1qho picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with abd, ca, mal, so4
          1. region a:496-576 [21844] picpiclink
        2. 1qhp picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, mal, so4
          1. region a:496-576 [21845] picpiclink
    9. Maltogenic amylase, N-terminal domain N [49221]
      precedes the catalytic (beta/alpha)8-barrel domain
      1. Thermus sp. [TaxId: 275] [49222] (2)
        1. 1gvi picpicxrefxref
          complexed with bcd
          1. region a:1-123 [70604] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-123 [70607] picpiclink
        2. 1sma picpicxrefxref
          1. region a:1-123 [21854] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-123 [21855] picpiclink
      2. Bacillus sp., cyclomaltodextrinase [TaxId: 1409] [74842] (1)
        1. 1ea9 picpicxrefxref
          1. region c:1-121 [70087] picpiclink
          2. region d:1-121 [70090] picpiclink
      3. Thermoactinomyces vulgaris, TVAI [TaxId: 2026] [74843] (9)
        1. 1ji1 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca
          1. region a:1-122 [71666] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-122 [71669] picpiclink
        2. 1uh4 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca, glc, mpd; mutant
          1. region a:1-122 [99391] picpiclink
        3. 2d0f picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1izja1
          complexed with ca, glc, mpd; mutant
          1. region a:1-122 [131064] picpiclink
        4. 1uh2 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca, glc; mutant
          1. region a:1-122 [99385] picpiclink
        5. 2d0h picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1izja1
          complexed with ca, glc, mpd; mutant
          1. region a:1-122 [131070] picpiclink
        6. 1izj picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca; mutant
          1. region a:1-122 [83841] picpiclink
        7. 1izk picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca; mutant
          1. region a:1-122 [83844] picpiclink
        8. 2d0g picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1izja1
          complexed with ca, glc, mpd; mutant
          1. region a:1-122 [131067] picpiclink
        9. 1uh3 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with aci, ca, glc, gld
          1. region a:1-122 [99388] picpiclink
      4. Thermoactinomyces vulgaris, TVAII [TaxId: 2026] [49223] (25)
        1. 1wzl picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1bvza1
          complexed with ca; mutant
          1. region a:1-120 [121513] picpiclink
        2. 1wzl picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1bvza1
          complexed with ca; mutant
          1. region b:1-120 [121516] picpiclink
        3. 2d2o picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1bvza1
          complexed with ca, glc; mutant
          1. region a:1-120 [131176] picpiclink
        4. 2d2o picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1bvza1
          complexed with ca, glc; mutant
          1. region b:1-120 [131179] picpiclink
        5. 1ji2 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca
          1. region a:1-120 [71672] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-120 [71675] picpiclink
        6. 1vb9 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1bvza1
          complexed with ca, glc; mutant
          1. region a:1-120 [119945] picpiclink
        7. 1vb9 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1bvza1
          complexed with ca, glc; mutant
          1. region b:1-120 [119948] picpiclink
        8. 1wzk picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1bvza1
          complexed with ca; mutant
          1. region a:1-120 [121507] picpiclink
        9. 1wzk picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1bvza1
          complexed with ca; mutant
          1. region b:1-120 [121510] picpiclink
        10. 1vfo picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1bvza1
          complexed with bgc, ca, glc; mutant
          1. region a:1-120 [120048] picpiclink
        11. 1vfo picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1bvza1
          complexed with bgc, ca, glc; mutant
          1. region b:1-120 [120051] picpiclink
        12. 1bvz picpicxrefxref
          1. region a:1-120 [21856] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-120 [21857] picpiclink
        13. 1vfk picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1bvza1
          complexed with ca, glc
          1. region a:1-120 [120035] picpiclink
        14. 1vfk picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1bvza1
          complexed with ca, glc
          1. region b:1-120 [120038] picpiclink
        15. 1vfm picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1bvza1
          complexed with bgc, ca, glc; mutant
          1. region a:1-120 [120042] picpiclink
        16. 1vfm picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1bvza1
          complexed with bgc, ca, glc; mutant
          1. region b:1-120 [120045] picpiclink
        17. 1g1y picpicxrefxref
          complexed with bcd; mutant
          1. region a:1-120 [60210] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-120 [60213] picpiclink
        18. 1jl8 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with bcd; mutant
          1. region a:1-120 [63163] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-120 [63166] picpiclink
        19. 1jf6 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca; mutant
          1. region a:1-120 [71650] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-120 [71653] picpiclink
        20. 1jf5 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca; mutant
          1. region a:1-120 [71644] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-120 [71647] picpiclink
        21. 1vfu picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1bvza1
          complexed with ca, glc; mutant
          1. region a:1-120 [120055] picpiclink
        22. 1vfu picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1bvza1
          complexed with ca, glc; mutant
          1. region b:1-120 [120058] picpiclink
        23. 1wzm picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1bvza1
          complexed with ca; mutant
          1. region a:1-120 [121519] picpiclink
