Structural Classification of Proteins
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Superfamily: Riboflavin synthase domain-like

link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: All beta proteins [48724]
  3. Fold: Reductase/isomerase/elongation factor common domain [50412]
    barrel, closed; n=6, S=10; greek-key
  4. Superfamily: Riboflavin synthase domain-like [63380]
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily


  1. Riboflavin synthase [63783] (2)
    duplication: consists of two homologous domains
    1. Riboflavin synthase [63784]
      trimerizes via the additional C-terminal helix
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [63785] (4)
        SQ P29015 1-87
        1. 1i8d picpic
          1. region a:1-93 [61953] picpiclink
          2. region a:94-206 [61954] picpiclink
          3. region b:1-93 [61955] picpiclink
          4. region b:94-206 [61956] picpiclink
          5. region c:1-90 [61957] picpiclink
          6. region c:97-201 [61958] picpiclink
        2. 1pkv picpic
          complexed with rbf
          1. chain a [104168] picpiclink
          2. chain b [104169] picpiclink
        3. 1hze picpic
          N-terminal domain only
          complexed with rbf
          1. chain a [61434] picpiclink
          2. chain b [61435] picpiclink
        4. 1i18 picpic
          N-terminal domain only
          complexed with rbf
          1. chain a [61520] picpiclink
          2. chain b [61521] picpiclink
      2. Fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) [TaxId: 4896] [82113] (1)
        1. 1kzl picpic
          complexed with crm, hg
          1. region a:1-92 [77635] picpiclink
          2. region a:93-202 [77636] picpiclink
  2. Ferredoxin reductase FAD-binding domain-like [63381] (19)
    coupled with a NADP-binding domain of alpha/beta class
    1. Ferredoxin reductase (flavodoxin reductase) N-terminal domain [50415]
      1. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) [TaxId: 3562] [50416] (7)
        1. 1fnd picpicxref
          complexed with a2p, fad, so4
          1. region a:19-154 [25626] picpiclink
        2. 1fnb picpicxref
          complexed with fad, po4, so4
          1. region a:19-154 [25628] picpiclink
        3. 1bx1 picpicxref
          complexed with fad, po4, so4; mutant
          1. region a:19-154 [25629] picpiclink
        4. 1bx0 picpicxref
          complexed with fad, po4, so4; mutant
          1. region a:19-154 [25630] picpiclink
        5. 1fnc picpicxref
          complexed with a2p, fda, so4
          1. region a:19-154 [25627] picpiclink
        6. 1frq picpicxref
          complexed with fad, po4, so4; mutant
          1. region a:19-154 [25632] picpiclink
        7. 1frn picpicxref
          complexed with fad, po4, so4; mutant
          1. region a:19-154 [25631] picpiclink
      2. Garden pea (Pisum sativum) [TaxId: 3888] [50417] (4)
        1. 1qfz picpicxref
          complexed with fad, ndp, so4; mutant
          1. region a:1-153 [25633] picpiclink
          2. region b:514-653 [25634] picpiclink
        2. 1qfy picpicxref
          complexed with fad, nap, so4; mutant
          1. region a:1-153 [25635] picpiclink
          2. region b:514-653 [25636] picpiclink
        3. 1qga picpicxref
          complexed with fad, nap, so4; mutant
          1. region a:1-153 [25637] picpiclink
          2. region b:514-653 [25638] picpiclink
        4. 1qg0 picpicxref
          complexed with fad
          1. region a:13-153 [25639] picpiclink
          2. region b:1013-1153 [25640] picpiclink
      3. Paprika (Capsicum annuum) [TaxId: 4072] [50418] (1)
        1. 1sm4 picpicxref
          complexed with fad, po4
          1. region a:67-207 [98913] picpiclink
          2. region b:1067-1207 [98915] picpiclink
      4. Maize (Zea mays), leaf isoform [TaxId: 4577] [50419] (2)
        1. 1gaw picpicxref
          complexed with fad
          1. region a:11-156 [25643] picpiclink
          2. region b:10-156 [25644] picpiclink
        2. 1gaq picpicxrefxref
          complexed with fad, fes
          1. region a:19-156 [25645] picpiclink
          2. region c:19-156 [25646] picpiclink
      5. Maize (Zea mays), root isoform [TaxId: 4577] [63786] (1)
        1. 1jb9 picpicxref
          complexed with fad
          1. region a:6-162 [62840] picpiclink
      6. Cyanobacterium (Anabaena sp.), pcc 7119 [TaxId: 1167] [50420] (25)
        1. 2bmw picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1e62a1
          complexed with fad, so4; mutant
