Structural Classification of Proteins
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Family: Middle domain of MutM-like DNA repair proteins

contains 4 helices in the core


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: All alpha proteins [46456]
  3. Fold: S13-like H2TH domain [81297]
    core: 3-4 helices
  4. Superfamily: S13-like H2TH domain [46946]
    contains a helix-two turns-helix (H2TH) motif
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily
  5. Family: Middle domain of MutM-like DNA repair proteins [81626]
    contains 4 helices in the core

Protein Domains:

  1. DNA repair protein MutM (Fpg) [81620]
    1. Thermus thermophilus [TaxId: 274] [81608] (1)
      1. 1ee8 picpicxrefxref
        complexed with zn
        1. region a:122-210 [75823] picpiclink
        2. region b:122-210 [75826] picpiclink
    2. Bacillus stearothermophilus [TaxId: 1422] [81611] (9)
      1. 1r2z picpicxrefxref
        bound to 5,6-Dihydrouracil (DhU) containing DNA
        complexed with dhu, zn; mutant
        1. region a:135-228 [96892] picpiclink
      2. 1l1z picpicxrefxref
        covalent-DNA intermediate
        complexed with ped, zn
        1. region a:135-222 [75911] picpiclink
      3. 1l1t picpicxrefxref
        bound to abasic-site containing DNA
        complexed with hpd, zn
        1. region a:135-220 [75908] picpiclink
      4. 1l2d picpicxrefxref
        DNA estranged guanine mismatch recognition complex
        complexed with hpd, zn
        1. region a:135-220 [75920] picpiclink
      5. 1l2c picpicxrefxref
        DNA estranged thymine mismatch recognition complex
        complexed with hpd, zn
        1. region a:135-220 [75917] picpiclink
      6. 1r2y picpicxrefxref
        bound to 8-Oxoguanine (OxoG) containing DNA
        complexed with 8og, zn; mutant
        1. region a:135-228 [96889] picpiclink
      7. 2f5q picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1r2ya1
        complexed with 8og, zn; mutant
        1. region a:135-228 [133004] picpiclink
      8. 1l2b picpicxrefxref
        DNA end-product structure
        complexed with ad2, zn
        1. region a:135-223 [75914] picpiclink
      9. 2f5s picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1r2ya1
        complexed with 8og, zn; mutant
        1. region a:135-228 [133007] picpiclink
    3. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [81614] (1)
      1. 1k82 picpicxrefxref
        covalently trapped with DNA
        complexed with ped, zn
        1. region a:129-216 [75866] picpiclink
        2. region b:129-216 [75869] picpiclink
        3. region c:129-216 [75872] picpiclink
        4. region d:129-216 [75875] picpiclink
    4. Lactococcus lactis [TaxId: 1358] [81615] (7)
      SQ P42371
      1. 1tdz picpicxrefxref
        complexed with fox, gol, zn
        1. region a:132-219 [106787] picpiclink
      2. 1pjj picpicxrefxref
        complexed with 3dr, gol, zn; mutant
        1. region a:132-223 [104164] picpiclink
      3. 1xc8 picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1pjja1
        complexed with fox, gol, zn
        1. region a:132-222 [121852] picpiclink
      4. 1pji picpicxrefxref
        complexed with cry, pdi, zn
        1. region a:132-218 [104161] picpiclink
      5. 1pm5 picpicxrefxref
        complexed with 3dr, gol, zn
        1. region a:132-222 [104190] picpiclink
      6. 1nnj picpicxrefxref
        complexed with cry, pdi, zn; mutant
        1. region a:132-219 [80669] picpiclink
      7. 1kfv picpicxrefxref
        complexed with cry, mse, pdi, zn; mutant
        1. region a:132-219 [75886] picpiclink
        2. region b:132-217 [75889] picpiclink
  2. Endonuclease VIII [81703]
    1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [81704] (9)
      SQ P50465
      1. 1k3x picpicxrefxref
        complexed with bro, gol, ped, so4, zn
        1. region a:125-213 [77242] picpiclink
      2. 2ea0 picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1k3wa1
        complexed with gol, ped, so4, zn
        1. region a:125-214 [146754] picpiclink
      3. 1k3w picpicxrefxref
        complexed with ped, so4, zn
        1. region a:125-214 [77239] picpiclink
      4. 2opf picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1k3wa1
        complexed with gol, ped, so4, zn; mutant
        1. region a:125-214 [148963] picpiclink
      5. 1q3b picpicxrefxref
        complexed with gol, mg, zn; mutant
        1. region a:125-213 [104518] picpiclink
      6. 1q3c picpicxrefxref
        complexed with gol, mg, zn; mutant
        1. region a:125-213 [104521] picpiclink
      7. 1q39 picpicxrefxref
        complexed with ca, zn
        1. region a:125-213 [104515] picpiclink
      8. 2oq4 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1k3wa1
        complexed with na, ped, so4, zn; mutant
        1. region a:125-213 [148978] picpiclink
      9. 2oq4 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1k3wa1
        complexed with na, ped, so4, zn; mutant
        1. region b:125-212 [148981] picpiclink
  3. Endonuclease VIII-like 1 (NEIL1) [109740]
    1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [109741] (1)
      SQ Q96FI4 1-333
      1. 1tdh picpicxrefxref
        complexed with tmn
        1. region a:132-246 [106772] picpiclink

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