        24. 1wzm picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1bvza1
          complexed with ca; mutant
          1. region b:1-120 [121522] picpiclink
        25. 1jib picpicxrefxref
          complexed with mtt; mutant
          1. region a:1-120 [63069] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-120 [63072] picpiclink
    10. Neopullulanase, N-terminal domain [81960]
      homologous to maltogenic amylase
      1. Bacillus stearothermophilus [TaxId: 1422] [81961] (4)
        1. 1j0h picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca, cl
          1. region a:1-123 [77027] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-123 [77030] picpiclink
        2. 1j0i picpicxrefxref
          complexed with glc
          1. region a:1-123 [77033] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-123 [77036] picpiclink
        3. 1j0j picpicxrefxref
          complexed with glc; mutant
          1. region a:1-123 [77039] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-123 [77042] picpiclink
        4. 1j0k picpicxrefxref
          complexed with glc; mutant
          1. region a:1-123 [77045] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-123 [77048] picpiclink
    11. Cyclomaltodextrinase, N-terminal domain [101523]
      protein shares similar domain organization with maltogenic amylases but differs in the spatial arrangement of its domains
      1. Flavobacterium sp. 92 [TaxId: 197856] [101524] (1)
        1. 1h3g picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca
          1. region a:3-95 [90594] picpiclink
          2. region b:3-95 [90597] picpiclink
    12. Isoamylase, N-terminal domain N [49226]
      elaborated with a few large insertions in the common fold
      precedes the catalytic (beta/alpha)8-barrel domain, the domain architecture similar to maltogenic amylases
      1. Pseudomonas amyloderamosa [TaxId: 32043] [49227] (1)
        1. 1bf2 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca
          1. region a:1-162 [21860] picpiclink
    13. Glycosyltrehalose trehalohydrolase, N-terminal domain N [49224]
      domain architecture similar to isoamylase
      1. Archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus, km1 [TaxId: 2287] [49225] (2)
        1. 1eh9 picpicxrefxref
          1. region a:1-90 [21858] picpiclink
        2. 1eha picpicxrefxref
          1. region a:1-90 [21859] picpiclink
      2. Deinococcus radiodurans [TaxId: 1299] [141019] (9)
        SQ Q9RX51 14-110
        1. 2bhu picpicxrefxref
          complexed with mg, pge, trs; mutant
          1. region a:14-110 [128554] picpiclink
        2. 2bhz picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to 2BHU A:14-110
          complexed with bme, mal, mg, trs; mutant
          1. region a:14-110 [128562] picpiclink
        3. 2bhy picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to 2BHU A:14-110
          complexed with bme, glc, mg, tre, trs; mutant
          1. region a:14-110 [128559] picpiclink
        4. 2by2 picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to 2BHU A:14-110
          complexed with bme, glc, mg, tre, trs
          1. region a:14-110 [129460] picpiclink
        5. 2by0 picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to 2BHU A:14-110
          complexed with bme, glc, mg, tre, trs
          1. region a:14-110 [129454] picpiclink
        6. 2by3 picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to 2BHU A:14-110
          complexed with bme, glc, mg, tre, trs
          1. region a:14-110 [129463] picpiclink
        7. 2by1 picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to 2BHU A:14-110
          complexed with bme, glc, mg, tre, trs
          1. region a:14-110 [129457] picpiclink
        8. 2bxy picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to 2BHU A:14-110
          complexed with bme, glc, mg, tre, trs
          1. region a:14-110 [129448] picpiclink
        9. 2bxz picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to 2BHU A:14-110
          complexed with bme, glc, mg, tre, trs
          1. region a:14-110 [129451] picpiclink
    14. 1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme, N-terminal domain N [81962]
      domain architecture similar to isoamylase
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [81963] (1)
        1. 1m7x picpicxrefxref
          1. region a:117-226 [78749] picpiclink
          2. region b:117-226 [78752] picpiclink
          3. region c:118-226 [78755] picpiclink
          4. region d:117-226 [78758] picpiclink
    15. Chitinase A, N-terminal domain N [49233]
      precedes the catalytic (beta/alpha)8-barrel domain
      1. Serratia marcescens [TaxId: 615] [49234] (11)
        SQ P07254 24-563
        1. 1edq picpicxrefxref
          1. region a:24-132 [21873] picpiclink
        2. 1eib picpicxrefxref
          complexed with nag; mutant
          1. region a:24-132 [21874] picpiclink
        3. 1ffr picpicxrefxref
          complexed with nag; mutant
          1. region a:24-132 [59810] picpiclink
        4. 1k9t picpicxrefxref
          complexed with nag; mutant
          1. region a:24-132 [77298] picpiclink
        5. 1ehn picpicxrefxref
          complexed with nag; mutant
          1. region a:24-132 [21875] picpiclink
        6. 1ffq picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ami, naa
          1. region a:24-132 [76183] picpiclink
        7. 1x6l picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1ctn_1
          1. region a:24-132 [121745] picpiclink
        8. 1nh6 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with nag; mutant
          1. region a:24-132 [85713] picpiclink
        9. 1x6n picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1ctn_1
          complexed with ao3; mutant
          1. region a:24-132 [121748] picpiclink
        10. 1ctn picpicxrefxref
          1. region a:24-132 [21876] picpiclink
        11. 1rd6 picpicxrefxref
          1. region a:24-132 [111774] picpiclink
    16. Glucodextranase, domain B [101525]
      1. Arthrobacter globiformis [TaxId: 1665] [101526] (2)
        1. 1ulv picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with acr, ca
          1. region a:687-775 [99572] picpiclink
        2. 1ug9 picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, gol
          1. region a:687-775 [99362] picpiclink
    17. Glucans biosynthesis protein G (MdoG, OpgG), C-terminal domain [110054]