          1. region a:9-141 [128815] picpiclink
        2. 1ogi picpicxref
          complexed with fad, so4; mutant
          1. region a:9-141 [92914] picpiclink
        3. 1ogj picpicxref
          complexed with fad, so4; mutant
          1. region a:9-141 [92916] picpiclink
        4. 1w34 picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1e62a1
          complexed with fad, so4; mutant
          1. region a:9-141 [120620] picpiclink
        5. 1qgy picpicxref
          complexed with fad, so4; mutant
          1. region a:9-141 [96344] picpiclink
        6. 1que picpicxref
          complexed with fad, so4
          1. region a:1-141 [25647] picpiclink
        7. 1w35 picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1e62a1
          complexed with fad, so4; mutant
          1. region a:9-141 [120622] picpiclink
        8. 1go2 picpicxref
          complexed with fad, so4; mutant
          1. region a:9-141 [76243] picpiclink
        9. 1b2r picpicxref
          1. region a:9-141 [25648] picpiclink
        10. 2bsa picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1ewya1
          complexed with fad, nap; mutant
          1. region a:9-141 [129078] picpiclink
        11. 1qh0 picpicxref
          complexed with fad, so4; mutant
          1. region a:9-141 [68891] picpiclink
        12. 1qgz picpicxref
          complexed with fad, so4; mutant
          1. region a:9-141 [68889] picpiclink
        13. 1bjk picpicxref
          complexed with fad, so4; mutant
          1. region a:9-141 [25649] picpiclink
        14. 1h42 picpicxref
          complexed with fad, so4; mutant
          1. region a:9-141 [90606] picpiclink
        15. 1e64 picpicxref
          complexed with fad, so4; mutant
          1. region a:9-141 [59289] picpiclink
        16. 1e63 picpicxref
          complexed with fad, so4; mutant
          1. region a:9-141 [59287] picpiclink
        17. 1gjr picpicxref
          complexed with fad, nap
          1. region a:9-141 [70197] picpiclink
        18. 1e62 picpicxref
          complexed with fad, so4; mutant
          1. region a:9-141 [59285] picpiclink
        19. 1h85 picpicxref
          complexed with fad, so4; mutant
          1. region a:9-141 [65716] picpiclink
        20. 1bqe picpicxref
          complexed with fad, so4; mutant
          1. region a:9-141 [64760] picpiclink
        21. 1quf picpicxref
          complexed with fad, nap
          1. region a:8-141 [25650] picpiclink
        22. 1gr1 picpicxref
          complexed with fad, so4; mutant
          1. region a:9-141 [76319] picpiclink
        23. 1ewy picpicxrefxref
          complexed with fad, fes
          1. region a:1-141 [25651] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-141 [25652] picpiclink
        24. 1w87 picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1e62a1
          complexed with fad, nap; mutant
          1. region a:9-141 [120712] picpiclink
        25. 1w87 picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1e62a1
          complexed with fad, nap; mutant
          1. region b:9-141 [120714] picpiclink
      7. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [50421] (1)
        1. 1fdr picpicxref
          complexed with fad; mutant
          1. region a:2-100 [25653] picpiclink
      8. Azotobacter vinelandii [TaxId: 354] [50422] (1)
        1. 1a8p picpicxref
          complexed with fad
          1. region a:2-100 [25654] picpiclink
    2. NAD(P)H:flavin oxidoreductase [50423]
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [50424] (1)
        1. 1qfj picpicxref
          complexed with gol
          1. region a:1-97 [25655] picpiclink
          2. region b:1-97 [25656] picpiclink
          3. region c:1-97 [25657] picpiclink
          4. region d:1-97 [25658] picpiclink
    3. Nitrate reductase core domain [50425]
      1. Corn (Zea mays) [TaxId: 4577] [50426] (3)
        1. 2cnd picpicxref
          complexed with fad
          1. region a:11-124 [25659] picpiclink
        2. 1cnf picpicxref
          complexed with adp, fad
          1. region a:11-124 [25660] picpiclink
        3. 1cne picpicxref
          complexed with fad; mutant
          1. region a:11-124 [25661] picpiclink
    4. cytochrome b5 reductase [50427]
      1. Pig (Sus scrofa), liver [TaxId: 9823] [50428] (1)
        1. 1ndh picpicxref
          complexed with fad
          1. region a:3-125 [25662] picpiclink
      2. Rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId: 10116] [69273] (3)
