Structural Classification of Proteins
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Fold: Octreotide (Sandostatine), a somatostatine analogue


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: Designed proteins [58788]
    Experimental structures of proteins with essentially non-natural sequences. Not a true class
  3. Fold: Octreotide (Sandostatine), a somatostatine analogue [58902]


  1. Octreotide (Sandostatine), a somatostatine analogue [58903] (1)
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily
    1. Octreotide (Sandostatine), a somatostatine analogue [58904] (1)
      1. Octreotide (Sandostatine), a somatostatine analogue [58905]
        1. Synthetic [58906] (2)
          1. 2soc picpic
            1. chain a [46449] picpiclink
          2. 1soc picpic
            1. chain a [46450] picpiclink

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