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [110055] (1)
        SQ P33136 23-511
        1. 1txk picpicxref
          complexed with na
          1. region a:397-511 [107425] picpiclink
          2. region b:397-511 [107427] picpiclink
    18. Chitin-binding protein CBP21 [117045]
      member of Pfam 03067; elaborated fold with a large insertion between strands A and A'
      1. Serratia marcescens [TaxId: 615] [117046] (2)
        SQ O83009 28-197
        1. 2bem picpic
          complexed with egl, na, so4
          1. chain a [116698] picpiclink
          2. chain b [116699] picpiclink
          3. chain c [116700] picpiclink
        2. 2ben picpic
          1. chain a [116701] picpiclink
          2. chain b [116702] picpiclink
    19. Beta-1,4-mannanase domain 2 (postcatalytic) [141020]
      1. Cellulomonas fimi [TaxId: 1708] [141021] (3)
        SQ Q9XCV5 421-514
        1. 2bvy picpicxref
          automatically matched to 2BVT A:371-464
          complexed with act, cac, gol
          1. region a:371-464 [129301] picpiclink
        2. 2bvt picpicxrefxref
          complexed with bma, cac
          1. region a:371-464 [129297] picpiclink
        3. 2bvt picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to 2BVT A:371-464
          complexed with bma, cac
          1. region b:371-464 [129299] picpiclink
    20. Pullulanase PulA [158883]
      contains two E-set domains in tandem
      1. Klebsiella pneumoniae [TaxId: 573] [158884] (6)
        SQ P07206 170-294! SQ P07206 295-409
        1. 2fhf picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, glc; mutant
          1. region a:288-402 [147035] picpiclink
        2. 2fhf picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with ca, glc; mutant
          1. region a:163-287 [147036] picpiclink
        3. 2fhb picpicxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to 2FHF A:288-402
          complexed with ca, glc; mutant
          1. region a:288-402 [147025] picpiclink
        4. 2fhb picpicxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to 2FHF A:163-287
          complexed with ca, glc; mutant
          1. region a:163-287 [147026] picpiclink
        5. 2fhc picpicxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to 2FHF A:288-402
          complexed with ca, glc; mutant
          1. region a:288-402 [147030] picpiclink
        6. 2fhc picpicxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to 2FHF A:163-287
          complexed with ca, glc; mutant
          1. region a:163-287 [147031] picpiclink
  3. Other IPT/TIG domains [89191] (1)
    apart from the domains of transcription factors and sugar-utilizing enzymes
    1. Exocyst complex component Sec5, Ral-binding domain [89192]
      1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [89193] (2)
        1. 1uad picpicxref
          complex with RalA
          complexed with gnp, mg
          1. chain c [88379] picpiclink
          2. chain d [88380] picpiclink
        2. 1hk6 picpic
          1. chain a [83539] picpiclink
  4. Arthropod hemocyanin, C-terminal domain [81283] (2)
    1. Arthropod hemocyanin, C-terminal domain [49228]
      elaborated with many loop insertions in the common fold
      1. Horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) [TaxId: 6850] [49229] (4)
        1. 1lla picpicxrefxref
          complexed with cl, cu, na
          1. region a:380-628 [21861] picpiclink
        2. 1ll1 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with cl, cu
          1. region a:380-628 [21864] picpiclink
        3. 1oxy picpicxrefxref
          complexed with cu, oxy
          1. region a:380-627 [21862] picpiclink
        4. 1nol picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca, cu, no3, per
          1. region a:380-628 [21863] picpiclink
      2. Spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus) [TaxId: 6735] [49230] (7)
        1. 1hc1 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with cu
          1. region a:399-653 [21870] picpiclink
        2. 1hcy picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with cu, nag
          1. region a:399-653 [21871] picpiclink
        3. 1hcy picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          duplicate of 1HCY 399-653
          complexed with cu, nag
          1. region b:399-653 [118489] picpiclink
        4. 1hcy picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          duplicate of 1HCY 399-653
          complexed with cu, nag
          1. region c:399-653 [118492] picpiclink
        5. 1hcy picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          duplicate of 1HCY 399-653
          complexed with cu, nag
          1. region d:399-653 [118495] picpiclink
        6. 1hcy picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          duplicate of 1HCY 399-653
          complexed with cu, nag
          1. region e:399-653 [118498] picpiclink
        7. 1hcy picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          duplicate of 1HCY 399-653
          complexed with cu, nag
          1. region f:399-653 [118501] picpiclink
  5. Class II viral fusion proteins C-terminal domain [81284] (6)
    1. Envelope glycoprotein [49213]
      1. Tick-borne encephalitis virus [TaxId: 11084] [49214] (2)
        1. 1svb picpicxref
          complexed with nag
          1. region a:303-395 [21814] picpiclink
        2. 1urz picpicxref
          1. region a:303-401 [99838] picpiclink
          2. region b:303-401 [99840] picpiclink
          3. region c:303-401 [99842] picpiclink
          4. region d:303-401 [99844] picpiclink
          5. region e:303-401 [99846] picpiclink
          6. region f:303-401 [99848] picpiclink
      2. Dengue virus type 2 [TaxId: 11060] [89194] (12)
        SQ P12823 281-675 # 99% sequence identity
        1. 1ok8 picpicxref
          complexed with cl, nag
          1. region a:298-394 [93236] picpiclink
        2. 1oke picpicxref
          complexed with afl, bma, bog, nag
          1. region a:298-394 [87054] picpiclink
          2. region b:298-394 [87056] picpiclink
        3. 1oan picpicxref
          complexed with afl, bma, na, nag
          1. region a:298-394 [86740] picpiclink
          2. region b:298-394 [86742] picpiclink
        4. 1tg8 picpicxref
          complexed with nag
          1. region a:298-395 [106892] picpiclink
        5. 2r29 picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1tgea1