        SQ P20070 33-300
        1. 1qx4 picpicxref
          complexed with fad; mutant
          1. region a:33-153 [104624] picpiclink
          2. region b:33-153 [104626] picpiclink
        2. 1i7p picpicxref
          complexed with fad
          1. region a:29-153 [66048] picpiclink
        3. 1ib0 picpicxref
          complexed with fad, nad
          1. region a:29-153 [66105] picpiclink
      3. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [117215] (1)
        SQ P00387 30-300
        1. 1umk picpicxref
          complexed with fad
          1. region a:30-153 [113312] picpiclink
    5. Phthalate dioxygenase reductase [50430]
      contains additional 2Fe-2S ferredoxin domain
      1. Pseudomonas cepacia, db01 [TaxId: 292] [50431] (1)
        1. 2pia picpicxrefxref
          complexed with fes, fmn
          1. region a:1-103 [25663] picpiclink
    6. Benzoate dioxygenase reductase [74959]
      1. Acinetobacter sp. [TaxId: 472] [74960] (1)
        1. 1krh picpicxrefxref
          contains 2Fe-2S cluster in the C-terminal extension
          complexed with fad, fes, so4
          1. region a:106-205 [72891] picpiclink
          2. region b:106-205 [72894] picpiclink
    7. Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase B, PyrK subunit [50433]
      1. Lactococcus lactis, isozyme B [TaxId: 1358] [50434] (3)
        1. 1ep3 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with fad, fes, fmn
          1. region b:2-102 [25664] picpiclink
        2. 1ep1 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with fad, fes, fmn
          1. region b:2-102 [25665] picpiclink
        3. 1ep2 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with fad, fes, fmn, oro
          1. region b:2-102 [25666] picpiclink
    8. Flavohemoglobin, central domain [50436]
      contains additional globin domain
      1. Alcaligenes eutrophus [TaxId: 106590] [50437] (1)
        1. 1cqx picpicxrefxref
          complexed with dgg, fad, hem, na
          1. region a:151-261 [25667] picpiclink
          2. region b:151-261 [25668] picpiclink
      2. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [74961] (1)
        1. 1gvh picpicxrefxref
          complexed with cl, fad, hem, na
          1. region a:147-253 [70602] picpiclink
    9. Methane monooxygenase component C, MmoC [117216]
      1. Methylococcus capsulatus [TaxId: 414] [117217] (1)
        SQ P22868 99-348 # structure of the N-terminal, 2Fe-2S ferredoxin domain is also known (1JQ4; scop_sp 69669)
        1. 1tvc picpicxref
          complexed with fda
          1. region a:2-110 [112681] picpiclink
  3. NADPH-cytochrome p450 reductase FAD-binding domain-like [50438] (3)
    there is an alpha-helical subdomain inserted in this domain
    1. NADPH-cytochrome p450 reductase [50439]
      1. Rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId: 10116] [50440] (4)
        1. 1ja1 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with epe, fad, fmn, nap; mutant
          1. region a:240-518 [62803] picpiclink
          2. region b:240-518 [62806] picpiclink
        2. 1amo picpicxrefxref
          complexed with fad, fmn, nap
          1. region a:243-518 [25669] picpiclink
          2. region b:243-518 [25670] picpiclink
        3. 1j9z picpicxrefxref
          complexed with fad, fmn, nap; mutant
          1. region a:240-518 [62792] picpiclink
          2. region b:240-518 [62795] picpiclink
        4. 1ja0 picpicxrefxref
          complexed with fad, fmn, nap
          1. region a:240-518 [62798] picpiclink
          2. region b:242-518 [62801] picpiclink
    2. Sulfite reductase flavoprotein [50441]
      1. Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562] [50442] (2)
        1. 1ddg picpicxref
          complexed with fad, so4
          1. region a:226-446 [25671] picpiclink
          2. region b:226-446 [25672] picpiclink
        2. 1ddi picpicxref
          complexed with fad, nap
          1. region a:226-446 [25673] picpiclink
    3. Neuronal nitric-oxide synthase FAD/NADP+ domain [69274]
      1. Rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId: 10116] [69275] (2)
        SQ P29476 750-1413
        1. 1f20 picpicxref
          complexed with fad, fmt, gol, nap
          1. region a:963-1232 [64932] picpiclink
        2. 1tll picpicxrefxref
          complexed with fad, fmn, nap, so3
          1. region a:959-1232 [107128] picpiclink
          2. region b:2959-3232 [107131] picpiclink

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