          1. region a:298-394 [151533] picpiclink
        6. 2jsf picpic
          automatically matched to d1tgea1
          1. region a:10-107 [148191] picpiclink
        7. 2r69 picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1tgea1
          1. region a:298-394 [151601] picpiclink
        8. 1thd picpicxref
          1. region a:298-395 [106910] picpiclink
          2. region b:298-395 [106912] picpiclink
          3. region c:298-395 [106914] picpiclink
        9. 1tge picpicxref
          1. region a:298-395 [106894] picpiclink
          2. region b:298-395 [106896] picpiclink
          3. region c:298-395 [106898] picpiclink
        10. 2b6b picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1tg8a1
          1. region a:298-394 [127976] picpiclink
        11. 2b6b picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1tg8a1
          1. region b:298-394 [127978] picpiclink
        12. 2b6b picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1tg8a1
          1. region c:298-394 [127980] picpiclink
      3. Japanese encephalitis virus [TaxId: 11072] [101527] (1)
        1. 1pjw picpic
          C-terminal domain only
          1. chain a [94793] picpiclink
      4. West Nile virus [TaxId: 11082] [110056] (5)
        SQ Q8JU42 586-696
        1. 1ztx picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1s6na_
          1. region e:300-400 [125658] picpiclink
        2. 2p5p picpic
          automatically matched to d1s6na_
          1. region a:300-400 [149257] picpiclink
        3. 2p5p picpic
          automatically matched to d1s6na_
          1. region b:300-400 [149258] picpiclink
        4. 2p5p picpic
          automatically matched to d1s6na_
          1. region c:300-400 [149259] picpiclink
        5. 1s6n picpic
          1. chain a [105311] picpiclink
      5. Langat virus [TaxId: 11085] [141022] (2)
        SQ P29838 583-765
        1. 2gg1 picpic
          1. region a:303-395 [135119] picpiclink
        2. 1z66 picpic
          automatically matched to 2GG1 A:303-395
          1. region a:303-395 [124506] picpiclink
    2. Fusion glycoprotein E1 [74840]
      1. Semliki forest virus [TaxId: 11033] [74841] (5)
        1. 2v33 picpic
          automatically matched to d1rera1
          complexed with no3
          1. region a:293-382 [152439] picpiclink
        2. 2v33 picpic
          automatically matched to d1rera1
          complexed with no3
          1. region b:293-382 [152440] picpiclink
        3. 2ala picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1i9wa1
          1. region a:293-380 [126973] picpiclink
        4. 1rer picpicxref
          complexed with br, fuc, ho, man, nag, po4
          1. region a:293-391 [97327] picpiclink
          2. region b:293-391 [97329] picpiclink
          3. region c:293-391 [97331] picpiclink
        5. 1i9w picpicxref
          1. region a:293-380 [71163] picpiclink
  6. Cytomegalovirus protein US2 [81285] (1)
    1. Cytomegalovirus protein US2 [63668]
      similar to both C1 and C2 set
      1. Human cytomegalovirus [TaxId: 10359] [63669] (1)
        1. 1im3 picpicxrefxrefxref
          1. chain d [62568] picpiclink
          2. chain h [62572] picpiclink
          3. chain l [62576] picpiclink
          4. chain p [62580] picpiclink
  7. Molybdenum-containing oxidoreductases-like dimerisation domain [81286] (2)
    1. Sulfite oxidase, C-terminal domain [49259]
      1. Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId: 9031] [49260] (5)
        1. 2a9d picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1soxa1
          complexed with mo, mte, so4
          1. region a:344-466 [126431] picpiclink
        2. 2a9a picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1soxa1
          complexed with mo, mte, so4
          1. region a:344-466 [126427] picpiclink
        3. 1sox picpicxrefxref
          complexed with epe, gol, hem, mo, mte, so4
          1. region a:344-466 [21947] picpiclink
          2. region b:344-466 [21948] picpiclink
        4. 2a99 picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1soxa1
          complexed with cl, gol, mo, mte
          1. region a:344-466 [126425] picpiclink
        5. 2a9b picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1soxa1
          complexed with cl, mo, mte; mutant
          1. region a:344-466 [126429] picpiclink
      2. Mouse-ear cress (Arabidopsis thaliana) [TaxId: 3702] [101528] (1)
        1. 1ogp picpicxref
          complexed with cs, gol, mtq
          1. region a:263-389 [92927] picpiclink
          2. region b:263-389 [92929] picpiclink
          3. region c:263-389 [92931] picpiclink
          4. region d:263-389 [92933] picpiclink
          5. region e:263-389 [92935] picpiclink
          6. region f:263-389 [92937] picpiclink
  8. ML domain [81287] (3)
    implicated in lipid recognition, particularly in the recognition of pathogen related products
    1. Epididymal secretory protein E1 (Niemann-Pick C2 protein) [81964]
      a cholesterol binding protein
      1. Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId: 9913] [81965] (4)
        1. 1nep picpic
          complexed with nag, po4
          1. chain a [80440] picpiclink
        2. 2hka picpic
          automatically matched to d1nepa_
          complexed with act, c3s, gol, nag, so4
          1. region a:1-130 [147298] picpiclink
        3. 2hka picpic
          automatically matched to d1nepa_
          complexed with act, c3s, gol, nag, so4
          1. region b:1-130 [147299] picpiclink
        4. 2hka picpic
          automatically matched to d1nepa_
          complexed with act, c3s, gol, nag, so4
          1. region c:1-130 [147300] picpiclink
    2. Major mite allergen [49256]
      contains additional N-terminal strand
      1. House-dust mite (Dermatophagoides farinae), Der f 2 [TaxId: 6954] [49257] (8)
        SQ Q00855 18-146
        1. 1xwv picpic
          complexed with pe3, xpe
          1. chain a [116134] picpiclink
          2. chain b [116135] picpiclink
        2. 2f08 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ahk__
          complexed with p4c
          1. region a:1-129 [132656] picpiclink
        3. 2f08 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ahk__
          complexed with p4c
          1. region b:1-129 [132657] picpiclink
        4. 2f08 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ahk__
          complexed with p4c
          1. region c:1-129 [132658] picpiclink
        5. 2f08 picpic
          automatically matched to d1ahk__
          complexed with p4c
          1. region d:1-129 [132659] picpiclink
        6. 1wrf picpic
          automatically matched to d1ahk__
          1. region a:1-129 [121195] picpiclink
        7. 1ahm picpic
          1. chain a [21944] picpiclink
        8. 1ahk picpic
          1. chain a [21945] picpiclink
      2. House-dust mite (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus), Der p 2 [TaxId: 6956] [49258] (2)
        1. 1ktj picpic
          1. chain a [72974] picpiclink
          2. chain b [72975] picpiclink
        2. 1a9v picpic
          1. chain a [21946] picpiclink
  9. RhoGDI-like [81288] (3)
    1. Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor 1, RhoGDI [49241]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [49242] (17)
        1. 1kmt picpic
          1. chain a [77442] picpiclink
          2. chain b [77443] picpiclink
        2. 2jhu picpic
          automatically matched to d1kmta_
          complexed with so4; mutant
          1. region a:65-202 [138323] picpiclink
        3. 2jhu picpic
          automatically matched to d1kmta_
          complexed with so4; mutant
          1. region b:65-202 [138324] picpiclink
        4. 1fso picpic
          1. chain a [60007] picpiclink
        5. 2jhv picpic
          automatically matched to d1kmta_
          1. region a:65-202 [138325] picpiclink
        6. 2jhv picpic
          automatically matched to d1kmta_
          1. region b:65-202 [138326] picpiclink
        7. 2jhv picpic
          automatically matched to d1kmta_
          1. region c:65-202 [138327] picpiclink
        8. 2jhv picpic
          automatically matched to d1kmta_
          1. region d:65-202 [138328] picpiclink
        9. 2jhv picpic
          automatically matched to d1kmta_
          1. region e:65-202 [138329] picpiclink
        10. 2jhv picpic
          automatically matched to d1kmta_
          1. region f:65-202 [138330] picpiclink
        11. 1ds6 picpicxref
          complex with rac (chain B)
          complexed with gdp, mg
          1. chain b [21898] picpiclink
        12. 1fst picpic
          1. chain a [60008] picpiclink
          2. chain b [60009] picpiclink
        13. 1rho picpic
          complexed with so4; mutant
          1. chain a [21899] picpiclink
          2. chain b [21900] picpiclink
          3. chain c [21901] picpiclink
        14. 1ft0 picpic
          1. chain a [60018] picpiclink
          2. chain b [60019] picpiclink
        15. 1ft3 picpic
          1. chain a [60020] picpiclink
          2. chain b [60021] picpiclink
        16. 1hh4 picpicxref
          complex with rac1
          complexed with gdp, ger, mg
          1. chain d [61039] picpiclink
          2. chain e [61040] picpiclink
        17. 1cc0 picpicxref
          1. chain e [21902] picpiclink
          2. chain f [21903] picpiclink
      2. Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId: 9913] [49243] (4)
        1. 1qvy picpic
          complexed with so4; mutant
          1. chain a [96449] picpiclink
          2. chain b [96450] picpiclink
          3. chain c [96451] picpiclink
          4. chain d [96452] picpiclink
        2. 1doa picpicxref
          1. chain b [21904] picpiclink
        3. 1ajw picpic
          1. chain a [21905] picpiclink
        4. 1gdf picpic
          1. chain a [21906] picpiclink
    2. GMP-PDE delta [74846]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [74847] (3)
        1. 1ksh picpicxref
          complexed with ARL2
          complexed with cme, gdp, mg, po4; mutant
          1. chain b [72915] picpiclink
        2. 1ksg picpicxref
          complexed with ARL2
          complexed with gtp, mg; mutant
          1. chain b [72913] picpiclink
        3. 1ksj picpicxref
          complexed with ARL2
          complexed with bme, cme, gdp, gtp, mg, mse, po4; mutant
          1. chain b [72917] picpiclink
  10. Cytoplasmic domain of inward rectifier potassium channel [81966] (3)
    1. G protein-gated inward rectifier Girk1 [81967]
      forms tetrameric cytoplasmic pore; contains a C-terminal extension
      1. Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090] [81968] (1)
        1. 1n9p picpic
          complexed with mse
          1. chain a [80343] picpiclink
    2. Inward rectifier potassium channel Kirbac1.1 [89195]
      1. Burkholderia pseudomallei [TaxId: 28450] [89196] (1)
        1. 1p7b picpicxref
          complexed with k
          1. region a:152-309 [87844] picpiclink
          2. region b:152-309 [87846] picpiclink
    3. Inward rectifier potassium channel kirbac3.1 [117047]
      1. Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum [TaxId: 188] [117048] (2)
        SQ Q8YY97 # 46% sequence identity; Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 TaxID: 103690
        1. 1xl4 picpicxref
          complexed with k, mg
          1. region a:139-299 [115430] picpiclink
          2. region b:139-299 [115432] picpiclink
        2. 1xl6 picpicxref
          complexed with k, mg, spm
          1. region a:139-299 [115434] picpiclink
          2. region b:139-299 [115436] picpiclink
  11. Transglutaminase N-terminal domain [81289] (4)
    1. Transglutaminase N-terminal domain [49235]
      elaborated with many loop insertions in the common fold
      1. Human (Homo sapiens), blood isozyme [TaxId: 9606] [49236] (8)
        Coagulation factor XIII
        1. 1ex0 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca, pgo, po4; mutant
          1. region a:7-190 [90465] picpiclink
          2. region b:5-190 [90469] picpiclink
        2. 1f13 picpicxrefxref
          1. region a:5-190 [21877] picpiclink
          2. region b:6-190 [21878] picpiclink
        3. 1evu picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca, pgo
          1. region a:1-190 [21883] picpiclink
          2. region b:8-190 [21884] picpiclink
        4. 1ggu picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca
          1. region a:8-190 [21885] picpiclink
          2. region b:8-190 [21886] picpiclink
        5. 1fie picpicxrefxref
          1. region a:9-190 [21879] picpiclink
          2. region b:10-190 [21880] picpiclink
        6. 1qrk picpicxrefxref
          complexed with sr
          1. region a:9-190 [21889] picpiclink
          2. region b:10-190 [21890] picpiclink
        7. 1ggy picpicxrefxref
          complexed with yb
          1. region a:8-190 [21887] picpiclink
          2. region b:8-190 [21888] picpiclink
        8. 1ggt picpicxrefxref
          1. region a:8-190 [21881] picpiclink
          2. region b:8-190 [21882] picpiclink
      2. Human (Homo sapiens), tissue isozyme [TaxId: 9606] [74844] (2)
        GDP-binding protein
        1. 2q3z picpicxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1kv3a1
          complexed with ace, nh2, onl, so4
          1. region a:15-145 [150037] picpiclink
        2. 1kv3 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with gdp
          1. region a:15-145 [73027] picpiclink
          2. region b:15-145 [73031] picpiclink
          3. region c:15-145 [73035] picpiclink
          4. region d:15-145 [73039] picpiclink
          5. region e:15-145 [73043] picpiclink
          6. region f:15-145 [73047] picpiclink
      3. Human (Homo sapiens), TGase E3 [TaxId: 9606] [74845] (8)
        1. 1vjj picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca, cl, gdp, mg; mutant
          1. region a:1-140 [100814] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-140 [100818] picpiclink
        2. 1sgx picpicxrefxref
          complexed with 5gp, ca, mg; mutant
          1. region a:1-140 [98862] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-140 [98866] picpiclink
        3. 1l9n picpicxrefxref
          complexed with bgl, ca, cl; mutant
          1. region a:1-140 [73740] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-140 [73744] picpiclink
        4. 1rle picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca, gsp, mg; mutant
          1. region a:1-140 [97638] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-140 [97642] picpiclink
        5. 1l9m picpicxrefxref
          complexed with br, ca, cl; mutant
          1. region a:1-140 [73732] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-140 [73736] picpiclink
        6. 1nug picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca, cl, mg; mutant
          1. region a:1-140 [86186] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-140 [86190] picpiclink
        7. 1nuf picpicxrefxref
          complexed with br, ca, cl; mutant
          1. region a:1-140 [86182] picpiclink
        8. 1nud picpicxrefxref
          complexed with br, ca, cl; mutant
          1. region a:1-140 [86174] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-140 [86178] picpiclink
      4. Red sea bream (Chrysophrys major) [TaxId: 143350] [63667] (1)
        1. 1g0d picpicxrefxref
          complexed with so4
          1. region a:6-140 [60166] picpiclink
  12. Filamin repeat (rod domain) [81290] (4)
    Pfam 00630
    1. F-actin cross-linking gelation factor (ABP-120) repeats [49239]
      1. Dictyostelium discoideum [TaxId: 44689] [49240] (3)
        SQ P13466 547-857
        1. 1qfh picpic
          Rod domains 5 and 6
          1. region a:646-749 [21893] picpiclink
          2. region a:750-857 [21894] picpiclink
          3. region b:646-749 [21895] picpiclink
          4. region b:750-857 [21896] picpiclink
        2. 1wlh picpic
          1. region a:547-647 [114728] picpiclink
          2. region a:648-749 [114729] picpiclink
          3. region a:750-857 [114730] picpiclink
          4. region b:549-647 [114731] picpiclink
          5. region b:648-749 [114732] picpiclink
          6. region b:750-857 [114733] picpiclink
        3. 1ksr picpic
          one repeat (Rod 4)
          1. chain a [21897] picpiclink
    2. Filamin C [117049]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [117050] (7)
        SQ Q14315 2633-2725
        1. 1v05 picpic
          24th, C-terminal repeat
          1. chain a [113465] picpiclink
        2. 2nqc picpic
          automatically matched to d2d7qa1
          complexed with gol, imd, ni
          1. region a:2482-2578 [148344] picpiclink
        3. 2d7n picpic
          16th repeat, lacking the N-terminal strand
          1. region a:8-87 [131322] picpiclink
        4. 2d7q picpic
          23rd repeat
          1. region a:8-105 [131325] picpiclink
        5. 2d7o picpic
          17th repeat
          1. region a:8-105 [131323] picpiclink
        6. 2d7m picpic
          14th repeat
          1. region a:8-109 [131321] picpiclink
        7. 2d7p picpic
          22nd repeat
          1. region a:8-106 [131324] picpiclink
    3. Filamin a [141023]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [141024] (8)
        SQ P21333 1863-1953! SQ P21333 1863-1955! SQ P21333 2236-2328
        1. 2w0p picpic
          automatically matched to d2brqa1
          complexed with so4
          1. region a:2237-2328 [153738] picpiclink
        2. 2w0p picpic
          automatically matched to d2brqa1
          complexed with so4
          1. region b:2237-2328 [153739] picpiclink
        3. 2brq picpic
          21st repeat
          complexed with gol, gtt
          1. region a:2236-2328 [129008] picpiclink
        4. 2brq picpic
          automatically matched to 2BRQ A:2236-2328
          complexed with gol, gtt
          1. region b:2236-2328 [129009] picpiclink
        5. 2bp3 picpic
          17th repeat
          complexed with gol
          1. region a:1863-1954 [128919] picpiclink
        6. 2bp3 picpic
          automatically matched to 2BP3 A:1863-1954
          complexed with gol
          1. region b:1865-1954 [128920] picpiclink
        7. 2jf1 picpic
          automatically matched to d2brqa1
          complexed with gol
          1. region a:2237-2328 [148028] picpiclink
        8. 2aav picpic
          17th repeat
          1. region a:1863-1955 [126495] picpiclink
    4. Filamin b [141025]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [141026] (14)
        SQ O75369 1017-1134! SQ O75369 1130-1229! SQ O75369 1215-1329! SQ O75369 1325-1442! SQ O75369 1418-1518! SQ O75369 1611-1721! SQ O75369 1899-2001! SQ O75369 1999-2096! SQ O75369 2104-2192
        1. 2j3s picpic
          automatically matched to d2di8a1
          complexed with br, dio, gol
          1. region a:2237-2326 [147860] picpiclink
        2. 2j3s picpic
          automatically matched to d2dlga1
          complexed with br, dio, gol
          1. region a:2149-2236 [147861] picpiclink
        3. 2j3s picpic
          automatically matched to d2di8a1
          complexed with br, dio, gol
          1. region b:2237-2326 [147862] picpiclink
        4. 2j3s picpic
          automatically matched to d2dlga1
          complexed with br, dio, gol
          1. region b:2149-2236 [147863] picpiclink
        5. 2e9i picpic
          automatically matched to d2dlga1
          1. region a:18-106 [146728] picpiclink
        6. 2dia picpic
          10th repeat
          1. region a:8-107 [131526] picpiclink
        7. 2dic picpic
          12th repeat
          1. region a:8-105 [131528] picpiclink
        8. 2dmb picpic
          15th repeat
          1. region a:8-118 [131571] picpiclink
        9. 2dj4 picpic
          13th repeat
          1. region a:8-108 [131535] picpiclink
        10. 2dmc picpic
          18th repeat
          1. region a:8-110 [131572] picpiclink
        11. 2di9 picpic
          9th repeat
          1. region a:8-125 [131525] picpiclink
        12. 2di8 picpic
          19th repeat
          1. region a:8-105 [131524] picpiclink
        13. 2dlg picpic
          20th repeat
          1. region a:8-96 [131557] picpiclink
        14. 2dib picpic
          11th repeat
          1. region a:8-122 [131527] picpiclink
  13. Arrestin/Vps26-like [81291] (2)
    1. Arrestin [49244]
      duplication: contains tandem repeat of two elaborated Ig-like domains contacting each other head-to-head
      1. Cow (Bos taurus), visual arrestin [TaxId: 9913] [49245] (2)
        1. 1cf1 picpic
          1. region a:10-182 [21907] picpiclink
          2. region a:183-393 [21908] picpiclink
          3. region b:9-182 [21909] picpiclink
          4. region b:183-385 [21910] picpiclink
          5. region c:7-182 [21911] picpiclink
          6. region c:183-393 [21912] picpiclink
          7. region d:9-182 [21913] picpiclink
          8. region d:183-386 [21914] picpiclink
        2. 1ayr picpic
          1. region a:1-182 [21915] picpiclink
          2. region a:183-368 [21916] picpiclink
          3. region b:1-182 [21917] picpiclink
          4. region b:183-363 [21918] picpiclink
          5. region c:1-182 [21919] picpiclink
          6. region c:183-368 [21920] picpiclink
          7. region d:1-182 [21921] picpiclink
          8. region d:183-363 [21922] picpiclink
      2. Cow (Bos taurus), beta-arrestin 1 [TaxId: 9913] [69169] (5)
        1. 1g4m picpic
          1. region a:5-175 [65143] picpiclink
          2. region a:176-393 [65144] picpiclink
          3. region b:5-175 [65145] picpiclink
          4. region b:176-393 [65146] picpiclink
        2. 1g4r picpic
          1. region a:7-175 [65147] picpiclink
          2. region a:176-393 [65148] picpiclink
        3. 1jsy picpic
          1. region a:6-175 [71847] picpiclink
          2. region a:176-399 [71848] picpiclink
        4. 1zsh picpic
          automatically matched to d1g4ma1
          complexed with ihp, mg
          1. region a:6-175 [125606] picpiclink
        5. 1zsh picpic
          automatically matched to d1jsya2
          complexed with ihp, mg
          1. region a:176-397 [125607] picpiclink
  14. Gingipain R (RgpB), C-terminal domain [81292] (1)
    1. Gingipain R (RgpB), C-terminal domain [49261]
      Arginine-specific cysteine proteinase
      follows the catalytic alpha/beta domains
      1. Porphyromonas gingivalis [TaxId: 837] [49262] (1)
        1. 1cvr picpicxref
          complexed with ca, zn
          1. region a:351-432 [21949] picpiclink
  15. Copper resistance protein C (CopC, PcoC) [81969] (2)
    1. Copper resistance protein C (CopC, PcoC) [81970]
      1. Pseudomonas syringae [TaxId: 317] [81971] (7)
        1. 2c9q picpic
          automatically matched to d1m42a_
          complexed with cu
          1. region a:1-102 [130138] picpiclink
        2. 2c9p picpic
          automatically matched to d1m42a_
          complexed with cu, no3
          1. region a:1-102 [130135] picpiclink
        3. 2c9p picpic
          automatically matched to d1m42a_
          complexed with cu, no3
          1. region b:1-102 [130136] picpiclink
        4. 2c9p picpic
          automatically matched to d1m42a_
          complexed with cu, no3
          1. region c:1-102 [130137] picpiclink
        5. 1m42 picpic
          1. chain a [78597] picpiclink
        6. 1nm4 picpic
          1. chain a [85870] picpiclink
        7. 1ot4 picpic
          complexed with cu
          1. chain a [87408] picpiclink
      2. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [81972] (2)
        1. 1ix2 picpic
          complexed with mse
          1. chain a [76897] picpiclink
          2. chain b [76898] picpiclink
        2. 1lyq picpic
          complexed with gol
          1. chain a [78302] picpiclink
          2. chain b [78303] picpiclink
  16. Cellulosomal scaffoldin protein CipC, module x2.1 [81293] (1)
    1. Cellulosomal scaffoldin protein CipC, module x2.1 [49263]
      1. Clostridium cellulolyticum [TaxId: 1521] [49264] (1)
        1. 1ehx picpic
          1. chain a [21950] picpiclink
  17. Quinohemoprotein amine dehydrogenase A chain, domains 4 and 5 [81294] (2)
    1. Quinohemoprotein amine dehydrogenase A chain, domains 4 and 5 [69176]
      duplication: tandem repeat of two Ig-like domains
      1. Paracoccus denitrificans [TaxId: 266] [69177] (2)
        1. 1pby picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with hem, tbu, trw
          1. region a:274-351 [94419] picpiclink
          2. region a:352-489 [94420] picpiclink
        2. 1jju picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with hem, na, tbu, trq
          1. region a:274-351 [66776] picpiclink
          2. region a:352-489 [66777] picpiclink
      2. Pseudomonas putida [TaxId: 303] [69178] (2)
        1. 1jmx picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with hec, ni, trq
          1. region a:282-363 [66903] picpiclink
          2. region a:364-494 [66904] picpiclink
        2. 1jmz picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with hec, ni, pnd, trq
          1. region a:282-363 [66910] picpiclink
          2. region a:364-494 [66911] picpiclink
  18. Internalin Ig-like domain [81295] (3)
    truncated fold fused to an LRR domain
    1. Internalin A [81973]
      1. Listeria monocytogenes [TaxId: 1639] [81974] (7)
        1. 2omz picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1o6sa1
          1. region a:417-495 [148888] picpiclink
        2. 1o6v picpicxref
          complexed with ca
          1. region a:417-496 [81099] picpiclink
          2. region b:417-496 [81101] picpiclink
        3. 2omy picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1o6sa1
          complexed with ca, cl; mutant
          1. region a:417-496 [139151] picpiclink
        4. 1o6t picpicxref
          complexed with ca, cl, mes, mg, so4
          1. region a:417-496 [81097] picpiclink
        5. 1o6s picpicxrefxref
          complexed with ca, cl
          1. region a:417-496 [81094] picpiclink
        6. 2omw picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1o6sa1
          complexed with cl; mutant
          1. region a:417-496 [139149] picpiclink
        7. 2omv picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1o6sa1
          complexed with ca, cl; mutant
          1. region a:417-496 [139146] picpiclink
    2. Internalin B [69172]
      1. Listeria monocytogenes [TaxId: 1639] [69173] (5)
        1. 1h6t picpicxref
          1. region a:241-321 [65686] picpiclink
        2. 2omx picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1h6ta1
          complexed with ca, cl; mutant
          1. region a:420-496 [148885] picpiclink
        3. 2omu picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1h6ta1
          complexed with ca, cl; mutant
          1. region a:420-496 [148882] picpiclink
        4. 2omt picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1h6ta1
          complexed with ca, cl; mutant
          1. region a:420-496 [148879] picpiclink
        5. 1m9s picpicxrefxref
          complexed with so4, tb
          1. region a:241-319 [78874] picpiclink
    3. Internalin H [69174]
      1. Listeria monocytogenes [TaxId: 1639] [69175] (1)
        1. 1h6u picpicxref
          1. region a:263-343 [65688] picpiclink
  19. SoxZ-like [141027] (1)
    1. Sulfur oxidation protein SoxZ [141028]
      1. Thermus thermophilus [TaxId: 274] [141029] (2)
        SQ Q5SME6 2-107
        1. 1v8h picpic
          1. region a:2-107 [119870] picpiclink
        2. 1v8h picpic
          automatically matched to 1V8H A:2-107
          1. region b:2-107 [119871] picpiclink
  20. Enterochelin esterase N-terminal domain-like [141030] (2)
    PfamB 013071
    1. Enterochelin esterase [141031]
      1. Shigella flexneri [TaxId: 623] [141032] (1)
        SQ Q83SB9 3-150
        1. 2b20 picpicxref
          complexed with tla
          1. region a:3-150 [127685] picpiclink
      2. Shigella flexneri 2a str. 2457T [TaxId: 198215] [158885] (10)
        1. 3c8d picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d2b20a1
          complexed with cit
          1. region a:6-150 [156025] picpiclink
        2. 3c8d picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d2b20a1
          complexed with cit
          1. region b:7-150 [156027] picpiclink
        3. 3c8d picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d2b20a1
          complexed with cit
          1. region c:6-150 [156029] picpiclink
        4. 3c8d picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d2b20a1
          complexed with cit
          1. region d:6-150 [156031] picpiclink
        5. 3c87 picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d2b20a1
          complexed with na, po4
          1. region a:4-150 [156021] picpiclink
        6. 3c87 picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d2b20a1
          complexed with na, po4
          1. region b:4-150 [156023] picpiclink
        7. 3c8h picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d2b20a1
          1. region a:6-150 [156037] picpiclink
        8. 3c8h picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d2b20a1
          1. region b:6-150 [156039] picpiclink
        9. 3c8h picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d2b20a1
          1. region c:6-150 [156041] picpiclink
        10. 3c8h picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d2b20a1
          1. region d:6-150 [156043] picpiclink
  21. AMPK-beta glycogen binding domain-like [158886] (3)
    lacks the N-terminal strand (A) and contains a beta-hairpin insertion in the C-terminal strand (G)
    1. 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-2 [158887]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [158888] (1)
        SQ O43741 75-163
        1. 2f15 picpic
          1. region a:75-163 [146993] picpiclink
    2. SIP2 [158889]
      1. Saccharomyces cerevisiae [TaxId: 4932] [158890] (2)
        SQ P34164 161-247
        1. 2qlv picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          1. region b:161-247 [150867] picpiclink
        2. 2qlv picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to 2QLV B:161-247
          1. region e:161-247 [150870] picpiclink
    3. 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1 [158891]
      1. Rattus norvegicus [TaxId: 10116] [158892] (6)
        SQ P80386 76-162
        1. 1z0n picpic
          complexed with bcd; mutant
          1. region a:77-163 [145955] picpiclink
        2. 1z0n picpic
          automatically matched to 1Z0N A:77-163
          complexed with bcd; mutant
          1. region b:77-156 [145956] picpiclink
        3. 1z0n picpic
          automatically matched to 1Z0N A:77-163
          complexed with bcd; mutant
          1. region c:77-156 [145957] picpiclink
        4. 1z0m picpic
          complexed with bcd
          1. region a:77-163 [145952] picpiclink
        5. 1z0m picpic
          automatically matched to 1Z0M A:77-163
          complexed with bcd
          1. region b:77-156 [145953] picpiclink
        6. 1z0m picpic
          automatically matched to 1Z0M A:77-163
          complexed with bcd
          1. region c:77-156 [145954] picpiclink
  22. Sec63 C-terminal domain-like [158893] (1)
    C-terminal part of Pfam 02889
    1. Protein pro2281 [158894]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [158895] (1)
        SQ Q9P172 209-322
        1. 2q0z picpicxref
          1. region x:209-322 [149994] picpiclink
  23. SVA-like [158896] (1)
    Pfam 05326
    1. Prolactin-inducible protein, PIP [158897]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [158898] (1)
        SQ P12273 29-146
        1. 3es6 picpic
          formerly c2ICNB (obsolete)
          complexed with bma, co3, man, nag, ndg, p6g
          1. region b:1-118 [158195] picpiclink

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